Sentences with phrase «number of dots»

«They are not pieces of pizza and they are not little blocks, and they are not a certain number of dots in a bigger set of dots,» he added.
I have now drawn another square array of the same type but with a larger number of dots.
Students will use this worksheet to draw an exact number of dots in a pattern that is easy to remember.
On another ping pong ball show a matching number of dots.
In contrast, nerve cells in the parietal cortex were unimpressed by the distraction and reliably transmitted the information about the correct number of dots.
Mice had to choose the direction displaying the greater number of dots and make a turn in that direction.
In this case, since all of the splats are black, the rule tells students that the same number of dots are under each splat.
4 times 3 = 12 + 12 = 24 = Subcoccinella 24punctata (which actually has a variable number of dots).
If the treated and non-treated samples have similar numbers of dots, the drug clearly had no effect.
Some students could correctly approximate images with nearly equal numbers of dots.
Pac - Man Championship Edition 2 Plus builds on this and expands it by focusing less on players finishing dot paths, but rather by gathering a certain number of dots and making a single fruit appear at the starting point to move on to the next stage.
Invite children to dig for «turtle eggs,» matching the numbered eggs to the eggs with the correct number of dots.
Pictures are another type of file you no doubt have a great number of dotting your hard drive.
The slide below, from level 3, includes multiple splats and introduces a new rule: «All splats on a slide that are the same color must be covering the same number of dots
If I have counted five dots on the left, I am able to form a totality of five dots which have been counted by me, separate that totality from the number of dots still to be counted, and continue to add dots to the multiplicity already noticed as the count continues.
«We have a number of dot - com players and across that landscape we are definitely strengthening our partnerships,» Tickle says.
Why not make paper ladybugs and do match the number of dots on both halves or use playdough to do it.
Then ask him to build a Lego tower according to the number of dots on his dice.
5: They can do one finger print dot for each stem, two dots in one color or even do a number of dots in different colors for each stem.
The number of dots per inch or DPI will indicate how sensitive the mouse is to movement.
This time the number of squares possible is four times the number of dots.
The difficulty of the task was varied by changing the number of dots moving in one direction, and the participants were given randomly alternating instructions to perform the task with either speed or accuracy.
The monkeys had to remember the number of dots in an image and reproduce the knowledge a moment later.
While they were taking in the information, a distraction was introduced, showing a different number of dots.
Measurements of the electrical activity of nerve cells in two key areas of the brain showed a surprising result: nerve cells in the prefrontal cortex signaled the distraction while it was being presented, but immediately restored the remembered information (the number of dots) once the distraction was switched off.
To prepare for the simulated maze challenge, mice were trained over the course of a month or so, learning to count up to six dots and to make a choice to go left or right depending on the number of dots projected on the screen.
For an hour or so after treatment, 10 of the volunteers were twice as accurate in guessing at a glance the number of dots flashed on a computer screen.
The researchers trained two rhesus monkeys to assess the number of dots on a computer screen from zero to four.
Electron spins in silicon quantum dots are attractive systems for quantum computing owing to their long coherence times and the promise of rapid scaling of the number of dots in a system using semiconductor fabrication techniques.
Regarding non-human primates, chimpanzees have been shown to increase their reaction times to estimate the number of dots in a large number range but not in a small number range [27], but another study combining the data from four great apes found that numerical ratio was the best performance predictor in the range 0 — 6 [28].
The number of dots presented on the screen ranged from 1 to 24.
The number of dots you have at your disposal may vary, as you can lose some when performing special attacks or getting hit.
Students will quickly learn shortcuts such as counting the spaces remaining (counting back from 10) instead of counting the number of dots.
The number of dots you have at your disposal may vary, as you can lose some when performing special attacks or getting hit.
Pop a number of dots and try to make it in the basket.
It has evolved, first of all, in the number of dots I do.
Click «reduce» or «eliminate,» and a number of dots vanish from the screen.
There's a number of dot coms that offer this type of service, but that was the [forward 00:23:49], that was the groundbreaking for the technology.
That said, jittering has nothing to do with the number of dots per inch a mouse can track per second.
Moreover, smartphones running Android O will have the capacity to categorize notifications using Notification Channels and a number of dots.
The capacitive touch controls sit on a flat top rather than indented like the original Play: 1 and they come in the form of Play / Pause, next and previous, as well as a number of dots forming a circle around the Play / Pause button, lighting up when the speaker is listening.
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