Sentences with phrase «now point people»

This is my way of documenting it in one place, in my own words, using my own data, as a reference to now point people too.
But a gospel - saturated approach will seek to redeem and reconcile all the elements of that culture so that where they once pointed people to sin, slavery, and death, they now point people to love, freedom, and life.

Not exact matches

Now, Keir Dillon and his six - person team at Frends are on a mission to seize a large swath of the market with premium headphones for women that are treated more like designer handbags than the «shrink - it - and - pink - it» products that had plagued the category to that point.
Now, you might be thinking at this point, that by introducing as much content as possible, you are spamming people.
Now, when you drop in a photo, a new facial recognition system can identify that there's a person in the photo and adjust the cropping and position automatically, making the person the focus point of every shot.
WITH the economic prospects of Aboriginal people in the Kimberley uncertain after Woodside Petroleum put its onshore gas project at James Price Point on hold, we are left wondering whether the region should now be classified a basket case.
Whatever the reason, confirmation Jared and Ivanka aren't heading to China hands wondering who now is the Trump administration's point person for the Middle Kingdom.
The primary point that people are missing, he argues, is that money being pumped into Spain from Europe is going to the banking sector through the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring, a government - sponsored organization that will now be overseen by the IMF, and not the Spanish government itself.
Yes (as his lawyer pointed out) people do make mistakes, and even a mayor can be forgiven for an incidental breach of a rule now and then.
As executive vice-president and chief information officer for Indigo, Serbinis was the point person on Shortcovers, which he now describes as a «pilot» project designed to take the company's theories off whiteboards and out of conference rooms and test them in the marketplace.
The Verge points out that some of the department's top ranking people now work for Uber, including six out of eight of NREC's commercialisation specialists, and Anthony Stentz, the centre's director for the past four and a half years.
The one major point in favor of your argument that you didn't highlight is that most people using a Roth IRA assume that they'll make more money in the future than they do today, thus realizing a lower tax rate by paying taxes now than they would have in the future (even assuming tax rates stay constant).
In North Carolina, state laws and tax incentives that favor solar projects selling power directly to the electrical grid have helped the industry expand to the point where it now powers more than 400,000 homes and employs around 7,000 people.
I was thinking this the other day, when a lot of the Facebook executives get on Twitter and feel victim - y, they're doing their victim - y dance right now a lot of the time, and at one point, Boz, Bosworth, when he said, «Maybe people will die,» that memo, and instead of being like, «Oh god, we really have to be more mature about this,» their thing was, «We can't talk now
And Charlie do you agree with that or do you think people run the risk of not knowing what they're doing and sending things to the wrong addresses because now they're dealing with multiple coins at this point.
Preston: And Charlie do you agree with that or do you think people run the risk of not knowing what they're doing and sending things to the wrong addresses because now they're dealing with multiple coins at this point.
As a starting point, one rule of thumb is that people should invest about 15 % of their gross household income in order to live as well in retirement as they do now.
«Now we're about to enter into another round of finger - pointing and second - guessing while people all over the region wait for buses and Skytrains that don't come, break down or are so crowded they pass by.
Getting to this point with CETA took nearly 10 years and now suddenly Canada will enjoy free trade with Europe (a huge market of more than 500 million people in 28 countries).
So we are the earliest version of the sharing economy from a serviced office point of view, and people are now realising that shared services are environmentally friendly and good business decision.
Now, a number of people have pointed out that we typically invert before a recession and historically such inversions have been the case most of the time — but not always if you go back far enough in time — and you should since this is not a normal economy.
People will pay more in the more expensive store just to get points on their card, and a nice lump sum pay - out later, rather than save the odd cent or two now.
«Do you know how many times people pointed to that interview and said, «Hey, remember that time Mark Zuckerberg said it was crazy and now look?
With massive and increasing structural deficits; exploding debt in all sectors; hostile demographics; social and political fracturing and disintegration; grotesque wealth inequality; extraordinary global trade competition; a complete collapse of respect for vital government organizations such as the Justice Department and FBI, which the people now realize have gone rogue; an extremely complex and corrosive global geopolitical environment; the real prospect of war, potentially nuclear and worldwide; not to mention numerous additional factors, we can only point to few other times in history more dangerous to the people's financial welfare, and therefore more overall bullish for gold, one of the only financial sanctuaries proven to work in times of dislocation.
So our nonfoundationism is a decision against the progressive devotion to History; the point of life is to keep the people around right now as alive, free, and comfortable as possible, not to use them as fodder for some glorious future.
Now any attempt to abstract a person is going to be of limited utility, but I let's try this point of view: maybe Obama is, on domestic policy, a mostly unreconstructed 1970s upper middle - class left - liberal who.
Now any attempt to abstract a person is going to be of limited utility, but I let's try this point of view: maybe Obama is, on domestic policy, a....
