Sentences with phrase «nuclear weapon designs»

The couple you mention were executed because the sketches they sent were of nuclear weapon designs.
North Korea has successfully created a miniaturized nuclear weapon designed to fit inside its missiles, NBC News confirmed Tuesday, citing a U.S. intelligence official.

Not exact matches

Further, Russia designed its nuclear weapons arsenal as absolute doomsday devices that rain up to 10 high - yield nuclear warheads down on targets at Mach 23 in a salvo that the US can't possibly hope to intercept.
Iran has said it will ramp up its nuclear program if the deal collapses and a senior Iranian official said on Tuesday that Tehran might quit a treaty designed to stop the spread of nuclear weapons if Trump scraps the agreement.
By one estimate, this amount would have been almost enough to both fund North Korea's uranium enrichment facilities, and to design, make and test its nuclear weapons,» the report said.
There is intelligence suggesting that Iran has worked on weapon designs, but not that it has developed a delivery system for any potential nuclear warhead.
Contemporary warfare has in fact taken the form of local conflicts, more often than not civil wars, in which no great alliances of nations are involved; these have been wars fought for reasons based in local rivalries, typically inflamed by historical animosities, ethnic disparity, or religious difference, rather than for reasons of global Realpolitik; they have been fought not with nuclear weapons (or, indeed, other types of weapons of mass - destructive capability) or the latest in military technology, but instead with conventional weaponry, often of old design, and often limited to rifles, knives, grenades, and light, crew - served weapons which individual soldiers can carry on their persons.
Decides that, in order to begin to comply with its disarmament obligations, in addition to submitting the required biannual declarations, the Government of Iraq shall provide to UNMOVIC, the IAEA, and the Council, not later than 30 days from the date of this resolution, a currently accurate, full, and complete declaration of all aspects of its programmes to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and other delivery systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles and dispersal systems designed for use on aircraft, including any holdings and precise locations of such weapons, components, subcomponents, stocks of agents, and related material and equipment, the locations and work of its research, development and production facilities, as well as all other chemical, biological, and nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not related to weapon production or material;
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for more weapons tests targeting the Pacific Ocean, Pyongyang announced — a day after his nation for the first time flew a ballistic missile designed to carry a nuclear payload over Japan.
The decision to lift the sanctions against Iran came on Sunday after the international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, said Iran had complied with a deal designed to prevent it developing nuclear weapons.
A design contract for the warheads is due to be signed during the parliamentary recess, and the nuclear weapons were excluded from the defence review announced last week.
Nuclear weapons are designed for specific purposes.
Despite an admirable record and firm commitment to make safety a primary criterion in weapons design, production, handling, and deployment, and to ensure that nuclear material is protected against theft, there is growing apprehension about terrorists acquiring weapons or nuclear material.
Physicists had to design computer simulations, tested against those mid-century analyses, to «predict what would happen if a weapon went off,» says Greg Spriggs, a nuclear weapon physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who is leading the project to scan and declassify the films.
Scientists in California, New Mexico win federal competition to design hardier nuclear weapon
The U.S. effort to reshape its nuclear arsenal took a big step forward today with the announcement of the winning design for a durable nuclear weapon.
A new class of nuclear weapons is being designed to replace the W - 88 warhead, which is fired from submarines.
The US set up its secrecy rules to stop the Russians learning about the design of American nuclear weapons.
«Zero knowledge» tests could let inspectors identify a nuclear weapon without learning the secrets of its design.
Of course, there are those who argue that, «Well, you can really get all of that training just by undergoing the exercise of designing a new weapon without actually building it, or if necessary building just one and sticking [it] in the nuclear weapons museum out there at Los Alamos or elsewhere.»
And similar theory holds for Iran; obviously they are under threat from this country and its vast conventional and nuclear arsenals, and therefore Iran might feel that it needs the game changer, known as a nuclear weapon, to protect itself from whatever our designs might be.
NIF is designed to achieve nuclear fusion by crushing capsules of hydrogen fuel with immensely energetic lasers, both for energy research and to help nuclear weapons designers simulate explosions.
In past negotiations aimed at reducing the arsenals of the world's nuclear superpowers, chiefly the U.S. and Russia, a major sticking point has been the verification process: How do you prove that real bombs and nuclear devices — not just replicas — have been destroyed, without revealing closely held secrets about the design of those weapons?
But the RRW program may simply be designed to address a more fundamental concern: ensuring that the U.S. retains the capacity to build and field nuclear weapons well into the future.
