Sentences with phrase «number of administrators»

Clean thy backyard This idea, that child and youth care workers are to be seen but not heard, is apparent in professionals of other other disciplines, and by a small number of administrators of child and youth care agencies.
Staying connected: A good number of administrators would admit that it takes just a short time after leaving teaching to feel distanced from students and teachers.
Mr. Tinnin is among a rising number of administrators who have learned firsthand the headaches that a booming enrollment brings.
• Do they know how much is wasted on an excessive number of administrators and useless bureaucrats?
* This article has been updated to add the latest numbers of administrators reassigned to other positions.
Initial setup creates roles and permissions for each user, but these can be adjusted in - flight by consensus of a specified number of administrators, eg you can enable a new block - adder if 90 % administrators agree.
We also interviewed small numbers of administrators and teachers from each district, who had not participated in MELAF.
Half the teaching staff left the school at that time as did a number of administrators.
Rafferty's strategy to creatively fund literacy interventions included revamping the central office by cutting the number of administrators for special programs, such as bilingual and special education, by 10.
These covered a wide array of issues from kindergarten class sizes to limiting the number of administrators in adult...
While LearnUpon doesn't limit the number of administrators you can have (some vendors do!)
«With the amount of observations that you have to do as a high school principal, I just don't have the administrative support, in terms of the number of administrators.
The study's researchers, Marty Lueken of the free - market Friedman Foundation, WILL's education research director Will Flanders and WILL's vice president of policy CJ Szafir, said Act 10 did not have a «significant» impact in those areas except in the number of administrators per student, which increased.
The report notes that the number of administrators increased 19.7 % from 395 to 471.
A number of administrators, educators, and coordinators in the state provide their perspectives on this initiative and give details on the state's revised application process for schools seeking to implement RtII.
What it does instead is present ratios comparing the number of administrators and other non-teaching staff to the number of teachers or students, none of which has been shown to bear any meaningful relationship to student achievement.
Our firm has successfully litigated a case in the Federal Court of the Western District of Pennsylvania against a Pittsburgh suburb high school and a number of its administrators for their actions relating to the sexual assault of one of their students.
However, this strategy was described by a number of administrators as part of their effort to enhance service delivery to children of color, and perhaps reduce racial disproportionality.
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