Sentences with phrase «number of priests»

The upshot, as best we can make out, is that a large number of priests who seek help in this connection have, in the course of their lives.
There is enough harvesting to be done for an increased number of priests and deacons and for an active laity.
«Too often Catholics prefer [ed] to condemn rather than to engage the rapidly secularizing society... When the culture shifted, their children immediately «lost» their faith (as did huge numbers of priests and religious).»
In the Jerusalem temple there were a large number of priests.
He and they ordained an unknown number of priests, including the attempted ordination of at least seven women, of whom Ludmila Javorova is one.
It helps all to remember the countless number of priests who have faithfully responded to their calling and dedicated their lives with passion, love and generosity so that the faith could be passed on from their generation to the next.
If this principle is applied also to those who do not practice their faith, hence have no real relation to the community Church of faith, then the actual number of priests must, indeed, give the impression of a shortage, for there are not even enough priests for all the established parishes and Mass centres.
Some members of the Board were obviously taken aback to discover in the course of their study that a sizeable number of priests were ordained under the impression that celibacy does not necessarily mean celibacy.
Daly told CNN he was worried about the decreasing number of priests and the number of older priests.
I feel the same way about the poor priests who are good men and are being lumped in with the reallyreallyreally sick numbers of priests who it appears will have a special place in hell tucked away just for them!
I'm not even going to mention the large percentage of American Catholics who violate this edict by using contraception on a regular basis... or the hypocrisy of Catholic hierarchy who went to great lengths to cover - up some very un-Godly behavior by a scary number of its priests
As for all those African vocations, well, «the growing number of priests is a result not only of missionary power but also a result of the fact that the priesthood is one of the few possibilities for social security on the dark continent.»
Many pastors in the West seem more preoccupied with seeking new management strategies to cope with falling numbers of priests than with finding new ways to inspire the spiritual renewal of the baptised and to spread the gospel.
There still remained great numbers of priests serving the Temple in Jerusalem and they were organised into hierarchies and rotas.
No number is small enough the only small enough number of priest or anyone else com - mi - tting ped - op - hilia is 0 any more than that is to many.
It is hard to believe that either new development — the widespread open rebellion against church sexual teachings by the laity, or the concomitant quiet rebellion against church sexual teachings by a significant number of priests — could have existed without the other.
Huge numbers of priests had renounced their calling, as had many nuns and monks.
Just one act of abuse is too many but it should be remembered that the priests who have abused are a tiny minority of the total number of priests and the abuse they have carried out is a tiny proportion of all abuse - less than a half of 1 \ %.
The number of pedophiles in the rcc may not be much different than in the general population, but it appears that the number of priests, or others in authority, that place the safety and future of children above their cult is very low, if not zero, given that not a single «whistle blower» from within the rcc has come forward, to my knowledge.
After skyrocketing from about 27,000 in 1930 to 58,000 in 1965, the number of priests in the United States dropped to 45,000 in 2002.
I'm appalled at the number of priest who have been outed for sure, there simply isn't an excuse for this EVER.
The week at St Mary's included Mass celebrated by Bishop John Wilson of Westminster, who was joined by a number of priests including Fr Stephen Langridge from St Elizabeth's, Richmond — who has initiated FOCUS activities in Britain — and Father Peter Newby, chaplain at St Mary's.
But the book provides no basis whatever for estimating the number of priests who are violating their celibacy vow.
The number of priests is dropping like a rock in the West.
Pope Francis has given a number of priests in southern Nigeria a 30 - day ultimatum to obey him by accepting... More
There are enough Christian Churches here that Catholics can join, and I would bet that the number of priest / child abuse cases goes expotentionally DOWN.
In a statement, it said that under his leadership the number of priests rose from 79 to 140 and annual baptisms had risen from less than 10,000 per year in 2004, to more than 20,000 per year in 2013.
Forget the number of priests that are being caught, what about the numbers of kids they have abused?
The number of priests, male or female, will continue to drop because we all are seeing the foolishness of these major religions.
Pope Francis has given a number of priests in southern Nigeria a 30 - day ultimatum to obey him by accepting the nomination of a bishop - or face being suspended from office.
The number of priests is in decline but «lay ecclesial ministers» (LEMs) are popping up all over.
The Catholic Church in Ireland is going high - tech in a bid to reverse a dramatic decline in the number of priests.
The funny part about this whole Catholic objection is that a number of priests who work tirelessly to help the needy in third world countries have privately expressed that they wish that these families would use contraception.
Consider this: Between 1960 and 2015, the National Catholic Educational Association tells us, the number of priests and religious (mostly sisters belonging to orders specializing in education) in Catholic schools dropped from 112,000 to 4,200.
Georgetown University's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, one of the best trackers of Catholic trends, reports that, while the number of priests has dropped 37 percent since 1965, and seminarians are down 58 percent, the number of religious sisters is now about a quarter of what it was that year.
However evidence has now surfaced to show that Lenin requested daily reports of the number of priests executed and that he used the famine of 1921 -2 as a means of crushing religious resistance.
The gains could be enormous, and not least in increasing the numbers of priests, as Pope John Paul believed: Particularly in the context of the new evangelization, the people have a right to turn to priests in the hope of «seeing» Christ in them....
One conviction of abuse against a child or young person would be one too many but my attempts to gather reliable information on the number of priests convicted of crimes against children and young persons in the last thirty years have been unsuccessful.
Over the past few years the Albany Catholic Diocese has been hit heavily by charges of sexual abuse by a number of its priests and by the appearance of a cover - up.
In 2001, the Globe's Spotlight team published details of a number of priests who had been removed from their posts after allegations of sexual misconduct, only to be placed in new parishes.
As they start to realize the depth of the situation, the number of priests involved increases from thirteen to potentially ninety in the Boston area.
For starters, the number of priests, nuns and brothers able to teach for free has plummeted.
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