Since the emergence of the new political landscape dominated by the Ethiopian Revolutionary People's Democratic Front (ERPDF) in 1991, Protestantism in Ethiopia has grown to the point where it now accounts for almost 21 percent of the population.
Having been a Baptist for nearly twenty years and a Latter - day Saint for 35 years now, I can tell you his religion, if it is lived fully, will only make him a much better person, and not one you would have any problem trusting from a character and moral point of view.
Exactly my point; if according to the Bible and Christ's words himself — that even the Son of God has no idea about the 2nd coming; I am now supposed to believe what men on earth say??!!!!! Seriously, how stupid are some people — these are the same people who claim they are religious elite!
Can a process theology account for the just God of the Bible who is, if I am not mistaken in my exposition up to this point, now calling his people in Latin America to revolution?
For now, I would point to John 6:28 where some Jewish people ask Jesus what God wants them to do.
We have reached a point in a society were it has been determined by enough people to influence the government that we must now take better care of PEOPLE, so that's what the lawpeople to influence the government that we must now take better care of PEOPLE, so that's what the lawPEOPLE, so that's what the law does.
Now, think from the point of view of a person of other religious faith.
I been saying this a number of times in the blogs now, that if someone other than Christian did this at a meeting... I will tune them out if I choose to... my point had been... why cant anyone else tune people out..
Indeed, as former bishop of Worcester Peter Selby long ago pointed out, the real source of our indebted society is this: «Lending money has become the best way of making it, and there is a large constituency of people now with a strong interest in maintaining that situation.»
Taubes makes the telling point that Tillich's «depth» of being — which is reached by the «ultimate concern» of the existing person — is not a transcendent reality lying beyond the world, but is instead the ultimate ground of the being which we now are.
People look at this from the stand point of NOW... the early religious building were built to overwhelm and scare people so as to control them... early religious structure were not for the people to ENTER... they were places where the priest visited to SERVE THE GODS THAT LIVE OR VISITED THERE... AND GET MESSAGES FROM THE SECRET UNSEEN GODS to convey to the people... this goes back even before the great Egyptian temples and gods... way way back into prehiPeople look at this from the stand point of NOW... the early religious building were built to overwhelm and scare people so as to control them... early religious structure were not for the people to ENTER... they were places where the priest visited to SERVE THE GODS THAT LIVE OR VISITED THERE... AND GET MESSAGES FROM THE SECRET UNSEEN GODS to convey to the people... this goes back even before the great Egyptian temples and gods... way way back into prehipeople so as to control them... early religious structure were not for the people to ENTER... they were places where the priest visited to SERVE THE GODS THAT LIVE OR VISITED THERE... AND GET MESSAGES FROM THE SECRET UNSEEN GODS to convey to the people... this goes back even before the great Egyptian temples and gods... way way back into prehipeople to ENTER... they were places where the priest visited to SERVE THE GODS THAT LIVE OR VISITED THERE... AND GET MESSAGES FROM THE SECRET UNSEEN GODS to convey to the people... this goes back even before the great Egyptian temples and gods... way way back into prehipeople... this goes back even before the great Egyptian temples and gods... way way back into prehistory.
Sexual orientation has been the focal point for quite some time for special attention in law to overcome disadvantage (real or alleged) for those with attraction to persons of the same sex; and now, increasingly those who wish to change sex or dress as a person of the opposite sex.
Seeing all the frightened, angry, ignorant people here points to why the US is in so much trouble now...
Now that the Council of Cardinals has met eight times, the Pope is seeking a turning point, and to bring this about he is filling the College of Cardinals with people who he believes share his vision.
Ok, now for the first part: It's clear that [laughing] is not well read, because he has argued that people are still reading when clearly my [right turn clyde] point is that people are not.
But you point to a different set of people, Ross, that should have objected to the war at the beginning and are now declaring that they are empowered by the Republicans» defeat on Tuesday: old conservatives of the Reagan and Bush - I eras, such as Brent Scowcroft or George Will.
Now, I say member of our family not because I am ashamed of him I say that because I believe its not my right to point him out also I know how mean people can be.
Case in point: I have actually had the Lord SAY things to me that some other person I met somewhere else had an exact same story of the Lord saying the exact same freaky thing to them — and I KNOW this person didn't know my story, and now I'm feeling I'd be illegitimate to tell him that the Lord spoke the exact same thing to me, because he shared his story first.
If I may, although in its inception, zombie mythology focused solely on the living dead, however with the additions to zombie myth, zombies can now be alive or dead depending on the movie or show you are watching, really as long as it's a mob of people who have lost their humanity and are cannibals are considered zombies at this point.
People say things like «God never changes» but his methods of engaging with humanity have certainly changed, from the extreme of the Levitical law with all its focus on foods, hygiene etc, to the point where we now have 2 laws — loving God and loving others, and the example of Jesus to show us what that means in practice.
wow... glad you set us all straight with your reasoned points... guess billions of people over the past two thousand years wished they hadn't wasted their lives... perhaps I should just give up my relationship with God because you are now the walking authority
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
He says at one point that «the Country Parson upon the afternoons in the weekdays takes occasion sometimes to visit in person, now one quarter of his Parish, now another.
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