Sentences with phrase «number of educators believe»

A growing number of educators believe the answer might be inadequate curriculum standards.
BRONX — A small but growing number of educators believe they have found the key to helping struggling schools in low - income neighborhoods.

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«What's striking in these numbers is that a few dozen Wall Street financiers and billionaire hedge fund managers are able to far outspend more than 600,000 educators who believe in the promise of public education and voluntarily give a few bucks out of each paycheck to ensure they have a voice,» said Carl Korn, NYSUT's spokesman.
But like a growing number of Chinese educators, he believes the successes have exacted a high toll.
But a number of educators, including Rusk, believe that the widespread availability and dropping costs of computers have only revealed the more complex issues that created the divide in the first place.
But there are also a growing number of Stephanie Brants out there, educators and parents who believe that students are stressed and missing out on valuable family time.
There are a number of good ideas being floated, recently and prominently in a January 2013 address to The Pope Center in North Carolina by Dr. Sandra Stotsky, who believes that the weighting of education reform focus should be shifted from student standards to a priority on educator standards, beginning with much higher standards for admission to preparation programs and limiting schools of education to the graduate level.
But a review of the best evidence on teachers» sentiments shows that educators are not unhappy because they resent the new emphasis on teacher evaluations, a key element of President Obama's Race to the Top program; in fact, according to a separate survey of 10,000 public school teachers from Scholastic and the Gates Foundation, the majority support using measures of student learning to assess teachers, and the mean number of years teachers believe they should devote to the classroom before being assessed for tenure is 5.4, a significant increase from the current national average of 3.1 years.
Bethel believes that Makiguchi's education «proposals are not greatly different than those of Dewey or from a number of today's educators who are making similar proposals.
Acasia Wilson Feinberg from Educators for Excellence - Chicago, a member of the Funding Illinois» Future coalition and the PIE Network, believes Illinois» progress can be a model for other states that are not distributing funds based on the needs of students: «The fact that Illinois was able to pass an evidence - based formula — one of the few states in the country to make this shift official — allows Illinois to serve as a potential leader and model for a growing number of states that are moving this direction.»
As English Second Language speaker, she represents a vast number of students and she believes empowering educators leads to empowering students.
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