Sentences with phrase «novel thought»

When I first started looking into publishing my first novel I thought this was the route to take into self - publishing.
My recently published novel I think falls into the quiet.
We've already seen a sampling of voice - driven narratives and sprawling sagas representing favorites among critics; just last week HuffPost staff writers selected a range of novels they thought stood out.
Posner and a colleague at the University of Oregon conducted another study that shed light on novel thinking, this one using an EEG.
Founder Levi Felix, who is a friend, also runs Camp Grounded, the 100 percent off - the - grid summer camp for adults, «When we unplug for longer periods of time, we reconnect with with our own novel thoughts, our creativity heightens, blood pressure lowers and we are able to truly take stock in what's most important in life,» he tells me in an email.
Nevada Copper (NCU: TSX)-- ups their reserves plus novel thinking increases cash flow projections.
«Although we are still far from knowing to what extent worms and their ilk influenced the geochemical history of our planet, this is a novel and testable hypothesis, which will inspire novel thinking,» writes Filip Meysman, a biogeochemist at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research in Yerseke, in a commentary on the research in Nature Geoscience.
If people buy your literary novel thinking it's going to be a sizzling love story, they will not be pleased.
In fact, just about every time I finish a Mosley novel I think that a year spent reading only his books would be an interesting way to spend «A Year of Walter Mosley,» if you will.
As one of the prominent figures of British art, Howard Hodgkin introduced novel thinking into the art of painting.
Novel thought, eh?
That is hardly a novel thought, but it is nonetheless the backbone in a literal sense — the «structure» — of a good story.
Here's a novel thought, Tal Luken: Why not vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not just the one that adheres to your own narrow belief?
Or, here's a bizarre and novel thought, don't pray to any God if you don't want to.
The third leg of this table might be the most important, and this isn't a novel thought, but the modern postseason series favors the super-bullpens.
Here's a novel thought for those of you who seem so eager to judge women not breastfeeding: 20 % of us can not produce what our babies need (in my case, I topped out at 3 oz / day).
A novel thought might strike me in the shower.
The title of Docteur Honoris Causa was conferred to Dr. Eng due to her demonstrated excellence, leadership, novel thinking and remarkable dedication to her field of study.
I haven't done that yet but I do think it's a novel thought and worth mentioning.
Now there's a novel thought.
No one sits down to spend a few months or years writing a novel thinking «wow, if this book is priced too high the Kindle readers will just move on to another book priced more reasonably with which they'll be just as happy.»
As soon as I started writing short (and very poorly written) novels I thought that surely I could one day publish these gems.
Jason idolizes his cousin Hugo at first, but by the end of the novel thinks he's «smarmy,» and sometimes Jason's father appears heroic, but at other times, callous and cowardly.
When I first started reading this novel I thought «Super, a book about Olympic caliber cyclists» which was for me of interest in and of itself.
The home front during World War II and into the 1950's has always interested me, but with this novel I think Ellen Feldman takes on too much and doesn't fulfill her ambitions.
The Yomiuri Shinbun's Sugoi Awards have been announced — these are readers» picks for the manga, anime, and novels they think would do best abroad.
InvestorLine's adviceDirect service costs a rather stiff 1 per cent of assets in an account, but it represents some novel thinking in how to set up clients to invest effectively and, of course, generate revenue for the firm.
Here's a novel thought, too... if you don't like the price of the game, or don't think it's worth your money, vote with your wallet...
Health Canada kicked off the week with a novel thought: caffeine guidelines for 4 - year - olds.
What a novel thought.)
How novel a thought that husband AND wife should co-author a book on marriage.
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