Sentences with phrase «now falls as rain»

More precipitation now falls as rain rather than snow in northern regions.

Not exact matches

The planned community can be accessed only through tunnels underneath the railways that once brought ore to be turned into steel, but which have now flooded and closed off all traffic, as the rain continues to fall.
The forecast now threatens flooding as temperatures rise and rain falls on snow.
They found that irrigation - linked cooling grew noticeably in the 1950s as irrigation rates exploded, and that more rain is now falling downstream of these heavily watered regions.
Now that you are shown to be wrong about rain, drought, Australian cliamte, aquifers, etc. you go fall back on the sincerity of your argument as a winning proposition.
Every now and then, however, the shear is low and a cluster of thunderstorms joins up and creates a persistent updraft as warm wet air is pulled into the low pressure underneath, is lifted up (cooling), and falls back as much cooler rain.
Even if the glaciers melted — which we now know, as a result of «Glaciergate», is a prospect that has been deferred by some three centuries — rain and snow would still fall on the mountains, and make their way to the sea.
Now, however, the internet has made everyone a publisher and has moreover, as someone once said to me, greased the skids of prolixity: people who wouldn't otherwise dream of buttonholing you to announce that the rain was falling will feel free to offer you online aperçus in the very same flow as their valuable thoughts.
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