Sentences with phrase «now accepted the way»

Referees are one step ahead of the loophole created by this, and the signal below is now an accepted way to communicate that a check is in progress and the restart should wait.
Muslim dating is now accepted the way it has never been before.
However, re-entering the dating scene via an online dating website is now an accepted way to meet new people.
ICOs are now an accepted way out for startups

Not exact matches

«For me, it's either we set the terms now and take the lead role, or 20 years down the line, we're the poor cousins who accept any deal thrown our way
It now seems to be more accepted than it used to be that entrepreneurs will make mistakes along the way — that not all projects work, and sometimes you just have to pull the plug.
Business - to - business and business - to - consumer are still relevant ways to classify your business, but to remain relevant with communications, you should accept the fact it's now human - to - human — the purchaser is still a person, no matter what type of business you're in.
After Benchmark filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Uber's former CEO on Thursday, Puliatti now says there is «no way» that he will accept an investment from one of Silicon Valley's most prestigious venture capital firms.
And the way things stand now, thats what the homosexual has to do... find a place that is accepting that has a theology you can live with.
if i buy all of you magic sky daddy believers a one way ticket to meet him in heaven right now, will you kindly accept this gift as an offering to the population of earth who can think?
In 50 years African Americans are slave of white people and now we have African American president... and I am so happy for that... you will see a day coming may be in 100 years more or less Americans will accept Islam and will become a Muslim majority country... the way Americans are reverting to Islam...
Now as a Christian I follow the new testament, and so striving to be Christ like as a Christian I accept everyone for who they are, I love them and do not presume to know the right way for them to live their life, instead I simply open my arms to others and know that all people of all faiths are just fine it doesn't matter to me what you do with your life all that matters is the way that you do it... that was my understanding of christs teachings anyways
And given the way in which sex and gender now lie at the heart of contemporary notions of identity, the law could effectively require churches to accept any and every identity claim of every person who passes through its doors.
Now please explain why the only way out of solipsism (a philosophical idea, not a fact) is to accept that god exists and is good.
«here am I / now only / touch wounded / wait & listen two ways / share insight / accept them and yet I move on to assure their independence» / repeat as needed»;
I have thought about this way of reading Scripture for a few years now, and while I like that it upholds the accuracy and truthfulness of Scripture, I just can not accept it as a right way to read Scripture.
Now these theories are interesting, although as theories they are indemonstrable and can only be accepted on the basis of a particular way of reading the New Testament material, differing according to the assumptions of those who study this material.
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
now hes in the kingdom on his throne how much more powerfull now and us being his servants and conduits we have all the power of heavenat our disposal by his will.and we are to walk in the darkest places but we have a brighter light and when we go to the dakests we leave that light the darkest place bescomes the brightest place becuause the power used there stays if accepted and kept.we leave a lighted path for others to receave and gets the all deserving glory praise and thankfullness and worship and love he wants.we are always should have the servent learn to lead we serve when we lead we still serve and people will do the same when they see how well its system works.bless you and follow his path and make ways for him and others.
Is it possible and after reading about it i kept on thinking «i will sell to my soul for 20 carats get out shut up i will never ever sell my soul to you oh god please help me and this is continuing for a few days i am afraid that i have sold my sold to the devil have i please help and still i think god's way of allowing others to hate him us much worse even you know and can easily think think about much better punishments like rebirth after being punished for all the sins in life and i am feeling put on the sin of those who committed the unforgiviable sin (the early 0th century priests) imagine them burning in hell fire till now for 2000 years hopelessly screaming to god for help i can't belive the mercy of god are they forgiven even though commiting this sin keans going to hell for entinity thank you and congralutions i think the 7 year tribulation periodvis over in 18th century the great commect shooting and in 19th century the sun became dark for a day and moon was not visible on the earth but now satun has the domination over me those who don't belive in jesus crist i used to belive in him but now after knowing a lot in science it is getting harharder to belive in him even though i know that he exsists and i only belived in him not that he died for me in the cross and also not for eternal life and i still sin as much as i used to before but only a little reduced and i didn't accept satan as my master but what can i do because those who knowingly sin a lot and don't belive in jesus christ has to accept satan as their master because he only teaches us that even though he is evil he gives us complete freedom but thr followers of jesus and god only have freedom because they can sin only with in a limit and no more but recive their reward after their life in heaven but the followers of satun have to go to hell butbi don't want to go to hell and be ruled by the cruel tryant but still why didn't god destroy satun long way before and i think it was also Adam and eve's fault also they could have blamed satan and could have also get their punishment reduced but they didn't and today we are seeing the result
The reason for this transition, Luke indicates, is not because God has now «chosen» the Gentiles instead of His other «chosen» people, the Jews, but because the Gentiles were more open to hearing, considering, examining, and accepting the things Paul preached to them, while the Jews are more set in their traditional ways and beliefs, and so are less willing to consider that they might be wrong.
For now I'm accepting my own personal challenge to teach in a way that is not coercive or oppressive, but encourages people to happily recognize their own spiritual condition and to willingly move deeper into a life of love.
We shall return to Jeremias's work on the parables again and again, for it is epoch - making in several respects, but for the moment we want only to call attention to the consequences of this work so far as a general view of the nature of the synoptic tradition is concerned the success of Jeremias's work demands that we accept his starting - point, namely, that any parable as it now stands in the gospels represents the teaching of the early Church and the way back from the early Church to the historical Jesus is a long and arduous one.
I realise now and even then to a smaller degree, that I was only loved and accepted if I did all the right things according to their way.
