Sentences with phrase «number of fires observed»

Not exact matches

During this period Muslims observe * Itikaaf * (an Islamic practice consisting of a period of staying in a mosque for a certain number of days, devoting oneself to ibadah during these days and staying away from worldly affairs) to seek for Allah's protection from hell fire and for renewed faith moving forward.
Coders observed the number of five - minute segments in each film in which a character fires a gun and hits a character.
b shows regions that have experienced changes in the frequency of long fire weather seasons (> 1σ above historical mean) during the second half of the study period (1996 — 2013) compared with the number of events observed during the first half (1979 — 1996).
However, within the parks it is argued that the number of lightning ignitions could account for the observed pre - settlement fire frequencies if they had not been suppressed and had been allowed to spread (Swetnam et al 1992; Stephenson 1996; Vale 1998).
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