Sentences with phrase «number of active strategies»

The first is the Return Seeking Portfolio, and it includes primarily Canadian and international equities, as well as a number of active strategies.

Not exact matches

Europe and North America's apparent dominance of the market is mostly due to fact that retailers in those regions have omnichannel marketing strategies that are more active than those elsewhere, although the average number of PSPs per European country is six.
Mary Jane co-manages the ClearBridge Sustainability Leaders Strategy, as well as a number of other active equity ESG strategies, and is a member of the ClearBridge Proxy Committee.
Below we highlight a number of popular trading strategies, signals, and setups that warrant a closer look from any active investors looking to outperform the traditional buy - and - hold strategy over the long - term.
What's perhaps most notable about this steady increase is the number of active managers entering the fray with an ETF strategy alongside their existing mutual fund businesses.
He has spoken persuasively to that large number of Germans who, although they still pay the church tax, have not been active in church life, The bishops» strategy is to isolate Küng so that he will appear to be a religious philosopher (one thinks of Bloch or Jaspers) without a visible community.
«Strategies for converting fluorescent proteins into active biosensors of intracellular biochemistry are few in number and technically challenging,» comments Campbell.
Harvey Silver, Richard Strong, and Matthew Perini have collaborated on a number of recent best sellers in education including So Each May Learn: Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences and Teaching What Matters Most: Standards and Strategies for Raising Student Achievement, both published by ASCD; Reading for Academic Success: Powerful Strategies for Struggling, Average, and Advanced Readers, Grades 7 — 12 for Corwin Press; and Thoughtful Education Press's Tools for Promoting Active, In - Depth Learning, which won a Teachers» Choice Award in 2004.
Apex Learning, for example, recognizes the woven interplay of words, symbols, and numbers and has developed Tutorials that incorporate active reading comprehension strategies and sophisticated vocabulary development instruction.
Delivering active alpha is something we are comfortable with because we started as a research and development shop, have reviewed a huge number of strategies and approaches, and we are confident in our ability to identify market opportunities.
Similar to mutual funds, ETFs allow access to a number of types of stocks and bonds (or asset classes), provide an efficient means to construct a fully diversified portfolio, include index - and more active - management strategies and are comprised of individual stocks or bonds.
Some investors use smart beta strategies to replace active strategies in seeking to reduce the number of holdings and related costs, as well as to help improve the consistency of performance.
Since then they've created a number of equity ETFs, all with active strategies.
But if you're interested in gauging the potential success of active stock selection strategies, correlation is the wrong number to predict.
What's perhaps most notable about this steady increase is the number of active managers entering the fray with an ETF strategy alongside their existing mutual fund businesses.
I find it ludicrous that Australian tax payers are forced to expend huge resources and time on catching a miniscule number of actual terrorists, putting our entire population under surveillance in the hope of catching a handful of terrorist plots and foiling them; contrast that to the political undermining and then active destruction of our attempts at a rational climate change risk management strategy, simply to win short term political gain.
Mothers demonstrated an equal number of overall Active, Following, and Vocal strategies compared to fathers, nor did they differ in any form of scaffolding (all p >.05).
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