Sentences with phrase «number of alleles»

Heterozygosity was determined from allele frequencies at genomic loci; the average number of alleles per locus was 6.45, with only 2.7 accounting for a majority of the diversity.
Estimating effective paternity number in social insects and the effective number of alleles in a population.

Not exact matches

The change in allele frequency may arise by any number of mechanisms including the addition of a novel allele via mutation.
In humans, there are three common variants, or alleles, of the APOE gene, numbered 2, 3 and 4.
When people migrated out of Africa, their small numbers resulted in a bottleneck, in which they lost many alleles that remained in larger populations in Africa.
Again, the increased activity in these areas was associated with the number of copies of the A allele carried by individuals — people with two copies showed a larger increase in activity than those with just one.
Because Neanderthal alleles are relatively rare, the researchers needed data representing a really large number of people.
Because alleles carry neighboring DNA with them as they circulate, the number of singletons on nearby DNA can be used as a rough molecular clock, indicating how quickly that allele has changed in frequency.
Besides, in most cases it will not be at all obvious which gene - alleles are to be preferred — so you'll have to wade through vast numbers of magazines with articles debating the virtues of various traits.
So, if a gene lies within a gene - dense, low - recombination region, then this means that a much larger number of progeny from crosses must be examined to find those that derive from rare recombinational events that separate the desired new allele from undesirable forms of neighboring genes.
Their work, which is published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, shows for the first time the existence in Leishmania of a relation between changes in chromosome copy number and the selection of new alleles important for parasite survival.
The humans that left Africa probably carried only a limited number of HLA alleles as they likely travelled in small groups.
It also contains some of the most variable human genes: hundreds of versions — or alleles — exist of each gene in the population, allowing our bodies to react to a huge number of disease - causing agents and adapt to new ones.
Given that two separate teams found evidence for the same variant in a large number of sick people, «one can be absolutely confident that this risk allele is real,» says McPherson.
«Careful analysis of the total number of repeats, the number of interruptions in the repeat tract, and the methylation status of the FMR1 gene is important for a proper understanding of an individual's risk of transmission of larger alleles to their offspring and to their personal risk of disease pathology.
Unlike SNPs, which tend to have two alleles, STRs have numerous alleles, defined by the number of repeats at each locus.
For each allele, «+» values indicate the number of inserted nucleotides, while «-- «values indicate the number of deleted nucleotides.
SM / J mice carry a number of rare polymorphic alleles and are often matched to other strains for quantitative trait locus analysis.
For each polymorphic site observed in a given horse sample, we defined the ancestral state using the donkey sequence data and computed a measure of genetic load as the product of the GERP score at each site and the number of derived alleles carried by this individual at this site, averaged across sites for each individual.
SM / J mice carry a number of rare polymorphic alleles and are often matched to LG / J (Stock No. 000675), A / J (Stock No. 000646) or NZB / BINJ (Stock No. 000684) for quantitative trait locus analysis.
Given a file of read alignments, VarScan detects sequence variants, combines them by position and type, and then computes the read counts, average base quality, and number of strands supporting each allele.
The number of distinct reads bearing each type of reversion allele ranged from 22 to 1, with deletion sizes ranging from 1 to 42 bp.
Four histograms that all have «Number of observations of minor allele» as their X-axis.
In tumor samples, where we frequently encounter variants with a very small allele frequency due to contamination with normal tissue, copy number variation, and tumor heterogeneity, high coverage is essential for accurate detection of these variants with high power.
In contrast, for Complete Genomics we find a significantly higher number of SNPs not being called on either allele (p = 2.076454e - 48 in a binomial test with probability 0.5 for each group).
By analyzing imputed data for a large number of human traits, we empirically derive a model that more accurately describes how heritability varies with minor allele frequency (MAF), linkage disequilibrium (LD) and genotype certainty.
While this calling method will inevitably miss variants in low coverage individuals, the relative numbers of shared alleles with different populations is unbiased.
An analysis of the geographical distribution of allele frequencies showed weak evidence of variation in distribution of alleles, with clusters representing a higher than expected number of samples with the major allele being identified for 5 SNPs.
The first two strategies manipulate the beacon such that the presence of rare alleles is obscured; the third strategy budgets the number of accesses per user for each individual genome.
This approach is designed to describe the average effect of an allele randomized over a large number of genetic backgrounds and environments.
Animal Genetics currently offers a test to determine the number of copies of the recessive «long hair» allele a dog carries.
This variant is also present in a number of Irish Setter dogs with PRA and has an estimated allele frequency of 0.26 in the breed.
Many breeds have passed through significant genetic bottlenecks due to a high level of inbreeding to maintain breed standards [18] which increases the level of homozygosity for detrimental alleles and is known to be a significant causative factor in the number of inherited disorders in specific breeds [22 - 24].
All dogs that are unfurnished (ff) do not need the furnishing test (since they carry 2 copies of the high shedding allele) and should automatically add 2 to the number of high shedding alleles identified with the Shedding locus 1 test.
Table 3 summarizes the frequency of the Cox - 2 mutant alleles in various breeds for which there were sufficient number of dogs tested.
And the genetics of boredom, I mentioned that in the book, is dopamine receptor number two, DRD2, has an allele where 8 %, 10 %, 15 % of the population just doesn't tolerate sitting still for too long.
At the present time, an insufficient number of the countries from this correlation are represented in the genetic databases [e.g. HapMap (International HapMap Consortium, 2005) and Human Genome Diversity Panel (Li et al., 2008)-RSB- to determine if the present results are significantly different from the frequency distribution of randomly selected alleles from representatives of each of these countries.
Data Extraction Logistic regression was used to estimate the effects of the number of short alleles at 5 - HTTLPR, the number of stressful life events, and their interaction on depression.
Subjects were then classified into three groups based on the number of 7R alleles that each subject possessed.
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