Sentences with phrase «number of live cultures»

It might sometimes be indicated as the number of live cultures.
The closer the product is to the end of the shelf life, the less would be the actual number of live cultures present in the probiotic.

Not exact matches

He is the author of a number of books including Reset: Living a Grace - Paced Life in a Burnout Culture.
In Reset: Living a Grace - Paced Life in a Burnout Culture, I explore a number of ways in which we can build personal sustainability.
But it also subtly accommodated itself to such elements of late modernity as the therapeutic culture, increasing numbers of wives working outside the home, and a new expectation that husbands as well as wives should involve themselves emotionally in home life and the well - being of the children.
This a staggeringly unhealthy narrative to promote to our children about the way sexuality works, and plays directly into the hands of a rape culture such as the one in which we live: If you are a woman and ever get catcalled, abused, molested, raped or any number of other sexual advances, you are probably at least partially to blame.
What we meant to model was the sending of one of our number to be a foreign missionary — to learn a new language, to understand a local culture, to sacrifice the amenities of affluence and to live knowing that he or she is always being watched by seekers — while the rest of us stay here as lifetime local missionaries, learning to speak the language of the unchurched, understanding secular culture, sacrificing the amenities of affluence and living as a «watched» person in a society that is skeptical of Christian spirituality until it sees the real thing on display.
With apparently some significant success, evangelical and Catholic supporters of Senator Obama attempted to hijack the language of the culture of life, claiming that they are the authentic pro-life proponents because, by reducing poverty and expanding comprehensive sex education, Obama will decrease the number of abortions.
In our culture words are not altogether dead; signs of life appear in a number of ways in ordinary experiences.
Over the course of his writing life, Augustine combined a number of elements from his fragmented culture — Neoplatonic philosophy, Roman civic morality, the heritage of the great Roman poets, Manichaeism — with his dominant but open - ended Christian faith, into a new synthesis.
What I found in the text, and in letters written by Kaczynski since his incarceration, was a man with a large number of astute (even prophetic) insights into American political life and culture.
I'm Sarah, I'm from England but I've had the fortitude to live all over the place and experience a number of cultures.
Blame it on porn, blame it on hookup culture, blame it on the number of 20 - somethings still living it home — maybe it's all of that or some of that or none of that.
According to a growing number of experts, those exhilarating, Instagrammable moments don't permanently raise the setting on your day - to - day blissometer — and by chasing fleeting highs, you may be missing the opportunity for true joy, with a small j. «We live in a culture that tells us we're supposed to be euphoric all the time, but that feeling isn't sustainable,» says life coach and sociologist Martha Beck, author of Finding Your Own North Star ($ 16;
Store bought kefir might have additives including sugar and though I'm sure it contains many live cultures, the numbers might not compare to the amount of probiotics your homemade kefir can supply you with.
Chris Kresser cited a number of healthy high - carb cultures, and noted that Okinawans became the world's longest - lived culture after being forced to an 85 % carb diet during World War II and its aftermath.
Almost every living culture has a number of traditional recipes using bone broth and the medicine men used it to help people suffering from a wide variety of health complaints.
Nonetheless, the authors write that «although documenting efficacy of probiotics is still emerging, a growing number of consumers and health - care professionals are interested in trying probiotics,» and that people might «also be interested in increasing the levels of live active cultures in their diet.
Despite plenty of scientific evidence that diets don't produce lasting results for most people and despite countless numbers of dieters, most of them women, thrown into a lifetime of damaging despair, low self - esteem, and self - hatred thanks to failing diets, our culture still blindly adheres to the low - calorie diet as the panacea for all life's problems, including those extra pounds.
«Cultures that eat the highest number of beans in their diet have the longest life expectancy,» Nadeau explained.
In addition to this nutrient diversity, yogurts with a sufficient number of live bacterial cultures («probiotic» yogurts) can provide us with an even greater nutritional diversity because their bacteria can continue to metabolize food and transform nutrients after the yogurt has been consumed.
Probiotic cultures vary and the benefit of a probiotic is not measured simply by the number of living bacteria in the foods you eat or in the supplements you take.
BLAST MAGAZINE — Dec 14 — Forbes looked at 40 of the largest cities in the US and ranked them according to «coolness, cost of living alone, culture, job growth, online dating, nightlife and number of singles».
The rankings were based on job availability, cost of living, nightlife, «coolness,» culture, online dating activity and the number of singles in the area.
