Sentences with phrase «number of characteristics»

Gold has a large number of characteristics that make it an ideal currency, and of all the elements available it is perhaps the best physical element to serve as a currency.
As practically any member of one of the christian dating services with tell you, there's a big number of characteristics which might be generally provided to all members that register on these sites.
The Dosha type with the highest number of characteristics, is your baby's Dosha.
There are a number of characteristics that make a great day trading stock.
If you were to draft a pen portrait of a successful entrepreneur, a number of characteristics might come to mind: they like to be the boss; their word is their bond; they have an instinct for judging character; they are experts at identifying and managing risk.
Going forward, as I mentioned earlier, a number of characteristics in the marketplace or in the economy would argue for gold — whether that's monetary policy or rising inflation expectations on the back of higher oil prices and job growth.
These factors create particular dynamics of thinking, being and social interaction, so that there are a number of characteristics of dominantly oral cultures:
It had strong roots in popular culture and took on a number of characteristics that distinguish it from the global Pentecostal movement
A good student usually demonstrates a number of characteristics.
In order for something to be genuinely considered «a cause», it has to show a number of characteristics such as, a strength of association — namely the stronger the association the more likely that it is causal; a dose - response relationship — as the dose increases, so should the odds of the outcome or cessation of exposure — if exposure ceases or decreases, then the odds of the outcome should also cease or decrease.
The 206 patients in the study shared a number of characteristics, including stable, untreatable, age - related macular degeneration in both eyes with visual acuity no better than 20/80 but no worse than 20/800, along with good peripheral vision.
«Typically, the signal is quite long and has a number of characteristic features,» Kumaraswami said.
The research blended computer simulations, nanotechnology, photonics and chemistry to give polyethylene — the clear, clingy plastic we use as kitchen wrap — a number of characteristics desirable in clothing material: It allows thermal radiation, air and water vapor to pass right through and is opaque to visible light.
Yet the new species also exhibits a number of characteristics seen only in Homo, including its flatter face, robust pelvis and long, striding legs.
The living lobopods include the land - dwelling Peripatus, which has legs and a number of characteristics reminiscent of arthropods.
Adult stem cells possess a number of characteristics which can benefit a heart damaged by myocardial infarction (heart attack).
They identified a number of characteristics that were common among successful drug targets — and especially common among high - revenue drugs.
There are a number of characteristics which define the filipino women and if you are interested in filipino women dating then you have to consider some things.
Below you will uncover a list of a number of the characteristics which might be often utilized by various christian dating services, generating it much less complicated to locate, communicate, and meet single Christians which have caught your attention.
Not surprisingly, these successful entrepreneurs share a number of characteristics, including determination and perseverance.
Our analysis focused on the relationships between completed schooling and a number of characteristics, including living with a single parent as adolescents.
The «Review of efficiency in the schools system» identifies a number of characteristics which are common to many of the more efficient schools and proposes a number of actions that schools, government and our partners can take to support greater efficiency in schools.
[10] I examine how hourly and annualized expenditures by parents vary with a number of characteristics of child, family, and setting.
Site councils that truly flourish in the school community tend to have a number of characteristics in common, most notably the following.
When comparing the 2015 Porsche Macan vs Porsche Cayenne its clear the two SUVs share a number of characteristics.
The interior for the Prius retains a number of characteristics from previous models such as the instrument cluster positioned in the middle and the joystick control for the transmission.
Although they share a number of characteristics, there are a number of things that separate the two.
«Among the numerous new products exhibited at the 2015 SEMA Show, these 10 were those that, in my opinion, have a number of characteristics and purposes that would be of great benefit for users in Venezuela, given the conditions and vehicles on our roads.»
And if you're not feeling like it's roadster weather, checkout the C - Class, which will share a number of characteristics with the 2017 SLC.
The report provided an interesting and comprehensive look at a number of the characteristics associated... [Read more...]
The report provided an interesting and comprehensive look at a number of the characteristics associated with this publishing route.
Well there are a number of characteristics or points on a checklist which can point you towards finding the best essay topic.
Roth IRAs have a number of characteristics that make them a kind of super savings account, chief among them the fact that you can withdraw up to the amount you've contributed at any time, and for any reason, without being taxed or penalized.
Computers that meet Intel's Ultrabook specification share a number of characteristics, but one Ultrabook in particular has an edge over its competitors.
Value is a catchall for a number of characteristics that reflect a stock with strong fundamentals.
While bond funds share a number of characteristics with individual bonds, they should not be viewed as interchangeable investments.
If a male is under stress during the time his body is making sperm, those sperm cells can carry «stressful DNA» (for lack of a better term) that is passed on to his offspring, which can then be exhibited in any number of characteristics in that offspring.
cat breeds share a number of characteristics that make them different from the cats of the rest of the world.
There are many cat breeds that are native to Asia: in fact, some of the most beautiful and popular cats were first bred there.In general, Asian cat breeds share a number of characteristics that make them different from the cats of the rest of the world.
Built atop the foundation of the beloved «Holy F *** This Is So Hard» Souls series, Bloodborne shares a number of characteristics that are immediately familiar to anyone who has dipped their toe into the Hidetaka Miyazaki's demented playground.
Because you are directly controlling a flying knight / badass who wouldn't have it any other way, Lords of Thunder has a number of characteristics that set it apart from other shooters.
The Bodhisattva is a Master, a wandering master who shares a number of characteristics with another figure: the stylite.
In that first blog, we looked at a number of the characteristics of the cohort called Gen Y or Millennials that differentiated them from their predecessors.
There are, however, a number of characteristics that are unique to the online space.
He also says it was not disputed that after the accident he displayed a number of characteristics consistent with having suffered a brain injury, including the fact that he had a flat affect and his behaviour around his family was different, as well as showing increased irritability, frustration and anger.
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