Sentences with phrase «now ad infinitum»

Not exact matches

lets go with that; now you have to admit that your intelligent designer, is more complex than us, thus he / she needs a designer, and so forth ad infinitum....
Due to the low resolution of this technique, and also to Bentley's aesthetic preferences, he mostly photographed the large, symmetrical star - shaped flakes — the ones that are now reproduced ad infinitum on greeting cards and in newspaper ads.
I tend to get a bit hypoglycemic (even while eating low GI index foods) when I'm physically active for long periods of time... like now, when I'm unpacking boxes ad infinitum.
Now you've completed your cyber search and explored the issue of endangered species ad infinitum, but your students are still fired up and anxious to show off what they've learned.
At the other are the many agents now uploading files to Amazon or other etailers in an account in their own name, and collecting 15 % of the sales revenue ad infinitum
From creep monsters that pop up every now and then to something even more terrifying, we can also be certain that Ad Infinitum is going to be one amazing horror game for PS4 this year.
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