Sentences with phrase «novel writing software»

A fantastic, eclectic interview including the use of novel writing software, becoming an author - entrepreneur as well as publishing from the mid-list and writing novels to sell.

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The musicians were using an IRCAM - written artificial intelligence software program called OMax designed to learn in real - time the typical features of a musician's style and then use those lessons to alter the musical output, giving the flavor of a machine collaborating with a musician to yield a novel improvisation.
A regular columnist for Microsoft's learning site, Ansary has written nonfiction books for children, jokes for a mathematics program («edutainment» software), a literary memoir, several novels for «reluctant readers,» a series of educational comic books called Adventures Plus, countless letters to friends, and one two - line play.
What technology and software (or lack thereof) are you going to use to write your novel this year?
This online writing software has designs for all types of books, from novels and memoirs to white papers and textbooks.
It's been tough as I am used to Final Draft software for screenplays but it doesn't work well with novel writing.
With a good outside editor and a professional cover designer, a well - written novel is high quality no matter what software it is created in.
I've researched for software for novel writing but have been told it's not worth investing into it.
If you wrote your novel in Microsoft Word, or some other writing software, don't panic.
Her written work includes user manuals for off the shelf software and a debut science fiction novel titled Vokhtah.
StoryCraft Corp — offers writers software for screenplays, plays, novels, fiction, short stories, and creative writing.
I wrote my novel on a brilliant creative writing software package, WriteItNow, which cost me a grand total of $ 59.
Thousands of novels, stage plays, comic scripts, and Hollywood films and TV shows have been written and produced with Write Brothers software.
If I was just starting out writing, say, a novel or a screenplay, or maybe starting up a new software company, I wouldn't try to quit my job in order to make this big, dramatic heroic - quest thing about it.
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