Sentences with phrase «number of atoms»

While others have demonstrated this between two neutral atoms, they have not been able to retain quantum gates in systems involving large numbers of atoms.
Same number of atoms on left and right sides of the arrow, of each kind.
The permutation of outcomes quickly compounds to a bewildering range of choices — more than the total number of atoms in the entire observable universe.
Nanotechnology is a group of emerging technologies in which the structure of matter is controlled at the nanometer scale, the scale of small numbers of atoms, to produce novel materials and devices that have useful and unique properties.
For bulk materials larger than one micrometre the percentage of atoms at the surface is minuscule relative to the total number of atoms of the material.
In 1950, Czech chemist Erich Clar predicted that a triangle - shaped hydrocarbon made from six fused circular benzene molecules would have an even number of atoms and electrons but be unable to pair two of its electrons due to the molecule's geometry.
The atoms are in a so - called quantum degenerate gas, in which large numbers of atoms interact with each other.
«People would also like to do other experiments aside from quantum computing, such as simulating condensed matter physics, with a predetermined number of atoms, and now with this technique it should be possible,» Vuletic says.
But such techniques have been difficult to scale up, and the lack of a reliable way to manipulate large numbers of atoms remains a significant roadblock toward quantum computing.
So, we average over an enormous number of thermal oscillations and an enormous numbers of atoms — the laser beam does that automatically.
The ground state of the solid is assumed to be an incommensurate crystal, with quantum zero - point vacancies and interstitials and thus a non-integer number of atoms per unit cell.
Moreover, it can be grown in multiple numbers of atom layers in various stacking orders and can be doped in several different ways.
«We might be able to open up a new kind of chemistry where elements could be simulated with metals — in this case aluminum — of different numbers of atoms
Researchers with a kilogram - definition initiative called the Avogadro Project are trying bridge this gap by fashioning spheres of silicon containing precise numbers of atoms.
«One amazing thing is that you can keep attaching an arbitrary number of atoms to these molecules,» Killian said.
Methods: Diphenylphosphine ligands, which consist of two phenyl (C6H5) substituted phosphorus centers separated by a carbon chain of variable length, produce gold clusters with extremely narrow distributions in size; that is, the synthesis route produces a large quantity of clusters with the same number of gold atoms as well as a small number of clusters with similar numbers of atoms.
â $ œNow, we finally have the computing capability to explore greater complexities using quantum mechanics — greater numbers of atoms, the possible crystal structures, and their properties.
The challenge was to explain how genes act lawfully, and cause organisms to behave lawfully, while being composed of a very small number of atoms, a significant proportion of which may be behaving unlawfully.
There, the solar wind first slams into large numbers of atoms and molecules that have leaked into the solar system from interstellar space.
«Once we have synthesized these, we can prepare a solution of them, and they're all exactly the same size and contain the same number of atoms,» Nyman said.
... heads - up, no - limit Texas Hold»em represents an especially complex challenge with 10160 possible plays at different stages of the game (possibly more than the number of atoms in the universe).
There are only a few rules but there are a lot of potential moves that can be played at any one time — the figure is considerably higher than the number of atoms in the universe.
We're talking about statistical possibilities that are astronomically small, exceeding the number of atoms we even have in the known universe.
How do any number of atoms, which are mostly empty space, turn into tables and chairs and mountains and little green lizards?
The number of possible positions in the ancient game of go or the number of atoms in the entire universe?
One proposes a numerical unit built on Avogadro's number, derived from the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon - 12.
If there were a long tail, Krimigis says, the changes in the number of atoms wouldn't be the same in both directions.
So the crystal's serrations helped it capture a decent number of photons despite its small number of atoms.
However, Dicke also predicted that a very strong change in decay rate would occur even when the number of quanta in the system was much less than the number of atoms in the system.
His approach included quantum effects, predicting that the fastest decay occurred when the number of quanta was half the number of atoms.
That's vastly larger than the number of atoms in our universe.
They will design improved cluster systems with better electrical performances (e.g. higher on / off current ratio, different accessible states), and increase the number of atoms in the cluster core while maintaining the atomic precision and uniformity of the compound.
In order to do more advanced simulations of melts, the team would like to be able to expand its simulations to account for a wider range of chemical processes as well as expand the number of atoms in a typical run.
As an alternative, perhaps we could use a block of some material for which it is easier to make an estimate of the number of atoms it contained.
And because the number of atoms in the cage can vary, an almost infinite number of fullerene shapes may exist.
The trouble has been that calculations suggested that the numbers of atoms in the atmosphere with the right energy is far short of the number needed to account for the observed light.
Each radioactive element decays exponentially, decreasing over time (t) at a rate proportional to the number of atoms there are (N).
A thermodynamic model explains that supersolid 4He — a solid that flows as a superfluid — is a crystal in which the number of lattice sites mismatches the number of atoms.
Indeed, under these conditions an atom belonging to a given sublattice has only a very small number of neighbors (one or two) in each of the other sublattices, and the molecular field method, which consists in replacing the instantaneous action of an atom by that of an average atom, will be more likely to yield a correct result, the larger the number of atoms to which it is applied.
Even for just a handful of players, this number is greater than the number of atoms in the universe.
The number of atoms and the intensity of the laser beam are chosen such that each lattice site is occupied with exactly one atom.
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