Sentences with phrase «number of court cases»

These actions have inevitably led to numbers of court cases charging reverse discrimination, and to rivalry, resentment and conflict between majority and minority groups and among various minority groups themselves, each believing that their group is no less deserving of attention, privilege or preference than others.
A dazzling number of court cases followed, including a preliminary reference to the ECJ (Brown Bears I).
If our legal system was not so user unfriendly (other than small claims court) to would - be plaintiffs, I suspect that the true numbers of court cases launched by unhappy buyers after - the - fact of taking possession of their purchases would be much higher than 200 across Canada... per month.
A number of court cases and legislative initiatives across the country appear poised, over time, to rule in favor of full marriage equality.»
A number of court cases have been filed against these lenders as lending laws following the 2008 financial crisis have been enacted to create a more transparent and fair lending market for consumers.
My main point though is that it isn't gambling in the legal sense (there have been a number of court cases brought against card distributors over the years and they've all been dismissed).
Oil spill is one of the most dangerous disasters caused by products of fossils; and a number of court cases exist today.
Will it reduce the number of court cases needed to determine how much or how little time one parent will see his or her children after separation?
However, again, there are any number of court cases that do recognize that lawyers have a duty to be competent in the technologies that they're using.
The media are slowly picking up on the number of court cases that are requiring disclosure of Facebook and other social network pages in litigation.
Online resolution of disputes, through the private sector and perhaps through courts as well, are likely to become more common, perhaps lessening the number of court cases.
Although «better late than never», it would be preferable for legal advice to be given much earlier in the process, and this might also reduce the number of court cases.
There are a number of court cases underway on the issue that the government wants to take into account as part of our ongoing consideration.»
The new rules were introduced to the EU Tobacco Products Directive in 2014, but have been delayed by a number of court cases.
In the past few years there have been a number of court cases pertaining to deficiency judgements.
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