Sentences with phrase «nuclear conflict as»

But in analyzing the possibility of nuclear conflict as a remedy for explosive population growth it seems that there would still be a huge amount of people left, in more misery due to the sickness afterward, so it would not necessarily solve the problem.

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The reported feat has heightened global tensions and fears of nuclear conflict, particularly between the US and North Korea, but also with nearby nations such as China.
By contrast to the model of the two World Wars, as well as to imagined models of global nuclear holocaust, the actual face of warfare since 1945 has been that of civil wars and regional armed conflicts.
As terrorist activities spread, it would be possible for nuclear war to be triggered by the irresponsible behavior of a relatively small group or nation, and for it quickly to escalate as the more responsible nations resorted to their nuclear arsenals to end the conflicAs terrorist activities spread, it would be possible for nuclear war to be triggered by the irresponsible behavior of a relatively small group or nation, and for it quickly to escalate as the more responsible nations resorted to their nuclear arsenals to end the conflicas the more responsible nations resorted to their nuclear arsenals to end the conflict.
It's also a place where there's the potential for small scale regional conflict — political at this time — such as between China, Vietnam and Japan over the Spratley islands in the South China Sea and the known unknowns around political instability in nuclear - armed Pakistan and that nation's relationship to its nuclear - armed neighbour, India.
The world has generally regarded it as really, really important for two fully nuclear capable nations to not enter any military conflict.
Even as Iran's nuclear program raises the likelihood of yet another conflict in the Middle East, the bigger threat is a potential food crisis in the making, says Lester Brown, founder of the Earth Policy Institute.
They presented historical examples of scientists helping to bring nations together dating back to the establishment of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, which was established in 1954 after World War II, and, more recently, SESAME, a major research project in the Middle East that involves scientists from nations still engaged in conflict.
Today, in times of resource scarcity, global warming and impending nuclear conflict, this claim is being boldly asserted once again — in the form, however, of a private - sector undertaking driven primarily by US tech billionaires from the new space industry, not least — as they claim — in order to secure the survival of mankind against home - made planetary collapse.
Mr. Obama stressed the issue throughout his campaign and several times in his inaugural speech, mentioning stabilizing climate in the same breath as preventing nuclear conflict at one point.
Dan [ANDY REVKIN comments: These are very important points, as anyone would recognize who's followed windmill fights, the nuclear debate, or Canada's conflicts with native communities over new «clean» hydro projects.
From a global perspective, we are faced with daunting challenges as documented in World Resources, 1996 - 97: the accelerating confluence of population expansion, increased demand for energy, food, clean drinking water, adequate housing, the destructive environmental effects of pollution from fossil fuels and nuclear waste, plus the growing divergence between the haves and have - nots and the potential for ensuing conflicts.
I am convinced that we have a long time to go before carbon fuels and any other necessary resources become scarce as long as we prevent nuclear conflicts and control the destruction of habitats that ensure biodiversity.
Nuclear is the least flexible form of conventional generation, and this conflict has resulted in negative power prices in California as well as curtailment of wind and solar.
But when debates are rehearsed simply for debate's sake, and when dogma, rather than reason, drives the conversation, it's necessary to re-examine the terms of our conflicts and the assumptions upon which they rest — such as the support of so many environmentalists for renewables over a zero - carbon energy source like nuclear, or the deep - seated resistance to biotechnology and machines when it comes to food production.
And yet conflicts between the scientific community and the environmental movement are confined to a handful of issues, such as the use of genetically modified organisms and nuclear power.
If constitutional courts are nonetheless keen to avoid preliminary references to the ECJ, this has to do with the difficulties to come to a different conclusion than the ECJ's preliminary ruling and to thereby cause an open judicial conflict — especially since such a scenario has been portrayed as the legal equivalent of a constitutional catastrophe or the first nuclear blow in EU legal scholarship.
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