Sentences with phrase «number of live events»

As part of its ongoing citywide public art project Monument Lab: A Citywide Public Art and History Exhibition, Mural Arts Philadelphia holds a number of live events featuring conversations with participating artists, project curators, and cultural thinkers.
Players can also look forward to a number of live events that will offer exclusive outfits, weapons, and vehicles for completing certain objectives.
It has enjoyed satisfactory web traffic of both its featured titles and its used books, and hosts a large number of live events at its physical locations throughout the year, including partnering with music promoters to stage live performances at its shops.
Currently, a number of life events such as the birth of a child, marriage, divorce and becoming a U.S. citizen qualify a person to enroll in health coverage outside of the designated enrollment period.
«I work with individuals who are experiencing depression and / or anxiety resulting from a vast number of life events.

Not exact matches

The news comes as Facebook is rolling out a number of new features for its Live video service, including the ability to go live in Facebook groups and events, add filters to your stream, and post varied reactions as a vieLive video service, including the ability to go live in Facebook groups and events, add filters to your stream, and post varied reactions as a vielive in Facebook groups and events, add filters to your stream, and post varied reactions as a viewer.
Companies are now collecting all sorts of data that come from a variety of sources; ranging from performance numbers and attendance, to job satisfaction surveys and tracking employee life events.
Twitter is betting that it can become a place for live video streams of all kinds, including sporting events like soccer and baseball, as well as news events like the Grammy Awards and the election campaign, where it partnered with a number of broadcasters to stream their coverage.
Indeed, a growing number of consumers are using SoundCloud to record and share audio from live events (think music festivals or even breaking news).
«For a significant number of people who attend the Friday event, things will happen that they'll look back on years from now and tie to the day their lives took off,» he said.
Fortunately, there are a number of strategies you can utilize to soften the blow, particularly before major life events such as selling your business or transferring wealth to future generations.
The bible clearly demarks generations, along with the number of years people lived, to a good enough degree that a pretty clear timeline of creation is readily derivable), The biblical account of events is clearly off on time scales.
So, if we know the number of speciation events that occurred over evolution's history, we could calculate the number of species that have lived on the earth.
It's his job, and that of his crew, to manage the bedlam of live shot - to - shot coverage mixed with player features and interviews, commercials, and any number of unscripted events that unfold during the hours - long block of time devoted to the tournament.
So if the risk of aspiration with anesthesia only applies to women who end up with cesareans, then that same recommendation deprives the remaining number of women who don't have C - sections of quality nourishment during one of the most physically exhausting events of their lives.
The skills you aim to develop in young people are ones that can be taken into all walks of life» he hopes that the event will «generate a number of positive talking points for the panel which can be used to ensure more people engage with your positive messages in the future.»
If you live in Texas or Florida, rising temperatures will combine with population growth to create a sixfold rise in numbers of people exposed to extreme and potentially fatal heat events from 2041 onwards.
Price has no special ability when it comes to memorizing words or numbers, but she has a remarkable capacity for remembering the events of her life.
«The number of people living on $ 2 per day doubled in the 20th century,» Cohen noted at the Columbia event.
At baseline the participants reported the number of stressful life events that they had experienced in the past year, such as a divorce, serious illness, major financial problem, or the death of a spouse.
«People with the three gene versions believed to encourage depression had a smaller hippocampus than those with fewer or none of these gene versions, even though they had the same number of stressful life events,» says study leader Lukas Pezawas, describing the results.
At least some cases of temporal lobe epilepsy are thought to start after a single episode of prolonged seizures that occurs early in life in response to any number of events, like a high fever.
In a paper published recently in the journal PLOS ONE, a team of researchers from several Western institutes estimated the number of people living in low - elevation coastal zones, as well as the scale of the population at risk from one - in -100-year storm surge events, by using scenario - based projections.
This half - life existence of graduate students can be minimized in a number of ways; pick a school and department that has a socially active graduate student body; bring a significant other with you to graduate school; attend a school in a major metropolitan area; live in a graduate dorm; find friends in more socially active departments; join a gym or go to the gym on campus; become involved in the surrounding community; suck it up and plan social events yourself for the uninitiated in your department; and finally desperately seek someone — anyone — who will halfway understand your life, i.e., make real friends rather than acquaintances.