In this lesson students will practice and reinforce their knowledge of the following concepts and themes learned in Units 1 and 2: • Vocabulary related to domestic living • Gender and number, using an article, a noun, and an adjective • «Ser» and «tener» to describe people and things Students will also learn a new culture topic that complements the themes learned in previous units: The independence of American countries.
Working in collaboration with a diverse group of educators, advocacy groups, community organizations, and policymakers, the project ultimately aims to grow the number of quality schools where all children can have equitable learning outcomes, feel like their culture is valued, learn to live together with appreciation of differences, and be engaged in understanding how to dismantle racism and systemic oppression.
Members of the selection panel were impressed by how Dr. Ross embraces the principal's primary role as, in his words, «the number - one driver for institutional change» who consistently builds a culture that promotes social justice while preparing students to lead productive lives.
As we travel downstream we stop off at a number of minority villages such as the Hmong, Yao and Khmu to get an understanding of their culture and way of life.
There are a number of different styles and formats to choose from at Bali Prime Villas but all of them have the Classic Balinese mod - ethnic style which is extremely effective in combining the magic of the traditional Balinese décor and architecture as well as modern tropical living innovations and modern luxuries.This is the pinnacle of top end of accommodation in the Seminyak offering a beautiful and tranquil escape as well as a base to experience the sophisticated facilities and attraction of Seminyak as well as the culture of the rest of the island.
I fell in love with a number of them living in Medellin, Colombia, there's such a strong cafe culture there!
Since its release last fall, Assassin's Creed Origins has drawn a number of players into its detailed environments bringing ancient Egypt to life, and for those looking to dig a little deeper into the history and culture of Egypt, the upcoming Discovery Tour Mode will bring players to it closer than ever.
The LWL Museum of Art and Culture, Münster, is due to display a number of Francis Bacon works in it's upcoming exhibition «Bare Life.
Described by artist and writer Salomé Voegelin as «a spacious show that embraces different cultures and rhythms... to claim a future present of plural beats» (The Wire, issue 378, August 2015), All Of Us Have A Sense Of Rhythm included a number of public events among which An Evening of Live Music by artists Larry Achiampong, Julien Bayle and Evan Ifekoyof plural beats» (The Wire, issue 378, August 2015), All Of Us Have A Sense Of Rhythm included a number of public events among which An Evening of Live Music by artists Larry Achiampong, Julien Bayle and Evan IfekoyOf Us Have A Sense Of Rhythm included a number of public events among which An Evening of Live Music by artists Larry Achiampong, Julien Bayle and Evan IfekoyOf Rhythm included a number of public events among which An Evening of Live Music by artists Larry Achiampong, Julien Bayle and Evan Ifekoyof public events among which An Evening of Live Music by artists Larry Achiampong, Julien Bayle and Evan Ifekoyof Live Music by artists Larry Achiampong, Julien Bayle and Evan Ifekoya.
A number of notable exhibitions of classic, modern and contemporary Chinese art, include: Along the Yangzi River: Regional Culture of the Bronze Age from Hunan; Blooming in the Shadows: Unofficial Chinese Art 1974 - 1985; Confucius: His life and Legacy in Art; The Last Emperor's Collection: Masterpieces of Painting and Calligraphy from the Liaoning Provincial Museum; Buddhist Sculpture from China: Selections from the Xi'an Beilin Museum, Fifth through Ninth Centuries; Shu: reinventing Books in Contemporary Chinese Art.
For years [Hefner] was ahead of the culture, and today, in his house, under his roof, nobody will be written off because of the number of years they have or have not yet lived.
Some things to look for in your target companies include culture, work - life balance, number of employees, distance from your home, and whether you can relate to the organization's values.
These varying cultures include a variety of differences in almost an infinite number of categories involved in human life.
«On the contrary, the evidence suggests that people who live alone compensate by becoming more socially active than those who live with others, and that cities with high numbers of singletons enjoy a thriving public culture,» he writes.
There are a number of factors which make managing A1C particularly difficult for teens including: Social pressures and responsibilities, motivation, personality, nutrition, substance use, sleep habits, brain re-structuring, defence mechanisms (such as denial and avoidance), social justice issues (oppresion — racism), diabetes education, individuation, future - oriented culture, access to health services, family structure and dynamic issues, marital conflict between parents, family and friendship conflict with teen, mental health stigma, academic pressure and responsibility, limited mindfulness and somatic awareness, spirituality (especially concerning death), an under - developed ability to conceptualize long - term cause and effect (this is developmentally normal for teens), co-parenting discrepencies, emotional inteligence, individuation, hormonal changes, the tendency for co-morbidity (people with diabetes can be more prone to additional physical and mental health diagnosis), and many other life / environmental stressors (poverty, grief etc.).
The Green House model, founded by Dr. William Thomas, is among a growing number of culture change initiatives that seek to improve the quality of life and care in SNFs.
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