Sentences with phrase «null findings»

But when it came to publication, 63 percent of the bilingual boosting studies made it into a scientific journal, as opposed to 36 percent of the studies with null findings.
I'm not aware of any research that has tested the «bullying causes suicide» hypothesis that has returned null findings.
Our findings are in accordance with some observations from previous studies showing a positive association between long working hours and depression [12] but contrast with other reports of null findings [12]--[14].
As for why this study did not become international news like the earlier study suggesting that straight parents have an advantage, the reason is simple: null findings do not make for sexy headlines.
There seems to be traction of late for this idea that antioxidant supplementation is deleterious so journals may be more apt to publish those findings instead of null findings.
«But I think we're pretty confident in the null finding in this case, when you're dealing with healthy young adults.»
The researchers characterized most of the remainder as finding no difference or having null findings.
The review makes an error in its interpretation of a null finding.
The longitudinal study's null finding is not as encouraging as a positive finding would have been, but the nightmare world of increasing school segregation promised by Potter's lengthy speculations apparently did not come to pass in Milwaukee.
A possible explanation for these null findings may be that the variability in inertia and in inertia difference in a multilevel TAR model may be smaller than the variability in inertia in a multilevel AR model.
Therefore, it is difficult to ascertain whether our null findings reflect the fact that CU traits have a limited impact on emotion recognition and affective empathy within CD populations, whether they are due to the fact that we had limited statistical power to detect differences between groups, or whether they are explained by the restricted range of CU traits in our sample (as few of our CD participants had very high levels of CU traits).
Nevertheless, small sample sizes and accompanying issues with limited statistical power to detect differences between groups must be borne in mind when interpreting these null findings for the CD / CU + vs. CD / CU - subgroup comparisons.
Moreover, selective outcome reporting bias and publication bias may exist in that trials may have tested moderator effects, but did not report or publish their null findings (Dwan et al. 2008).
Second, an explanation of this null finding might be found in the specific nature of our sample.
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