Sentences with phrase «nucleus of»

Proximal AI condition also elicited activity in the right dorsal amygdala corresponding with the central nucleus (CeA) / bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST)(32, 4, — 13; Z = 4.78), whereas the distal AI elicited activity in the right lateral amygdala corresponding to the basolateral amygdala (BLA; 32, — 4, — 24; Z = 3.77).
All the elements in the periodic table consist of atoms with a nucleus of positively charged protons, orbited by the same number of negatively charged electrons.
By increasing the energy of the electrons, scientists are increasing the resolution of the CEBAF microscope for probing ever more deeply into the nucleus of the atom.
Nineteen electrons orbit around the nucleus of a potassium atom.
In 1999, Professor Yoshiaki Taniguchi (currently at the Open University of Japan), the team leader of the current Subaru study, published a paper about the driving mechanism of the active nucleus of Seyfert galaxies such as M 77.
Images taken with an electron microscope confirmed that not only was its DNA separate from the rest of the cell, it was enclosed by a double membrane — just like the membrane envelope surrounding the nucleus of complex cells.
Grape - like structures of viral replication territories in the nucleus of a human cell visualized by click - chemistry and immuno - fluorescence confocal microscopy.
Like jewels in a vault, our precious genetic material is stored in the nucleus of a cell — sequestered away from potentially damaging cellular components and toxins so that no harm can come to it.
Opposites attract, so a molecule formed when the nucleus of one atom bonded with the negative electrons of the other.
The nucleus of a cell is spherical, not circular, and as scientists, it's up to us to find ways to observe cells as accurately as possible, Shroff said.
When a cell is oxygen starved, the enzymes that inactivate HIF - 1α instantly cease to function, allowing HIF - 1α to escape destruction, enter the nucleus of the cell, and trigger an alarm that instructs genes to adapt to a low - oxygen microenvironment.
The sun itself takes a 250 - million - year carousel ride around the nucleus of our galaxy, the Milky Way, dragging Earth along for the ride.
Although in rare cases mitochondrial genes may be transferred to the nucleus of a cell, she said the IU team found no evidence to suggest this is the case in V. scurruloideum, and that further investigation will be required to reveal the exact mechanism through which the species compensates for its missing genes.
Astronomers realized that spinning disks of gas always form around the nucleus of a new star, feeding it matter and serving as an incubator for the development of planets.
The recoil created when a neutron hits the nucleus of a xenon atom is thought to be very similar to the recoil that would be created by a WIMP.
The Event Horizon Telescope will look at black holes in the nucleus of our galaxy and a nearby galaxy, M87.
As WIMPs pass through the tank, they should, on very rare occasions, bump into the nucleus of a xenon atom.
Meanwhile, fertilisation of the egg cell activates its «ethylene signalling» pathway, which degrades the nucleus of the persistent synergid cell.
To tackle the challenge, the team developed a new approach, called 3D assembly, which determines the sequence of each chromosome by studying how the chromosomes fold inside the nucleus of a cell.
When we think of Parkinson's disease, we often focus on its motor symptoms, such as stiffness and trembling, which are caused by a gradual decrease in the dopamine supply to a brain area called the striatum, the primary input nucleus of the basal ganglia.
Residing in large numbers outside the nucleus of every cell, mitochondria contain their own DNA, with unique features that «may require a reassessment of some of our core assumptions about human genetics and evolutionary theory,» concludes Wallace, director of the Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
The cellular proteins are located in the nucleus of the cell, where the virus maintains its genetic material.
«Several years ago, our team developed an experimental approach that allows us to determine how the 2 - meter - long human genome folds up to fit inside the nucleus of a human cell.
Splicing largely takes place within the nucleus of cells, where many Rbfox1 proteins are found.
The radioactive decay of radon gas produces alpha particles (consisting of two protons and two neutrons, an alpha particle is just the bare nucleus of a helium atom), beta particles (which are actually fast - moving electrons), and gamma rays (very energetic photons).
«We're peering right down into the core of the nucleus of this active galaxy,» Readhead says.
This occurs when a nucleus of beryllium - 7 captures an electron and is transformed into a nucleus of lithium - 7, emitting a neutrino.
In last week's filing, attorneys for the Broad Institute asked patent officials to remove two of its issued patents that focus on saCas9 from the original case, as well as two other patents (and a few affiliated claims in other patents) that describe techniques for enabling the CRISPR - Cas9 construct to target the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
The team's first two decays emitted alphas four times to produce a nucleus of dubnium with an atomic weight of 262 which then split apart by fission.
Our genetic heritage is contained — and protected — in the nucleus of the cells that compose us.
Analysis of the mice tumors showed that the MM41 compound had been taken up into the nucleus of the cancer cells showing that it was able to effectively target the pancreatic cancer tumor.
Martin Brasier at the University of Oxford says the stable period may also have been vital for the evolution of eukaryotic cells — cells with a nucleus of genetic material.
Cytoplasmic transfer involves injecting a bit of cytoplasm — the jellylike substance that surrounds the nucleus of an egg — from a healthy donor egg into the egg of an infertile woman before the egg is fertilized.
The team then fused the nucleus of this pseudosperm with that of a normal, mature egg from another female.
This spot is believed to be the nucleus of the former spiral galaxy, which was ejected from the system during the collision and is now being shredded by tidal forces to produce the visible stellar stream.
In a fusion reaction, you want to get one deuterium to stick to one tritium, forming a helium nucleus of two protons and two neutrons.
The patent gives California - based Geron Corp. exclusive rights to animal embryos prepared by transferring the nucleus of a quiescent diploid donor cell into a suitable recipient cell up to and including the blastocyst stage.
1962 John Gurdon removes the nucleus from the egg cell of a frog and replaces it with a nucleus of a mature cell from a tadpole.
Histone is a protein that acts like a spool for DNA, helping to package the six - foot long DNA strand into the tiny nucleus of every cell.
Absence seizures are believed to be elicited by T - type calcium channels in the thalamic reticular nucleus of the brain that regulate influxes of calcium.
But she's baffled by how free radicals — which have very short lifetimes and travel short distances — could reach the nucleus of even adjacent cells in time to inflict DNA damage.
The ESA's Rosetta mission, which ended in September 2016, found that organic matter made up 40 % (by mass) of the nucleus of comet 67P Churyumov - Gerasimenko, a.k.a. Chury.
When a cosmic ray strikes the nucleus of a gas molecule in the atmosphere, both explode in a shower of subatomic shrapnel that triggers a wider cascade of particle collisions.
It's the result of a particular magnetic property of materials — the magnetic moment, a tiny magnetic field produced by electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom.
Rosetta was designed to orbit the tiny nucleus of Comet Wirtanen for a year as it approached the sun.
The nucleus of a deuterium atom contains one proton and one neutron; in hydrogen, the proton stands alone.
Inside the nucleus of a human cell, a single unit of DNA will stretch to some 6 billion nucleotides.
Along with black holes, neutron stars are the result of stars collapsing under gravity once their fuel burns out, until their density is about the same as that of the nucleus of an atom, at which point the protons and electrons «melt» into pure neutrons.
Disease processes often begin with mutations in the transcription factor, or in the DNA they bind to inside the nucleus of cells to regulate the complex interplay of genes needed for a healthy functioning body.
The nucleus of the americium atom is unstable.
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