Sentences with phrase «number of objects for»

A series of works from the 1990s revolving around the idea of chambres included RWF (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)(1993)-- a recreation of the apartment of the late German film - maker — and Une Chambre en Ville (1996), which presented a sparsely decorated though carpeted room containing a small number of objects for communicating information and media such as a radio clock, portable TV, telephone and daily newspapers.
The following table summarizes the numbers of objects for each type, we give separate numbers for the additional, the Messier, and all objects:

Not exact matches

This raises a number of issues which are the object of vigorous debate at present among monetary authorities world - wide: issues such the appropriate objectives for a central bank and the desirable degree of independence.
«The first iteration of the mandate in 2011 created an onerous burden for institutions that conscientiously object to providing contraceptives and / or abortifacients for religious reasons, as it contained only a very narrow exemption that applied to a small number of churches,» stated the council.
For wishes concern particular objects, and a great number of objects, but the, wish applies essentially to the whole life.
The reason children require a number of years to develop mastery of certain basic concepts, according to some child psychologists, is not that they are slow in learning the words — they actually know the words quite early — but that they have to start experiencing the world in a new, more simplified way that corresponds with the classifications suggested by these words.4 For example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classificatioFor example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classificatiofor several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classifications.
Looking out for number one is the main object and goal of most of the world.
«He worked out a way to translate objects into the number of acres it would take to produce the material for them,» Robin said.
In simpler language, we may state that primordial objects in the universe (grounded in an ineffable reality) are causally transformed into a limited set of cosmological, biological and cultural entities, which at the same time, allows for an endless number of creative outcomes and novel possibilities.
If some who object to abortion work to diminish the number of unwanted, inappropriate pregnancies, or to make bearing a child for adoption by persons able to be its loving foster parents more attractive than it now is, and do this with a minimum of coercion, all honor to them.
Lifetime bans were issued to individuals who crossed safety barriers to enter the field of play during the Burnley fixture, while a number of others were banned for life for violently throwing coins or objects with intent to injure or harm on the bridge directly in front of the Directors» Box.
We used ours to explore magnetic and non-magnetic objects and for some number practice, but you could add letters and spell words, count or sort items pulled out of the tray and lots more.
For me, I know that my preschooler can confidently recall numbers 1 - 10 and can associate the number name with an amount of objects.
In a letter to Cuomo on Wednesday morning, Vance said he has confidence in Singas but objected to the move for a «number of reasons.»
Bercow is supported by many Labour MPs for his often interventionist role in helping MPs hold the government to account, regularly allowing urgent questions — part of the reason why a number of Tories object to him.
The government is planning a referendum for May but Labour objects to parts which would cut the number of MPs.
If that is the price we pay for party unity, should we be surprised that party politics is becoming the butt of the joke and an object of scorn to an increasing number of Americans, much as it was to my countrypeople in the last days of the Soviet Union?
She is recognized for research on a parrot named Alex who learned the names of about 100 different objects, seven colors, five shapes, and quantities up to and including the number eight.
The result: Since the method works out the necessary knowledge for itself, it is robust, even when the number of people involved, the lighting conditions, the camera position, and the types and sizes of target objects vary.
In excavating for the works, a large number of animal remains, ancient coins, and other curious objects were found, most of which have been deposited in the British Museum.»
People who use echolocating mouth clicks to compensate for low vision increase the number and intensity of clicks when objects are harder to detect.
Set theory deals with the counting and manipulation of collections of objects, and provides the crucial logical underpinnings of mathematics: because numbers can be associated with the size of sets, the rules for manipulating sets also determine the logic of arithmetic and everything that builds on it.
So a number of observational projects have taken a different tack, trying to identify small KBOs by monitoring background stars for sudden dips in brightness that might result from a distant object crossing the line of sight between the star and Earth.
This is how some fractal mathematical objects, such as the Mandelbrot set — a set of complex numbers for which a particular iterated equation does not approach infinity — are generated.
«Compared to deterministic methods, our probabilistic approach achieves high accuracy, especially for complicated image data with a large number of objects, high object density and a high level of noise,» says Dr. Rohr.
• Encouraging caregivers to increase their use of words for number, for the spatial properties of objects, and for abstract relations like similarity has the potential for improving children's understanding of number and spatial thinking, and their ability to make sophisticated comparisons.
