Sentences with word «nourisher»

I would like to see church schools become nourishers of dreamers and creators of doers, providing growing minds with the insights of Christian hope and with the empirical data of secular futurists, setting imaginations free to create images of wonderful future worlds that could really be.
Overall, here are my favorites in this order 1) the coconut + rice sheet masks 2) the balancing moisturizer and 3) the daily lip nourisher.
Skin Nourisher — the fatty acids are directly absorbed through the skin, nourishing and providing energy.
These leaves are known as overall nourishers and strengtheners and are full of vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, and protein.
They're amazing kidney nourishers and boost Qi.
Infused with skin - softening nourishers and argan oil, this cream repairs, heals hand quickly and keep them ultra smoother all day long.
The final part of this book is to spell out in some detail the ethics of the Kingdom of God, and to specify what mission the church might undertake as the bearer and nourisher of Christian visionary reason.
The products: BLUE LOTUS Balancing Moisturizer, Daily Lip Nourisher, and BLUE LOTUS Coconut + Rice Nourishing Sheet Mask
He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter - in - law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has borne him» (Ruth 4:14 - 15).
Of course one ought to read the Bible because it is the word of God and a nourisher of the Christian life!
The «son in his old age» theme in the Abraham story is here applied to Naomi and expressed in the glad words of the neighbor women in Bethlehem: «He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age.»
The final section calls the church to be a nourisher of Christian ideals for the society of tomorrow.
The task of the church is to be the bearer and nourisher of Christian visionary reason in a society increasingly dominated by technological reason.
My purpose is to help parents like you be the best role model, nourisher, and effective feeder so you raise a healthy child.
It is not only the septic system of the body, it is also the nourisher.
It's the nourisher, cleanser and defender of the body.
There is an element of being a female that transcends even the idea of individual freedom; it concerns the idea of woman as the life - giver and nourisher of mankind.
Arnold Lehman, director of the Brooklyn, which receives about a third of its funding from the city, said: «The idea of this painting is to venerate the Virgin Mary as the nourisher of black Africa, of soil, all of that.
«In Buddhism, a tree is the provider and nourisher of all life forms, symbolizing longevity, health, beauty and even compassion,» said Tenzin Lekphell, who coordinated the initiative.
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