Sentences with phrase «nucleus consists»

The comet's nucleus consists of two distinctly separated parts.
Hydrogen nuclei each consist of a single proton, orbited by an electron.
... the Sun and most other stars is the fusion of the lightest element, hydrogen, its nucleus having a single proton, into helium, the second lightest and second most abundant, with a nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons.

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His analysis of the idea of molecular structure from «first principles» shows that if one starts from a description of the molecule as an isolated, dynamical system consisting of the number of electrons and nuclei implied by the stoichiometric formula that interact via electromagnetic forces, one can not even calculate the most important parameters in chemistry, namely, those that describe the molecular structure.8
Hermeneutics consists in deciphering these original traits in their psychological, ethical, and political expressions, then in reascending, from these expressions, to the nucleus — which I shall call kerygmatic — of freedom in the light of hope.
The discovery, published in Physical Review Letters, was made using the neutron - rich nucleus 133Sn, which consists of a single neutron coupled to the doubly - magic nucleus 132Sn, a nuclei that is very stable due to its doubly - magic status.
Analysis of the water leaving Venus's atmosphere, however, shows that many of the hydrogen ions are actually a stable isotope of the element called deuterium, which consists of a proton and a neutron (rather than just a proton) in its nucleus.
Instead, they have found that many of the rays consist of heavier nuclei, which curve more — making the job of figuring out their origin tougher.
Each molecule consists of atoms and each atom has an atomic nucleus and, orbiting around the nucleus we have electrons.
The radioactive decay of radon gas produces alpha particles (consisting of two protons and two neutrons, an alpha particle is just the bare nucleus of a helium atom), beta particles (which are actually fast - moving electrons), and gamma rays (very energetic photons).
All the elements in the periodic table consist of atoms with a nucleus of positively charged protons, orbited by the same number of negatively charged electrons.
The nuclei in matter that surrounds us consist of two building blocks, i.e., positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons.
A fly sperm consists of a tiny head containing its nucleus and a whiplike tail up to 20 times longer than the egg.
The Archaea domain consists of single - cell microorganisms that, like bacteria, have no cell nucleus or membrane - bound organelles, a sub-unit within a cell.
plasmodium A form within the life cycle of some simple organisms such as slime molds, typically consisting of a mass of naked protoplasm containing many nuclei.
The MRX device produces laboratory studies of magnetic reconnection, the convergence and violent separation of magnetic field lines in plasma, the state of matter that consists of free electrons and atomic nuclei.
DNA lives in the cell nucleus and consists of thousands of genes, each one holding the code, or «blueprint,» for building a particular protein molecule and thus ensuring a certain cell function performed by that protein.
slime mold A simple organism that consists of a single cell of creeping, jellylike protoplasm containing nuclei.
And that nucleus can be less substantial than you'd think, if you're judging it based on the comet's gigantic coma (the glowing ball that surrounds the nucleus and consists of gas).
They consist mostly of protons, in other words hydrogen nuclei, but they also can consist of nuclei of Helium or heavier elements, of electrons and other subatomic particles.
comet A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust.
Messier 58 is one of the rare galaxies that have an Ultra-Compact Nuclear Ring (UCNR), which consists of multiple starburst regions found within a very small ring around the galaxy's nucleus.
The lens consists of a core, called the nucleus, surrounded by an outer layer called the cortex, coated with a thin layer of cells called the capsule.
The lens consists of a nucleus, cortex and capsule and is suspended by many dense zonular ligaments which are attached to the capsule and connect between the ciliary body and the lens equator.
Examination by transmission electron microscopy is required to see that, in contrast to a cycliophoran, the ciliate consists of just a single cell with several nuclei.
Hydrogen is the simplest of gases consisting of one electron and a nucleus with one neutron and one proton.
Launched on Thursday at Lowe's, Nucleus is the new smart home intercom system that consists of a touchscreen tablet that serves as a modern - day walkie talkie with the ability to audio and video chat in - home with those in other rooms, as well as those miles away between homes or with any mobile device.
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