Sentences with phrase «nova eruption»

However, it may be possible for these L - type supergiants to form through stellar collisions, an example of which is V838 Monocerotis while in the height of its luminous red nova eruption.
This series of photographic plates spanning six weeks in 1942 shows the old nova of 1437 A.D. undergoing a dwarf nova eruption.
«People most often associate stellar explosions with ancient stars, like a nova eruption on the surface of a decaying star or the even more spectacular supernova death of an extremely massive star,» Bally says.
From the original description, the team knew they were looking for a nova eruption — an extremely powerful explosion, where a white dwarf is fed by hydrogen from a nearby star.

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A kilonova is about 1,000 times brighter than a nova, which is caused by the eruption of a white dwarf.
With this, two new phenomena have been discovered: the fast flare... ▽ More The eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii on 28 January 2010 is now the all - time best observed nova event.
Abstract: The eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii on 28 January 2010 is now the all - time best observed nova event.
Eclipsing variables of this type may develop into eruptive «dwarf novae» similar to U Geminorum and SS Cygni, and U Pegasi has been observed to exhibit flares or eruptions of small amplitude that may presage more violent activity at a later stage of evolution.
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