It is characterised by low mood and feelings of hopelessness, and is brought on by a number of factors that can include life events such as bereavement, and changes in brain chemistry.
It was at a time when there was a population bottleneck, which means a sharp reduction in the number of living individuals due to environmental events.
What's Next: The genomes of most living organisms including all animals, plants and bacteria encode a large number of RNA - binding proteins with increasing evidence pointing to their extensive involvement in post-transcriptional regulatory events.
According to the study, that would ensure that Earth would be re-seeded with life, following big, cataclysmic events like the Late Heavy Bombardment which happened approximately 4 billion years ago when the space environment around the Earth was dominated by untold numbers of big asteroids in the aftermath of its formation.
Actually, a good number of people experience something called post-traumatic growth after a distressing life event.
Throughout the week, the Ace Hotel hosts a number of events (think live music and pop - up shops) on its rooftop, making it a fun spot to unwind with a few drinks.
For the past two years, this girl has lived at the residence I run and therefore a large number of other residents are invited to the event.
And besides the numbers being on your side, Match also offers a lot of on - site and off - site features — like advanced search options and live events — that will help you find exactly who you want.
Fast life provides an impressive number of events each month.
Speed dating sites organize live events that allow you to meet a number of potential dates over the course of a few hours.
A number of sexual encounters, beginning with a rape, are cast as the defining events of young Norma Jean's life.
There are an infinite number of striking or subtle ways that comic book writers and artists can convey exposition, character details, psychological states, and simultaneous events occurring in parallel storylines; you can do stuff like expand a single decisive instant so that it fills up six pages, or show Spider - Man swinging through midtown Manhattan in a full - page splash panel dotted with thought balloons that summarize a year's worth of his life.
Just the number of people who have lived through horrific events
A confused and uninspired rehash of a number of movies (EVENT HORIZON, GRAVITY, LIFE), it reconnects most strongly with its source (and, for those with longer memories, Paramount's PROPHECY, 1979) in an absolute groaner of an ending, which would have had theater audiences heaving with laughter.
You will find more content presented in new and different formats, ranging from an increased number of web - only articles and interactive graphics, to our recently launched podcast, to live events.
Big ideas should have explanatory power in relation to a large number of objects, events and phenomena that are encountered by students in their lives during and after their school years and provide a basis for understanding issues, such as the use of energy, involved in making decisions that affect learners» own and others» health and wellbeing and the environment.
Some of the simplest measures include completion rates, such as course or activity completion, and the number of participants at live online workshops and events.
The advocates who spoke at the event encouraged Congress members and President Obama to protect Title 1 in ESEA, which provides extra funding to schools serving large numbers of students living in poverty.
The Arizona Charter Schools Association, through events such as «Charters at the Capitol,» is committed to highlighting the real people behind the numbers — bringing together charter leaders, students and families from across Arizona as they share their own stories of charters changing lives.
KOBO WRITING LIFE AT LONDON BOOK FAIR 2016 Mark Lefebvre Kobo Writing Life London Book Fair is one of the biggest publishing events of the year and Kobo Writing Life interviewed a number of authors to hear some of the secrets to their succLIFE AT LONDON BOOK FAIR 2016 Mark Lefebvre Kobo Writing Life London Book Fair is one of the biggest publishing events of the year and Kobo Writing Life interviewed a number of authors to hear some of the secrets to their succLife London Book Fair is one of the biggest publishing events of the year and Kobo Writing Life interviewed a number of authors to hear some of the secrets to their succLife interviewed a number of authors to hear some of the secrets to their success.
Creative nonfiction encourages personal reflection about events and ideas that affect our lives in a number of universal ways — not necessarily as therapy for writers, but so that more readers might understand and relate to the larger issues which connect to the personal stories.
Due to the fast pace of life and a large number of events, it is not surprising that the majority of students often face the same issues when they are obtaining an education.
DISH offers a wide variety of ESPN channels as well as a number of ways to watch your favorite sporting events: live (skipping the commercials, natch) or to stream the event when refilling your popcorn, nachos, or snack of choice takes longer than you thought.
The number of claims for life cover last year was 7,469 and 1,769 for critical illness cover, equating to a total of 9,238 individuals and their families being supported in the event of critical illness or death.
Consider, however, the state's high number of FEMA disasters, including many flooding events, and that few people live there — this means a whole bunch of people are dealing with bad luck.
So long as there are a large number of homes in a negative equity on sale position, a certain percentage will keep sliding into foreclosure when negative life events hit.
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