«We'll extract new information, and we'll do it statistically, for a large number of objects, so we can do good science even if there are no civilizations to be found.»
There may be a large number of undetected bright, substellar objects similar to giant exoplanets in our own solar neighborhood, according to new work from a team led by Carnegie's Jonathan Gagné and including researchers from the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx) at Université de Montréal.
They plan to use synthetic human clicks to investigate how these sounds can reveal the physical features of objects; the number of measurements required for such studies would be impractical to ask from human volunteers.
When an object is sliced in two, the Euler characteristic is the tally of surfaces revealed minus the number of holes in them — one for a croquet ball, zero for a hollow tennis ball.
To refine the target catalogue for the forthcoming Taipan Galaxy Survey, the images of a large number of sources are being visually inspected in order to identify objects that are confused by a foreground sta... ▽ More Gravitationally lensed quasars are powerful and versatile astrophysical tools, but they are challengingly rare.
To refine the target catalogue for the forthcoming Taipan Galaxy Survey, the images of a large number of sources are being visually inspected in order to identify objects that are confused by a foreground star or galaxies that have a distinct multi-component structure.
The Stereology module employs unbiased stereological techniques for accurate estimation of total number, volume, surface area, and length of objects in a biological structure.
For instance, when a person sees a clock, only a small number of neurons become active, enough to do pattern matching that draws upon the brain's memory of a clock and compares it with the object's basic features — its round shape, the presence of numbers — to draw a conclusion that this thing is a clock.
This could mean that graphene - based chips, already held as promising candidates for the next generation of ultra-thin electronics, could not only bring us much faster number crunching but also help scientists understand the complex quantum phenomena that take place inside celestial objects at the other end of our universe.
Some astronomers believe brown dwarfs may exist in large numbers, helping account for the so - called missing mass» of galaxiesmatter galaxies seem to contain that can not be accounted for by observed celestial objects.
The subsample of 105 stars with d < 15 pc containing 23 F, 33 G and 49 K stars, is complete for F stars, almost complete for G stars and contains a substantial number of K stars to draw solid conclusions on objects of this spectral type.
The constellation is known for the Great Square of Pegasus, a familiar asterism in the northern sky, as well as for a number of bright stars and deep sky objects, among them Messier 15 (NGC 7078, Cumulo de Pegaso), Stephan's Quintet of galaxies, the Einstein Cross (a gravitationally lensed quasar), and the unbarred spiral galaxy NGC 7742.
And at the end of the evening, attendees who are still too shy or unsure about asking anyone for a date, or even a phone number, can try instead to pursue the object of their desires by signing up for a future Mint Experience dinner party.
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UIElement is a base class for most of the Windows Runtime UI objects that have visual appearance and can process basic input as part of your app's user Arrange Game Order all the numbers in the shortest time possible with the minimum number of moves...
So if you're the shy type and didn't ask for her number or were too nervous to approach, if the object of your affection is signed up on Happn, her profile will show up on your timeline.
Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon - 14 dating) is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by The serial number is usually the key to determining the manufacturing date (aka age) of most major home appliances.
Lipstick & Dynamite: The First Ladies of Wrestling Look Both Ways Man About Town Manuscripts Don't Burn Meditate and Destroy Mistress Mr. X Music from the Big House Nollywood Babylon Offspring Primitive London Princess Kaiulani Pumpkinhead Red Garters River's Edge Sacred Flesh Sacrifice Schoolgirl Hitchhikers Sleepover Successive Slidings of Pleasure Switchback The Black Stallion The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance The Cove The Cup The Dark Half The Fairy The Giants The Golden Child The Hills Have Eyes 2 The Last Godfather The New Public The Object of Beauty The Rage — Carrie 2 The Revisionaries The Search for One Eyed Jimmy The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine The Workshop This Ain't No Mouse Music Truth in Numbers?
There are a surprising number of cut scenes for a hidden object puzzle adventure, all enriching the tale with their clumsy but charming flair.
There are no less than half a dozen MacGuffin's floating around in «Part 1» as Harry and his friends quest for a seemingly endless number of objects in order to destroy ultimate baddie Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), who in turn is questing for an entirely (maybe?)
To be fair, it's a lot easier to implement physics and custom animations and dismemberment for hundreds of different objects when said objects are made up of far fewer polygons, and appear in smaller numbers in smaller spaces.
In this lesson, learners will be able to: recall and use multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two - digit numbers times one - digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects Contains 75 interactive pages with lots of drag and drop differentiated activities.
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