Now you tell me... who is the one that really deserves the sympathies of the world: The person who has accepted the reality of the way things are and finds peace in it, or the person chasing a dream that will never come true?
In the absence of proof that the God so confidently invoked by the orthodox bishop really exists in the world, perhaps Merrick in his last moments is yet attempting, in his confused way, to «Follow the way by which [others] began,» as Pascal wrote, accepting the sacraments, discipline and consolations of the church and now imitating Christ's death as if he believed in their efficacy.
AND And teaches us to say yes And allows us to be both - and And keeps us from either - or And teaches us to be patient and long suffering And is willing to wait for insight and integration And keeps us from dualistic thinking And does not divide the field of the moment And helps us to live in the always imperfect now And keeps us inclusive and compassionate toward everything And demands that our contemplation become action And insists that our action is also contemplative And heals our racism, our sexism, heterosexism, and our classism And keeps us from the false choice of liberal or conservative And allows us to critique both sides of things And allows us to enjoy both sides of things And is far beyond any one nation or political party And helps us face and accept our own dark side And allows us to ask for forgiveness and to apologize And is the mystery of paradox in all things And is the way of mercy And makes daily, practical love possible And does not trust love if it is not also justice And does not trust justice if it is not also love And is far beyond my religion versus your religion And allows us to be both distinct and yet united And is the very Mystery of Trinity
Suffice it to say that the conceptuality which I accept — and accept because it seems to do justice to deep analysis of human experience and observation, as well as to the knowledge we now have of the way «things go» in the world — lays stress on the dynamic «event» character of that world; on the inter-relationships which exist in what is a societal universe, on the inadequacy of «substance» thinking to describe such a universe of «becoming» and «belonging», on the place of decisions in freedom by the creatures with the consequences which such decisions bring about, and on the central importance of persuasion rather than coercive force as a clue to the «going» of things in that universe.
The Elector was pleased with the good intake of students being achieved, and was placing no opposition in the way of the formation of a new policy which was generally accepted now that Karlstadt had come round to it, and a formal set of Theses on the subject had been successfully defended.
I now relate even more and am having to accept my own ways of doing things too.
Van Natta, then a New York Times correspondent and now an investigative reporter for the paper, was surprised that Clinton accepted his invitation, because Van Natta had been told that Clinton hated an earlier story he had written on the president's rule - bending ways (in golf).
The Arsenal legend Robert Pires has already accepted that that is now out of our reach and that it is time for the Gunners to just go all out to take the Europa League trophy as the only way we can save our season and get to next years Champions League.
For starters I say change our attitude and now accept our flaws, that way at least we can go forward.
Now Boro have accepted the offer — which as the second improved bid from City — for Johnsonand he is now on his way to the North East to discuss personal terNow Boro have accepted the offer — which as the second improved bid from City — for Johnsonand he is now on his way to the North East to discuss personal ternow on his way to the North East to discuss personal terms.
As he says, that has been one of the ways in which the 27 - year old has improved his game and so by accepting that he did not do his job at Old Trafford, can Arsenal fans expect to see Theo getting stuck in again from now on?
There is a third way too, involving a new keeper, but I CA N'T EXPECT HIM TO ACCEPT THAT, NOW CAN I?
«Some clubs are paying or they don't buy because they don't accept the numbers that are now ruling the market, or to do it they have to go [to] the same levels and for me that's what worries me a little bit because now we speak about # 30 million, # 40 million, # 50 million in such an easy way,» said the United manager.
In parenthesis, the FA, in its familiar cack - handed way, had made a dog's dinner into enquiring whether Mourinho had called her the daughter of a whore, which it now seems he accepted that he did, engaging a linguist who duly and mistakenly reassured them that the Portuguese word which Mourinho used was filho rather than filha meaning son rather than daughter which in context made no sense at all.
Should I accept the way it is now, and live with him who's otherwise a good husband?
Now that everyone can, perhaps we need to consider whether we're ready to create a society that accepts, includes and validates all ways of living — coupled or not — and doesn't privilege people solely for their romantic and sexual life.
Another, much cheaper and healthier way of dealing with you now saggy breasts is to — eh — simply accept them!
By all means, say yes; now is not the time to let independence or a sense of pride get in the way of accepting well - meaning offers of help.
Global Summit on Ending Corporate Punishment and Promoting Positive Discipline Registrations are being accepted now for this June 2011 conference in Dallas, Texas, that will assemble, for the first time, an international group of leading policy makers, attorneys, educators, children's rights activists, and researchers from multiple disciplines (e.g., anthropology, criminology, history, medicine psychology, social work, and sociology) as well as other interested individuals who concur that corporal punishment of children is an unsuitable and potentially damaging way to discipline and teach children.
Accept the fact that you are not feeling good right now and that it will not always feel this way.
But from that point on he started using the potty chair and is now way more accepting of his new lifestyle than his brother.
My 3 year old was so interested in the baby that was on its way and was completely accepting of the idea that the baby would need mommy's milk now.
From the time when the Columbine school shooting rocketed through the news, to now when cry - it - out sleep training is being openly debated rather than just merely accepted as the norm — reflecting the huge change we, as a culture, are having on the idea of relationship — there was 1 or 2 generations of individuals who were transitioning from the «old» way of relating — hierarchical and fear - based authority — to this «new» way: collaborative, emotionally literate, and focused on problem - solving.
At the time I did want everyone to find a solution to their individual problems, but I realize now that what those mothers found was freedom to work it out for themselves, a place where they could see other mothers working it out for themselves, different ways of coping and reliable information offered in a friendly, accepting way, where children and their mothers really mattered.
The first secretary of state told the BBC News Channel just now that the government accepted the responsibility of finding a «procedural way forward:
«I'm running to fight decades of regressive taxes that we now simply accept as a way of life,» he said.
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