Sentences with phrase «number crunchers get»

But number crunchers get antsy about words like «predict.»

Not exact matches

Fortunately, the number - crunchers at Statistics Canada aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
He's not a Bert Blyleven type, who will suddenly get a surge of support from numbers crunchers.
Rather than the humble state number - cruncher coming clean, we got King Lear with a calculator.
But before the staid numbers - cruncher realizes what he's getting into, it's too late to get out, as his increasingly unpredictable new friend drags him through a world of shoot - outs, double - crosses and espionage that could get them both killed in more ways than Calvin can count.
But before the staid numbers - cruncher realizes what he's getting into, it's too late to get out, as his increasingly unpredictable new friend drags him through a world of shoot - outs, double - crosses and espionage that could get them both killed in more ways than he can count.
Cargo Cult logicians accuse the father of Dynamic Logic of getting crunched numbers aver crunching numbers with a number cruncher.
The number crunchers at corporate get very sensitive when they start to see a lot of one star reviews, because they can quantify the how much money that loses their franchises.
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