Sentences with phrase «number of birth defects»

As a result, it suffered from a number of birth defects, most of which I chronicled here in the pages of REM in August 2008.
The offspring whose fathers had insufficient folate had an increased number of birth defects compared to the group with sufficient paternal folate.
A wide body of scientific research has linked these chemicals, including phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA), to declining birth rates, stillbirths, and an increasing number of birth defects.
By educating both the public and health care professionals regarding the risks of exposure to specific medications for mothers and babies, the center aims to reduce the number of birth defects and dangerous exposures in breastfeeding as well as create healthy breastfeeding relationships.

Not exact matches

The agency said there have been recent variations in the number of cases reported in the region and, while the level of risk is unknown, Zika virus infection during pregnancy causes severe birth defects, including microcephaly and other severe brain abnormalities.
Her first son had been born the year before with birth defects and a number of health issues.
Birth defects are a sad fact today due to any number of causes.
These colorful wonders can help protect us again a number of health concerns including heart disease, birth defects and especially colon cancers.
A number of studies have shown possible links between birth defects and taking aspirin during early pregnancy, however none of these studies are conclusive — most of your baby's development takes place in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy so it is best to avoid aspirin during this time.
Seventy - eight percent of pregnant women rated birth defects as their number - one concern, according to a recent March of Dimes survey.
(We'll ignore the small number of people who are intersexed, have birth defects etc..)
When the dancers don't pair or part appropriately it can result in eggs and sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes, a major cause of miscarriage and birth defects.
When recombination doesn't go smoothly, it can cause a number of problems in humans, including miscarriages and birth defects.
Iraqi scientists also claim that DU was responsible for a rise in the numbers of cancers and birth defects in southern Iraq.
Germany alone, which has the highest number of births per year in Europe, could annually prevent 441 cases of these birth defects if folic acid enrichment was introduced.
The research, conducted by experts from BCM, the Texas Department of State Health Services, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and the University of South Florida, used the Texas Department of State Health Services» Texas Birth Defects Registry data from 1999 - 2007 to retrospectively examine the associations between distance from birth center to a cardiac surgical center, number of newborns cared for with HLHS at each hospital, and neonatal mortality in infants with Birth Defects Registry data from 1999 - 2007 to retrospectively examine the associations between distance from birth center to a cardiac surgical center, number of newborns cared for with HLHS at each hospital, and neonatal mortality in infants with birth center to a cardiac surgical center, number of newborns cared for with HLHS at each hospital, and neonatal mortality in infants with HLHS.
Even as the Zika virus becomes more prevalent — the Centers for Disease Control reports that the number of U.S. infants born with microcephaly and other birth defects is 20 times over the normal rate — researchers are still trying to fully pin down the identifying consequences of the viral infection.
«The goal is to assess the overall health of the babies (birth weight, pre-term births, head circumference and the prevalence of certain congenital birth defects) in relation to their proximity to natural - gas well sites and the number of active wells in their environment,» the researcher said.
The number of cases has decreased following knowledge of the role of folate in birth defects and the FDA's requirement to put folic acid into enriched grain products.
Surveillance that is not stringent enough, on the other hand, would allow eggs with a lot of jumping gene - related errors to survive, and lead to a high level of birth defects, such as those caused by an incorrect number of chromosomes in the offspring.
Aneuploidy (an abnormal number of chromosomes) is the most common genetic alteration in human tumors and a major cause for birth defects (Figure 4).
Those numbers weren't significantly different from the birth defect rate of babies whose mothers had not taken an antipsychotic drug — 3.27 percent.
These can essentially put you at risk for reproductive problems, birth defects, cancer, and a number of other serious ailments; and this list doesn't even include the poisonous chemicals found in the actual plastic, or the acidic properties that all of the water testing has proven!
Unfortunately, they have become a major cause for a number of health issues, including; ADHD, aging, autism, mental illness, even birth defects and more.
The state has the second highest number of Zika infections in the country, behind New York, including at least 53 pregnant women, who are considered to be at greatest risk from the virus because it can cause microcephaly and other birth defects.
Temporary or transient deafness is most often due to buildup of wax or debris in the ear canals, while permanent deafness can have a number of causes, including untreated ear infections, injury, drug toxicity, tumors, congenital (birth) defects and old age.
While there may be a much larger number of causes of cleft palates than I am aware of, these are the toxins that may cause cleft palates (or other birth defects, if administered during pregnancy) that I know of:
Like the multiple causes for diarrhea, there are any number of causes for fading puppy: birth defects, diseases, or stress in the environment.
Birth defects can be caused by a number of factors.
From our research, we have uncovered that a number of Paxil birth defects claims reveal babies who are now suffering from:
Studies have linked Zofran use by pregnant women to an increase in the risk for a number of serious birth defects, including heart defects, facial malformations, club foot and skull defects.
There are a number of different antidepressants out there on the market that have been linked to birth defects in newborn babies.
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