Sentences with phrase «now see stories»

You now see stories of high school players undergoing serious reconstruction surgery before they even graduate.
Although there are some Christians, such as the Creationists in the USA, who insist on the literal accuracy of the biblical account of creation, the majority of Christians would now see the stories as mythological.
And we are now seeing this story play out in the transformation of public schooling.

Not exact matches

«Right now, we're seeing two stories in the small - business economy: one for today, another for tomorrow,» says Michael Alter, the chief executive and president of SurePayroll, in a statement.
Becky Hammon, who became the first NBA assistant coach last year, and this year coached the San Antonio Spurs to a win in the NBA's Summer League, told Fortune, «Now that this door has been opened, maybe we'll see more of it, and hopefully it will not be a news story
Major outlets have been using UGC content for a number of years now — but more and more, we're seeing consumers go directly to the source to see the full story rather than the edited version some mainstream media will co-opt and share.
When users open a new tab in Firefox, they'll now see three recommended stories from Pocket.
In doing so, you'll begin to see some common trends and identify a story that connects who you are now to who you were at the beginning.
Add to that the consideration that users will also soon be able to cross-post their Instagram Stories to Facebook direct (Facebook have now confirmed this is being rolled out), and it's fairly clear to see — if you want to reach more people (which means more dollars), you use Instagram.
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Now that you've had the time to consider the Handshake story, what would you most like to see the network deliver?
In December, the Times reports, Cohen saw a news story about Putin praising Trump and emailed his old friend (apparently Sater) «Now is the time... Call me.»
The laws of competition and competitive strategy are now very much at work within the private equity industry, and we can see the best funds putting their real endeavors behind that, not only so they've got a good story to tell at [the] time of next fundraising, but also to deliver the great returns that their investors are expecting.
Instagram announced users can now add GIF stickers to all photos and videos uploaded to Stories with more than 100,000 moving stickers to choose from, as well as see which movable images are trending.
Every now and then I'll take a thematic approach to the asx, for example, go through all the companies in a particular sector, see if their story resonates and then see whether they are making any money.
Now that all the content calendars are integrated (and tracking data is in place), the team can see, for example, that a story on industrial safety was used across all regions or that EMEA chopped a different story in half to run as a blog.
«Our new museum now does justice to the abbey's whole story, showcasing its most important artefacts, many of which have never been seen before.»
Now after reading this, I am starting to see it ain't about how many verses of the Bible you can quote or how to relate stories of the Bible to everyday questions, it's about the Love of God.
I served this country, volunteered for war, and now am left to deal with idiots like you who want to see stories like this, read some kind of republicanized twist into everything, blame Israel and Obama for your own personal failures (to include turkey farms - which I abhor unless free range), then go ahead: you're embarrassing yourself, your family, and every good person, Jews included, that you know.
Mormons are now running their own form of propaganda on all forums when it comes to any critic of their religion.You can see it on this story already.Say Jorge and Canadianlady and many others.Baptisim is for the living not the dead and the reasons for Mormon baptisim is suspect at the very foundation of their baptism policy.
The challenge now becomes to see my own story, with which I began, in terms of God's story which has now grasped me and taken me out of myself
We can now begin to see Bultmann's New Testament work as a phase in the ongoing story.
Rather, I now see Christianity as a story among many stories about The Story that all stories articulate in part, through a glass dastory among many stories about The Story that all stories articulate in part, through a glass daStory that all stories articulate in part, through a glass darkly.
And Yahweh is jewish terminology is the same now that mean Allah and Yahweh are the same being but christian god is unknown I don't know what he is, And Muhammad in the Qur» an is the last of all Prophets and Messengers and is known as Rehmat ul alimeen the mercy of the world he forgive his most bitterest enemies who tortured him and his followers for believing in one true God.Now Muhammad never try to fake a miracle, the pig is forbidden to eat even in the jewish testament and so even here bible agrees but I don't know why christians eat pork.Secondly wine was forbidden because Muhammad's companions saw the evil in it.So please don't speak without having proper knowledge or Blurting out made up stories that actually have no sense, the jews call Jesus the false prophet, Sorcerer, Necromancer etc would you beieve those stories or be angry.Surely we both know the answer
