Sentences with phrase «nucleus of an atom»

Fusion involves heating nuclei of atoms — usually isotopes of hydrogen — to temperatures in the millions of degrees.
Every year we read more of the unimaginably minute particles such as electrons, protons, positrons, mesons, and others named and described in quick succession as science advances, which form the outer particles and the inner nuclei of the atom.
Electrons are attracted to the positively charged nucleus of an atom.
Could spend a year of his life riding an electron around one orbit of the nucleus of an atom.
What holds the nucleus of an atom together?
Stable forms of Hadrons are Protons and Neutrons found inside the nuclei of atoms.
The nucleus of an atom is compared to a fly in a huge football stadium.
And since everything in the universe acts according to a definite pattern (electrons whiz round the nucleus of an atom and humans desire happiness - even if they are mistaken in what they do to try and get happy - and acorn trees produce acorns) then it is safe to say that there must be an intelligence moving the universe.
At one point Leclerc suggests that compounds only come about when the acting is fully reciprocal (NPE 311), but there may well be more reciprocity among persons in an intensive communal experience than between the components of some compound, e.g., between some neutron in the interior of the nucleus of an atom and one of its electrons.
Imagining antimatter in the nucleus of an atom or conceiving of fleshless selves among whom there is personal communication requires a radically new way of seeing.
The symbol depicts the atheist «A» as the nucleus of an atom.
For those who enjoy chemistry: Free radicals are an unpaired electron in orbit around the nucleus of an atom.
These WIMPs would stream past undetected, but very rarely, one should ricochet off the nucleus of an atom, releasing charge and heat.
There he investigated some of the deepest mysteries in physics, including the underlying structure of protons and neutrons, the particles that make up the nuclei of atoms.
They show that the theory can account for other effects as well, including the stability of matter: other worlds pressing in on our own stop electrons from falling into the nucleus of atoms, as they would in a purely Newtonian world.
The MIT theoretical physicist uses supercomputers to simulate how parcels of matter far too small to be seen through a microscope bind together to form the nuclei of atoms.
The accelerator achieves unparalleled precision by harnessing the power of protons, positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom.
We now know that Einstein's efforts to find an all - encompassing «unified field» theory were doomed because he knew nothing about two fundamental forces within the nuclei of atoms, forces that came to be understood only after his death.
Fermilab researchers were studying the top quark, a heavy version of the fundamental particles that make up the nuclei of atoms.
All light comes from the same physical process: An electron circling the nucleus of an atom in its customary orbit is energized — often by heat — and moves into a higher orbit.
From these scanty glimpses nuclear physicists are attempting to identify the particles and the forces at play in the dark, violent world of the nucleus of the atom.
Christopher Morris of LANL and author of the new study explained that neutrons have been essentially «fossilized» in the nuclei of atoms.
One is the existence of a new force, called technicolour, which would act like an extra strong version of the strong nuclear force, binding quarks together in the nuclei of atoms.
For the first time, scientists have detected neutrinos scattering off the nucleus of an atom.
Along with black holes, neutron stars are the result of stars collapsing under gravity once their fuel burns out, until their density is about the same as that of the nucleus of an atom, at which point the protons and electrons «melt» into pure neutrons.
(The numbers 118 and 116 refer to how many protons are in the nucleus of the atoms.)
It's the result of a particular magnetic property of materials — the magnetic moment, a tiny magnetic field produced by electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom.
In 1989 Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann made front - page news when they announced that they had fused the nuclei of atoms in a jar of water — a process that normally requires the heat of an H - bomb.
Instead, generators take electrons, which normally orbit the nucleus of an atom, and force them to move independently through the grid's closed path.
«In NMR the goal is to detect the magnetic signal from the nuclei of the atoms comprising molecules.
Like a stoic cow in a fly - ridden pasture, the nucleus of an atom is rarely perturbed by the electrons that buzz around it.
Nuclear fission is a process in nuclear physics in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei as fission products, and usually some by - product particles.
Ordinarily the nucleus of an atom is rather like a droplet of liquid.
By increasing the energy of the electrons, scientists are increasing the resolution of the CEBAF microscope for probing ever more deeply into the nucleus of the atom.
This is the interaction responsible for holding the nucleus of the atom together.
These temporary adhesive forces happen because electrons orbiting the nuclei of atoms are not evenly spaced, creating a slight electrical charge.
Electrons move in two ways: Spin, which can loosely be thought as spinning around themselves, and orbit, which refers to an electron's movement around the nucleus of its atom.
This island is predicted by current theory, which says that the protons and neutrons in the nuclei of atoms fall into discrete energy levels or «shells», each of which can hold a maximum number of particles.
Most of the charges are either too heavy (as is true for the nuclei of the atoms) or too tightly bound (as is true for most of the electrons) to vibrate significantly in response to this field.
Together with their neutral counterparts, neutrons, they form the nuclei of every atom in the Universe.
And this is [the neat] thing in that experiment; so what he [did was he] built a tank of 100,000 gallons of cleaning fluid, and you can calculate that if these neutrinos were coming from the sun and on average there are billions and billions of neutrinos that went through the Earth, one each day would hit an atom of chlorine and turn it, the nucleus of that atom, into a nucleus of an atom of argon.
The discovery of a new particle will «transform our understanding» of the fundamental force of nature that binds the nuclei of atoms, researchers argue.
Researchers from the IceCube project will place a string of Digital Optical Modules into this hole, which can detect the faint signal produced on the rare occasion when a neutrino collides directly with the nucleus of an atom in a molecule of ice.
There was just one small problem: Since neutrinos are electrically neutral, they could be detected only if they directly hit the nucleus of an atom.
ATOM EXPLORER MIT theoretical physicist William Detmold uses supercomputers to probe the fundamental bits of matter that combine to form the nuclei of atoms.
Qubits in silicon systems interact through electric fields, and Morello's team shows that it is possible to extend their reach by pulling the electron further away from the nucleus of each atom.
At the core is a phosphorus atom, from which Morello's team has previously built two functional qubits using an electron and the nucleus of the atom.
Like the force that holds ordinary protons together within the nuclei of atoms, the force between antiprotons is attractive and strong.
This means that the centre of positive charge in each molecule (due to the nuclei of the atoms) does not coincide with the centre of the negative charge (due to the electrons).
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