«It's the SKUA9 design,» Goodwin says, one of a series of primaries created by Livermore during the nuclear testing program simply to test the viability of secondaries, and never produced as a weapon.
The doomsday clock was initially designed to communicate the threat from nuclear weapons, but has since been expanded to include cyber and biosecurity and the dangers of unsustainable climate change.
But the first Reliable Replacement Warhead — and Complex 2030 behind it — is not designed with that goal in mind and, in the absence of policy statements from the current administration, it remains unclear what the role for nuclear weapons — old or new — in the U.S. might be.
That problem has been addressed by the design of a «new triad» — traditionally the three nuclear limbs comprising intercontinental ballistic missiles, air - delivered gravity bombs, and submarine - launched ballistic missiles — to include other weapons systems.
Standard reactor design helps fuel a boom After testing their first nuclear weapon in 1960, the French turned their infrastructure for enriching and processing uranium toward energy.
For 25 years, my job has been to work with Sandia and Los Alamos to design and produce nuclear weapons.
Now that the weapon design teams will be restricted to computer simulation and to above - ground experimentation, it will be harder than ever to convince bright young engineers, chemists and physicists to enter the nuclear weapons business.
The unlikely source of much of the recent information comes from data sent back to earth by a small satellite designed to detect clandestine nuclear weapons tests.
Typically, this process would take many years and several tests, although the collaboration with American weapon designers has helped to speed up Britain's programme in comparison with, say, the French (who carry out more nuclear tests per warhead design than the other nuclear weapons state).
Almost two years later at Los Alamos, Bohr showed a sketch of what he believed was Heisenberg's design for a nuclear weapon
A more complete phase diagram is immensely important to nuclear weapons designers who need to not only understand if a nuclear weapon will perform as designed, but also how it will be affected by aging.
In a similar vein, he made vague but conciliatory comments about trying to find a way forward on two other long - standing nuclear waste issues: the cleanup of Cold War — related waste at the Hanford Site in Washington state, and the stalled construction of a plant in South Carolina designed to turn some 68 tons of plutonium scavenged from U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons into so - called mixed oxide fuel (MOX).
Since the end of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Russia have been engaged in a nuclear non-proliferation effort designed to reduce the world's supply of HEU by diluting, or «blending down,» the weapons grade material into reactor grade material, sometimes called «turning megatons into megawatts.»
«Following the 1994 Shoemaker - Levy 9 comet impacts with Jupiter, Edward Teller proposed to a collective of U.S. and Russian ex-Cold War weapons designers in a 1995 planetary defense workshop meeting at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), that they collaborate to design a 1 gigaton nuclear explosive device, which would be equivalent to the kinetic energy of a 1 km diameter asteroid.
It was created in 1945 as the so - called «Z Division» of nearby Los Alamos Laboratory to design, build and test nuclear weapons.
It transpires that someone has leaked a document on to the internet claiming that Frank and Marvin took part in a covert, cold war plot to smuggle a new type of nuclear weapon, designed by Dr Edward Bailey (Anthony Hopkins) into Moscow.
You're going to need all those toys as you go against XOF, a rogue military faction intent on releasing a parasite designed to kill all English speakers while disseminating nuclear weapons to every country to ensure world peace.
The science fiction classic WarGames, in which a supercomputer designed to predict outcomes of nuclear war gains access to the real nuclear weapons control system, put it best: «A strange game.
Designs screenprint poster for a Russell Sherman concert to benefit the nuclear weapons freeze campaign; begins spending part of each summer in Provincetown, Massachusetts, where he and Gail Mazur are visiting critics at the Fine Arts Work Center.
He confesses to feeling paranoid because the branch happened to be in Tower 270, where a Manhattan Project team designed nuclear weapons.
Artist Statement «This computer - generated design includes a numerical sequence that turns the countdown of a missile launch into the countdown toward zero nuclear weapons.
Energy Probe has also been successful in stopping the export of Canada's Candu nuclear reactors, most of which have been sought by states with nuclear weapons aspirations — the Candu design lends itself to surreptitious diversion of spent fuel suitable for reprocessing into weapons grade material.
I've designed and handled nuclear weapons, and have counted individual atoms as they decay.
The terrifying possibilities created by the cold war made individuals suspicious of nuclear power: it had been a mere ruse, designed to create the possibility of weapons development while only pretending to offer us a virtually inexhaustible quantity of cheap power.
Standard reactor design helps fuel a boom After testing their first nuclear weapon in 1960, the French turned their infrastructure for enriching and processing uranium toward energy.
Our problems with nuclear power plants stems from an early design that used fuel that was friendly towards making weapons; lithium does not have that problem.
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