Sentences with phrase «number of chromosomes»

The abnormal number of chromosomes seen in this individual may give clues to the origins of cancer.
When the dancers don't pair or part appropriately it can result in eggs and sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes, a major cause of miscarriage and birth defects.
They don't have the same number of chromosomes as human cells.
After several weeks of bathing in this mixture, almost all tissue samples contained some cells with the same number of chromosomes found in sperm.
The embryos with a normal number of chromosomes are selected from the group for transfer.
Our technicians then analyze the genetic material to make sure that each embryo has the correct number of chromosomes.
Any deviation in these processes could lead to cells that do not have the proper number of chromosomes, which could accelerate tumor initiation and progression.
Although dogs have a higher number of chromosomes than do humans, dogs have fewer genes overall.
A fetus with an abnormal number of chromosomes can either have too many or too few chromosomes.
Our study confirms this role for H2Bub1, but we are extending it to include another mechanism that directly leads to the incorrect number of chromosomes in cells, says Peter Svensson at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, one of the researchers who conducted the study.
Those steps, known as reproductive cell division or meiosis, split the original number of chromosomes in half so that offspring will inherit half their genetic material from one parent and half from the other.
Sterility is often attributed to the different number of chromosomes the two species have, for example donkeys have 62 chromosomes, while horses have 64 chromosomes, and mules and hinnies have 63 chromosomes.
«Baker's yeast: Flexible throughout life by varying numbers of chromosome copies
They made these clones by a process called automatic parthenogenesis: The egg is formed normally (with half the species» usual number of chromosomes), then fertilized by the «polar body,» a cell that is created during oogenesis and contains the same gene copies as the egg, resulting in the shark having half the genetic variation of its mother.
During the key step in sperm formation — a division that results in two cells, each with half the original number of chromosomes — the X and Y chromosomes peeled off from the chain one by one and headed into separate cells, all segregating faithfully with their own kind.
«Studying congenital heart defects in the «at risk» Down syndrome population can make it possible to reveal genes that impact the risk of heart defects in all children, including those with typical number of chromosomes
For women in their mid-forties, there is a dramatic increase in the risk that their eggs will have the wrong number of chromosomes after ovulation.
The BUB1B gene encodes a protein that helps guarantee that the right number of chromosomes are passed from cell to cell.
The reparation of these DNA breakages, through a process called homologous recombination, allows homologous chromosomes to pair up and guarantee a balanced segregation during the meiotic division and thereby avoid the formation of gametes with an incorrect number of chromosomes which could result in chromosome disorders due to the presence of aneuploids (such as Down's Syndrome and other similar disorders), or in spontaneous abortions.
On this week's show: An odd number of chromosomes may help tumors evade the immune system and a roundup from the daily news site
Having an irregular number of chromosomes, almost by definition, leads to imbalances in the numbers of proteins expressed in aneuploid cells.
A study published online 10 October in Nature Genetics provides the strongest evidence yet for the starting gun theory by showing that mutations in a gene involved in ensuring proper numbers of chromosomes result in childhood cancer.
Crossovers are essential for segregating the correct number of chromosomes into each gamete.
UroSEEK uses urine samples to seek out mutations in 11 genes or the presence of abnormal numbers of chromosomes that would indicate the presence of DNA associated with bladder cancer or upper tract urothelial cancer (UTUC).
Perhaps because it is normal for human embryos to contain cells with the wrong number of chromosomes, which can cause them to self - destruct.
Theoretically, only transfer back the embryos that have a normal number of chromosomes.
Both are present in nearly all other organisms because they fulfil a function in a checkpoint that ensures that both daughter cells get the same number of chromosomes after cell division.
«Epigenetic regulation required to ensure correct number of chromosomes
As the experiments continued, Singh noted that each generation of hybrids had different numbers of chromosomes, reflecting their blend of soybean and tomentella chromosomes.
Surveillance that is not stringent enough, on the other hand, would allow eggs with a lot of jumping gene - related errors to survive, and lead to a high level of birth defects, such as those caused by an incorrect number of chromosomes in the offspring.
When a sperm cell meets an egg cell (the oocyte), it burrows through the thick outer rind surrounding the egg (the zona pellucida), enters the internal cytoplasm of the egg (the ooplasm), and locomotes its male DNA — half of the typical number of chromosomes — to the female half within about three to four hours.
Neil Hunter's laboratory in the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences has placed another piece in the puzzle of how sexual reproduction shuffles genes while making sure sperm and eggs get the right number of chromosomes.
There is no scientific evidence that a species can change the number of chromosomes within the DNA.
How could both of them have suddenly been able to halve the number of chromosomes in their reproductive cells in the manner needed to produce a healthy offspring with some characteristics of both parents?
In order to supply the proper number of chromosomes to the offspring, each parent's reproductive cells undergo a remarkable process called meiosis, whereby cells from each parent are left with half the usual number of chromosomes.
Breeders cross varieties with a differing number of chromosomes to produce a sterile fruit, which has small, white, fully edible «seed coats» instead of mature black seeds.
Essentially, what we look at, are the number of chromosomes that are in that embryo.
It may be due to problems with the number of chromosomes in a fetus, the structure of the chromosome, or even the genetic material that they carry.
This technique requires that we freeze the embryos while we wait for testing results (this may take up to 2 weeks) we can use to determine which embryo has a normal number of chromosomes.
One of the first to focus on the number of chromosome sets (ploidy) and implantation rate of D7 embryos, the study provides the largest data set available on pregnancy outcomes after transfer of D7 blastocysts (embryos at an early stage of development).
Early cell division is to some extent independent of the number of chromosomes in the embryo, so an embryo with an abnormal number of chromosomes can look just like any other.
An embryo that contains a normal number of chromosomes is a «euploid» embryo.
An embryo that carries an abnormal number of chromosomes is «aneuploid».
That's because D7 embryos — which develop more slowly — are thought more likely to contain an abnormal number of chromosomes (aneuploidy).
She has been able to show in preliminary experiments that if the timing of early cell divisions does not follow a specific pattern, those embryos are much more likely to contain an abnormal number of chromosomes.
But the whiptails» egg cells first double their chromosomes twice and then divide twice, leaving them with the normal number of chromosomes and rendering a sperm cell unnecessary.
«One of the main causes of female infertility is a defect in the eggs that causes them to have an abnormal number of chromosomes.
As women age, their eggs are more likely to have the wrong number of chromosomes, which can lead to miscarriages.
Many tumors are characterized by «aneuploidy,» meaning they display an abnormal number of chromosomes and chromosomal segments.

Phrases with «number of chromosomes»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z