Sentences with phrase «number of other diseases»

It also excitingly demonstrates the potential for treatment of a large number of other diseases for which existing therapies are either unsatisfactory or unavailable.»
EBV causes mononucleosis, and has been associated with a growing number of other diseases.
Although surgery that is confined to removing just a small tumor (loco - regional treatment) is generally considered to be low risk, we have previously demonstrated that the proportion of patients who develop postoperative complications strongly increases with age and increasing numbers of other diseases or conditions that they may have.
This assay will be a useful tool for differential Zika fever diagnostics in a situation where number of other disease like malaria, dengue, chikungunya co-circulate and are clinically indistinguishable.
A large number of other diseases that afflict ferrets cause exactly the same signs, so it is always necessary for a veterinarian to run additional testing to be able to diagnose a ferret with heartworm disease.
The silver lining, says Richard Salmon, a retired neurologist who wrote an editorial accompanying the research, is that recent research shows that the vCJD prion behaves much like the pathological proteins behind a number of other diseases involving brain degeneration, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
The molecule that shuttles proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm, XPO1 (also called CRM1,) has been implicated in multiple sclerosis and a number of other diseases.
In the future, medical researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived from stem cell research to treat cancer, spinal cord injuries, and muscle damage, amongst a number of other diseases and impairments.
Those are the leukemias but also a number of other diseases such as breast cancer or prostate cancer.»
Collagen, a structural protein often involved in scarring and wound healing, is emerging as an important factor in a number of other diseases, Eliceiri says.
Amalgam fillings are the principle source of toxic mercury in the system — linked to Alzheimer's and a number of other disease conditions.
Imbalance in this ratio can not only lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) but also contribute to a number of other diseases, including:
Dogs, including Border Collies, can also suffer from a number of other diseases and conditions - Just like us humans.
Low thyroid hormone levels do not always indicate hypothyroidism, it can also occur secondary to a number of other diseases and return to normal when those health issues are corrected.
There are a number of other diseases that produce similar symptoms.
In our companion animals, the clinical signs of heartworm disease may not be seen in the early stages and can mimic a number of other diseases and conditions.
But a number of other diseases, such as diabetes, can cause increased thirst and urination.
As a result, the affected dog may be treated for any of a number of other diseases without success when a regular regimen of B12 injections will return it to health in short order and keep it there.
When there are apparent symptoms, they can be shared by a number of other diseases, or even behavior problems.
Current studies are investigating breed predispositions to a number of other diseases, including equine metabolic syndrome and laminitis.
Besides mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer always linked to asbestos, a number of other diseases can also be caused by asbestos exposure, such as asbestos lung cancer.
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