Sentences with phrase «nuchal cord»

Operative Findings include:... male infant in vertex presentation, occiput posterior with a tight nuchal cord.
Edited and updated: July 2014 To get this blog going I decided to write about a slight obsession of mine: The fear of, and routine midwifery management of nuchal cords at birth (umbilical cord around the neck).
The failure to diagnose may occur not only during labor and delivery but also during a woman's pregnancy, if complications such as nuchal cord occur.
Baby B was limp and cyanotic on delivery with nuchal cord x 1, required PPV for 3 minutes before being transitioned to CPAP.
The failure to timely diagnose and handle nuchal cord (the wrapping of the umbilical cord around a fetus's neck) during a woman's pregnancy can also result in serious injury or death to the fetus.
I didn't know that a very tight double nuchal cord that caused the doctor to struggle and gasp, with a true knot in her cord wasn't what everyone had.
How to manually assist the delivery of the baby including nuchal cord, nuchal arm, shoulder dystocia, unusual presentation, and perineal support.
Many mothers fear that the umbilical cord, also called nuchal cord, might wrap around baby's neck.
So tell the doctor hands off unless there's a serious medical need to be yanking on the freshly emerged baby, like shoulder dystocia or a severe nuchal cord.
And guess what, my 10 lb (we expected a big baby as his older brothers were each over 9 lbs) baby got stuck with a shoulder dystocia AND a freaking Nuchal cord.
If, for example, an obstetrician fails to timely order or perform a C - section when nuchal cord is detected and this failure is found to have been a cause of the baby's HIE childbirth injury, the obstetrician may be found liable for the damages suffered by the child as a result of the injury in an action for medical malpractice.
Nuchal cord frequently occurs during labor and delivery as well as pregnancy and must be immediately responded to in order to avoid serious HIE or other injury to the fetus.
HIE injuries may result from medical malpractice during a mother's pregnancy if, for instance, nuchal cord develops and is not timely detected or handled.
The study notes that in 30 of the 289 cases of nuchal cord babies, labor ended in C - section.
This may occur when the fetus is deprived of oxygen by getting stuck in the birth canal, when the baby is not delivered within 24 hours of the mother's water breaking, or when the umbilical cord becomes wrapped around the baby's neck (known as nuchal cord).
One study showed that about 85 % of babies with nuchal cords were still able to be birthed vaginally, with no adverse outcomes.
When there is a tight nuchal cord the baby isn't getting any more blood by waiting [just being strangled].
She caught the baby and undid the double nuchal cord!
Common examples of complications that can lead to a fetus's death or serious injury include nuchal cord (the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the fetus's neck) or placental abruption.
While it's true that this is a common occurrence (present in 20 percent to 30 percent of births), the nuchal cord rarely impedes baby's descent or delivery, according to research in the Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health.
Topics included: hind water leak, water birth, private midwife, hemorrhage, retained placenta, nuchal cord, Tresillian, placenta encapsulation, cervical scar tissue, home birth.
No clue how to handle a nuchal cord.
I have attended births where the three handed catch merely meant mom's boyfriend had a gloved hand sort of near the baby as she was lifted up to mom, and I've been to births where a washed but bare handed partner did almost everything except check for a nuchal cord.
A nuchal cord is rarely a problem: Dispelling a common myth.
Nuchal cords are necklaces, not nooses.
He was awesome and delt with a nuchal cord and everything!
Plus, if the baby is breech due to a short umbilical cord or a nuchal cord (the cord around its neck), attempting an inversion can cause immediate distress.
Nuchal cord is not known to cause significant fetal distress or death.
While it's normal to add a little drama to the retelling of a birth story, nuchal cord and a few knots are both super common and not as scary as they seem.
Nuchal cord is a condition where the cord wraps around the baby's neck.
And trust me, when your baby has a nuchal cord, you won't care about delayed cord clamping anymore.
Monochorionic multiples may even be monoamniotic, sharing the same amniotic sac, resulting in risk of umbilical cord compression and nuchal cord.
Nuchal Cords: the perfect scapegoat.
While the mother was reveling in her freedom to labor in her own home, her baby was being ravaged by group B strep, AND asphyxiating because of a tight nuchal cord.
Baby is born around shortly after 1:00 but doesn't come out of the water until 1:35, due to a nuchal cord....
Hutchon, D. Management of the Nuchal Cord at Birth.
During every one of my pregnancies I've learned many new words and terms that I didn't even know existed before we started having children... Words like placenta previa, nuchal cord, VBAC and HBAC (and lots of others).
The failure to diagnose or properly manage a woman's diabetes or placental abruption during pregnancy; the failure to diagnose or properly handle complications such as nuchal cord or breech presentation; and the negligent assistance of a delivery made more difficult by shoulder dystocia are only a few of the many causes of children's birth injuries due to medical malpractice.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), common indications or symptoms of prenatal asphyxia that physicians need to watch for include an unstable, erratic, or falling fetal heart rate, lack of movement by the fetus, pressure on the umbilical cord, nuchal cord (the wrapping of the cord around the fetus's neck), complications with the placenta, low maternal blood pressure, and pallor or difficulty breathing in the mother.
Such injuries may be due to medical negligence through the failure to recognize and timely respond to nuchal cord (the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the baby's head), breech presentation, or problems with the mother's placenta, to name just a few.
Birth traumas occur during the process of childbirth through, for example, the compression or prolapse of the umbilical cord, nuchal cord, or the pressure on a fetus's head or other parts of the body as the fetus passes through the birth canal.
This is a common occurrence, known as nuchal cord, that obstetricians are trained to recognize and respond to.
Evidence of nuchal cord (the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck), or compression of the umbilical cord, if not timely and properly managed, may lead to asphyxia injuries or death of a fetus.
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