Sentences with phrase «notice is necessary in cases»

Formerly even under the Tenant Protection Act, the landlord had to have a good reason to come in, such as to make necessary repairs, but now under the Residential Tenancies Act, they can claim it is just to do an No notice is necessary in cases of emergencies, if you give the landlord permission to do so, or in cases where a notice to terminate the lease (by either the tenant or landlord) has been given.

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There are notice and other requirements that the government must follow, in this case, but no court judgment is necessary.
If the United Kingdom, having already triggered Article 50 TEU, make a unilateral attempt to revoke this notice, and this exercise of prerogative power were submitted to judicial review before the UK courts, then a substantive interpretation of EU law would be necessary to determine the question in the case.
(b) in the case of the death of the person insured, if a declaration of presumption of death is necessary, the notice or proof is given or furnished no later than one year after the date a court makes the declaration.
For example in Ishaq v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2015 FC 156, (a case about whether a woman could wear her niqab during a citizenship ceremony), six public interest groups — including the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the National Council of Canadian Muslims — were refused permission to intervene, as the court determined that they could not advance their proposed arguments without social science evidence to back them up; nor could the court take judicial notice (facts and materials are accepted on a common sense basis without being formally admitted in evidence) of any of the facts necessary to support the arguments.
Key Singapore: applications to the Commercial Court under sections 67,68 and 69 of the Arbitration Act 1996 in relation to issues of time limits for lodging notice of appeal where there has been a private submission to arbitration in a salvage case and whether it is necessary to lodge a separate notice of appeal in relation to an award on costs only.
And, while courts should be careful to avoid giving the impression, in the notice they give to the parties, of having prejudged the issue, it is not necessary, save in rare cases, for a judge or panel who raised a new issue to recuse themselves.
In case of the unfortunate event of a death, a written notice of the death is necessary.
It will not only help motivate the tenant, in many cases it is necessary to show a notice to the agency doing the helping.
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