Now, narrative vision or seeing the world in the form of a story is out of fashion in our world.
Over the last six years the New York Times regularly ran front - page stories on the latest stem - cell news, largely to embarrass the Bush administration, and now we rarely see stem - cell stories on any page.
Now we look back and it seems a foolish thing to question... and that's exactly how future generations will see this story and thousands like it.
Trying to apply that story to theological discussions such as predestination, who God hates, people's eternal destiny and similar topics is probably a case of trying to find Bible stories to support a theological viewpoint, as in «this is our theology, now let's see if we can find some verses in the Bible that might support our views».
Right now the best answer we have is to get these stories out there, into the public for as many people as possible to see.
There are other scholars who defend the substantial historicity of the tomb pericope, and since we must reckon with this possibility, we now turn from the literary form of the story to its content to see in what way the latter may point to historical reliability rather than to legend.
It's not all that glitters is gold; «Alf the story has never been told: So now you see the light, eh!
We are now reflecting on a ritual model of communication: reality is maintained and transformed f or us by the stories and the symbols and the myths we see (and process) on TV and other shared media.
Right now the primary hashtag is «#ikeptliving,» and we're seeing so many folks from all over use that — not only to spread the word about what we're doing but to share their own stories and even their own pain within that.
No... I actually began questioning Christianity and all religions when I was in elementary school and in history class while learning about the greek gods and their myths thought «Well... let's see... these people really believed in these gods and those stories... thought they really happened... but there was no evidence they did and we all know they're not real now... so what's different between that and Christianity and other religions?»
It is now my intention to draw out from the story of Abraham the dialectical consequences inherent in it, expressing them in the form of problemata, in order to see what a tremendous paradox faith is, a paradox which is capable of transforming a murder into a holy act well pleasing to God, a paradox which gives Isaac back to Abraham, which no thought can master, because faith begins precisely there where thinking leaves off.
Skim through the 10,000 responses to the original story any you'll see plenty of folks all claiming that the victims are presently now in heaven.
Still, we must notice that the way Obama told the story undercuts the protect - the - real - persons rationale for creating a composite, because we can now see that anyone who actually knew the young Obama and Cook might have read Dreams and thought «I didn't know Genevieve was so obtuse about black culture.»
But my biggest problem with all these stories is with the idea of a god who generally tries to hide anything that could be seen as real evidence (because you need faith) and then slips up and shows it every now and then in very culturally and belief specific ways.
But thanks for the storynow millions more can see it.
Particular suspicious are the stories of those who «once were blind, but now they see
One need only read the story of Abigail to see that then, as now, many a wife and mother had the brains and character of the family and by one device or another successfully expressed them.
Against a background of these events and actions, in which more than fifty congregations are now involved and in which hundreds of people have gained experience in dealing with elected and appointed authorities, the story of the Nehemiah Project can he understood As Saul Alinsky said: «The relevant skill in modern urban life is that of knowing how to hold public officials accountable» — and that, as we shall see, is what EBC and the Nehemiah Project have been all about.
Now, we are sure that tradition reinterpreted and no doubt somewhat modified the story in the light of this heresy; but we are unable to see any reason for denying that the story was already in existence then and that in fact the Yahwistic heresy of image representation began in the beginning of Israel's life as a people, in the first, Mosaic chapter of that life.
So the stories began to flood back, only now, instead of thinking of them as glimmers of grace, they were seen for what they really were: signs of God transforming the world and breaking their assumptions that this is the way things have to be — cruel, bitter, unjust.
I'm sure you're sick of seeing me make Pumpkin Butter on Instagram stories, because I have made it four times now.
It's now a World Heritage site, and I think you can see why: This is a sundial — and it's really impressive (at about 4 stories high!)
Now, if you saw the photos in Levi's birth story you ** may ** have noticed I like bright colors.
Now if you follow my Instagram story, you've seen me whip up marinated tofu similar to this recipe but I've never really documented it.
«Such trends as those we see emerging in e-commerce packaging have stories that are just now being written.
And I've never even seen A Christmas Story so now I'm feeling like we need to watch that too!
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