Sentences with phrase «now laughing at»

What would a young attractive woman want with a balding, fat, impotent and self centered man??? I am now laughing at him!!!
Whole world is now laughing at us.
Too many executions now laugh at the people, not with.
At last he was able to look at men as God does and to pity (without ceasing to judge) them for all their sins, even for the malice and cruelty which had driven the nails through his hands and now laughed at his anguish.
I've contemplated giving up my season ticket for about the last five years, driving my mates mad, continually telling them «this is my last season», now they laugh at me, «yeah, yeah we've heard it all before» they say, all because of this manager.
Now I laugh at my old self.
If we once laughed at the surprise touch of a parent or sibling, we now laugh at the surprise twist of a punch line.
Looking back now I laugh at how far away from the truth that was.
Thanks to that, I can now laugh at fitness magazines and all of their «colorful marketing».
Intelligent use of supplements, exercise, and a moderately low carb diet have kept me from slipping into any diagnosed disease — in fact, most doctors would now laugh at my concerns based simply on fasting blood sugars — but I work hard.
Some law firms did not provide their lawyers Blackberries, and these firms are now laughed at.

Not exact matches

Sure, if you've paid attention to lived experience it's no huge shock that laughter begets more laughter, but now scientists have confirmed the fact in a recent theoretical study that explains not just why we laugh and why its contagious, but also why it's good to start an infection at your business.
Both companies are betting that the same customer base who would have laughed at the idea of paying $ 6 for a cup of coffee 20 years ago but now does so daily can be persuaded to do the same for a carefully steeped cup of Jasmine Oolong.
So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.»
No one who knew the Mendiburus back at High Point Regional High School, in Wantage, N.J., is laughing now.
Now we're all going to laugh at the T.I.N.A. acronym the next time the market gets bludgeoned — and it sure is overdue for a healthy beating one of these days.
People laugh at me now,» she told The New York Times.
A great example of how people are laughing at the fear tactics is the t - shirt some clever entrepreneur is selling now (after Peter MacKay's stupid remarks about our provincial election) that says, «Peoples Republic of Albertastan», embellished with decorative drops of oil!
«Now I call my friends who laughed at me in 2001 and I just smirk.»
Now his master the devil is laughing at him!
Now you have the gall to get offended when we laugh at your ridiculous beliefs.
A thousand years from now, they will be laughing at people of today.
Every now and again, when there's nothing else on, my hubby and I put them on and laugh at the idj - its for about a minute then find something else to watch.
Put lotion on your thighs and bless them, eat food that makes you roll your eyes back in your head with a groan of delight, hug, touch, wonder at your own muscles and sinews, welcome the tears, let them fall the way that they have needed to fall, and laugh laugh laugh, now we know, you taught me, didn't you?
Anyone who knows anything at all about the scientific method is laughing uncontrollably right now.
I often get jealous of the people who «strike it rich» with book deals and conference invitations, who get the parties and the fame because they were bad but now they found Jesus, but then I look back over my life, at how far Jesus and I have walked together, what we have been through together, and how we have suffered, and grieved, and rejoiced, and laughed together, and I realize that no book deal, bank account, or applause from men could ever substitute for what I have with Jesus.
I laugh at this Neochristian / Intelligent Design angle in which science has now become confirmation of proof of god.
He's laughing at you and spending your money on daiquiris at a Bermuda beach right now.
He's probably hanging out with Jesus right now laughing it up at Gandhi's expense.
Susan, now a bankable discovery, was then roundly patronised by such mega-talents as Amanda Holden and the aforementioned Morgan, who told her: «Everyone laughed at you but no - one is laughing now.
We laugh and scorn these moronic decisions now, but at the time they seemed «right» and «correct» to us.
And yet, now that they are in their mid and late teens, they would be the first to laugh at the notion of «brain washing» and express to you the freedom of thought they enjoyed while growing up.
How about «you are clearly bullying me» and when laughing at them for saying that, them responding with «and now you are laughing».
An opinion that would have been considered a self - evident absurdity and only laughed at a decade or two ago is now taken seriously because it can be exchanged for a high price in outrage» outrage both from those who agree and those who disagree» which is the media's coin of the realm.
In case one who was about to learn to dance were to say, «For centuries now one generation after another has been learning positions, it is high time I drew some advantage out of this and began straightway with the French dances» — then people would laugh at him; but in the world of spirit they find this exceedingly plausible.
Now, you might laugh at this, I've had some people tangle with me because they loved my brain.
But I'm pretty sure that preserving the sacredness of sexuality means speaking about it with reverence, respect, and truth (and with some humor now and then too, as I'm convinced that our ability to laugh at ourselves has a direct correlation to our ability to spot the idols in our lives).
In the opening sections he laughed at the way in which the theme of faith and works had now been taken up so widely by all preachers — «they slyly leave their sermon book under the bench and whatever else the shouting in the pulpit used to be about, and they begin to preach to us again on faith and good works, about which one never used to hear or know anything».
It is EXACTLY the situation that we face in our church right now, and as such has been very helpful in getting some of the leadership team who currently feel quite beaten down to laugh at the essential truth of the same situation, thus making it easier to work to change.
I used to laugh my head off at Laurel and Hardy and could still do it now.
The power imbalance is laughing at me in the face right now it's disgusting.
But now he could find a way out, and eventually laugh back at the devil.
Yesterday I thought I'd broken a rib laughing so hard at that women in a CNN story when she said that used to believe that AIDS was a punishment from God... until she contracted it herself and now understands that she was wrong.
For those Christians that are laughing at Harold Camping, saying that his claims are unsound and unhealthy, saying that he should not be allowed to influence those around him... For those Christians who I have actually heard say, «This guy is crazy», and mock the concept as something you can't believe people actually bought into... Now you know how we, the nonbelievers, feel about you.
You just have to know that all of the other beings in the galaxy are laughing uncontrollable at this planet and it's inhabitants right now.
Now we can discuss (or just laugh at) my favorite You Tube videos.
Now I'm just enjoying all the little parts of being on the team — laughing with my teammates and coaches, joking around at meals, seeing thousands of people show up to watch us practice.
I'm laughing right now because — and I think this is a mistake — you said that «cream, creme brulee, or sour cream» usually go in to the soup at the end.
Ok, so I was totally laughing at your red carpet comment... I never make the same dessert twice now.
You laugh to yourself and enjoy the attention because your kids made the dough, and your secret is a premium pizza stone now firmly at home in your oven, for years more enjoyment to come.
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