Sentences with phrase «number of instances»

So far, we have found a small number of instances where select agents were improperly stored.
In an increasing number of instances, the tribunals offer free access to their decisions on their own websites.
Sadly, it only takes a small number of instances of poor background screening practices before the media attempts to discredit the entire industry.
«We're seeing a growing number of instances where contractor personnel are being bribed to steal» data from their clients, warns Jay Heiser, a research vice president with Gartner, the IT research and consulting firm, who recently wrote a report on data security.
Collins describes the discoveries as «a small number of instances where select agents were improperly stored.»
@DVK An investigation by a reputable source finding that a certain number of instances of fraud could have been prevented by voter ID laws.
The total number of instances wherein transactions on the blockchain also contained non-financial data was found to be around 1600, or 1.4 percent of all transactions to date.
There have been an increasing number of instances recently, relayed by the members of our Oil and Gas Careers Forum, of fake recruiters trying to
It's more accurate to say that each week we have a small, statistically insignificant and wholly unreliable forecast for the coming week's market direction, but that when grouped over a large number of instances, the differences in the average return / risk profile of different Market Climates are highly statistically significant.
In a significant number of instances, kangaroos hunted for meat are not killed outright, but seriously injured and left to die slowly and in agony in the bush.
But I worry that without a program in place to call attention to the problem and facilitate a solution, firms would continue to pass over these highly qualified candidates in an overwhelming number of instances.
Nearly a year after NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio pledged to produce a «stunning» number of instances of donors who didn't get what they wanted from the city, he walked back the promise and said he intends to provide only a few examples.
We've had a growing number of instances where we're finding problems with districts misspending their cafeteria funds, similar to what we found with L.A.,» said Phyllis Bramson, director of nutrition services at CDE
In a «very limited number of instances,» mileage from the Dividend Miles account was transferred without authorization.
Line drawn: Since 2004, there have been increasing numbers of instances where pharma companies have compensated generics manufacturers in settlements of patent litigation initiated by the pharmas.
There have been an increasing number of instances recently, relayed by the members of our Oil and Gas Careers Forum, of fake recruiters trying to obtain LinkedIn users» sensitive information by sending out bogus job offers.
Consequently, a person coming into the program at a later stage will be unable, in a substantial number of instances, to find additional investors because the recruiting of participants into the program at an earlier stage by others has exhausted the number of prospective participants.
It is possible to think of God intervening in worldly affairs and physical happenings according to two different models: as a constant cosmic string - puller who controls each and every event of any importance (either by causing it or by consciously allowing it to happen), or as an occasional meddler and zapper, limited (perhaps by self - restraint) to intervening in a certain number of instances.
A report by TechCrunch suggests that the image - sharing social network reduced its API call limit — essentially the total number of instances a third - party app or service can request information from Instagram in an hour — from 5000 calls to just 200 calls.
However, in an incredibly small number of instances, the mistake happens to be a «good» one and the cell is «improved,» made stronger, more able to survive in its environment, and so it continues to live and to reproduce.
Since then I've noticed a number of instances where that association doesn't work, resulting in a loss of money, time, and brand positioning for the business involved.
And in the last six months of 2009 we had a number of instances where really cool things were going on, but they weren't in budget.
In a number of instances women were able to apply for jobs only if they had higher qualifications than their male counterparts.
If you want to look at facts, a much higher percentage of drug trades are done in US dollars — both in the number of instances and in the raw amounts.
His words can apply to any number of instances today where Canada faces derision for pursuing destructive pathways for short term economic gain.
Since being based, Fanatics has been purchased and bought a number of instances.
There are a number of instances in the history of the church that countries and places which were once strong centres of Christianity have become, in later years, centres of Islam or Buddhism.
Matthew and Luke have both collected a number of instances of Jesus» teaching, and placed them at this strategic point in their gospels.
Nevertheless, downward mobility appears to be the occasion for the rise of fundamentalism in a number of instances.
So, in any single instance, or in any number of instances, it must always be considered possible that the tradition which the first written gospel source has used has lived on to affect the later gospel traditions in cases where they have used the earlier written source.
«follow the law» There has been a number of instances where Native Americans have taken Bald Eagles.
Acts relates a number of instances in which God spoke to the apostles in a dream.
It is hard to read the 2015 ranking lists without rueing the number of instances where British athletes were denied competition at major championships.
The forum agreed that if collections could take place without causing an undue imposition to travelling fans it would be an idea that is worthy of further consideration, particularly if it leads to a reduction in the number of instances in which the current system is being abused.
There have been a number of instances where women have been kicked out of places for public breastfeeding.
According to the coalition, there are a number of instances where duty bearers accept bribe and fail to discharge their duties as expected of them thus giving room for the illegality to thrive.
This might seem most obviously the case in the developing world, where the imposition of structural adjustment programmes have in a number of instances benefited entrenched political elites while having disastrous effects on the capacity of states to provide essential welfare services to their populations.
In spite of what they say about it now, Republicans have used the «Slaughter Solution» in a number of instances, according to Ambinder, including once to pass a $ 40 billion deficit reduction bill and once in 2005 to avoid a recorded vote on an immigration measure.
Inspectors identified a number of instances where boys were strip searched under restraint.
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