Sentences with phrase «number of weapons»

To add even further depth there are a large number of weapon types to collect.
Two new weapon sets — sword and shield and a chain whip — expand the total number of weapon sets to about a dozen, as well.
There is a vast number of weapons to select from even in the beta and each one you use «levels up» individually.
The sheer number of weapons, vehicles and locations in the game world will ensure you get a fun filled weekend until you might want to change into a completely new title.
You don't choose a character class with a varied number of weapons and perks you can mix - and - match.
As if the ridiculous number of weapons you'll be able to cause chaos with and the 100 hours of content wasn't enough.
You can only carry a specific number of weapons though, but an early skill tree unlock allows you to carry more.
The ridiculously large number of weapons, tools and armor definitely keeps the gameplay interesting because it continually allows you to experiment with new item combinations.
There are now more than 100 wars actively engaged in the world, demanding a vast number of weapons that are being manufactured to keep up with it all.
That brings the total number of weapons in the game up to 1398.
One of the bigger attention grabbers about Borderlands has always been the huge number of weapons players will have access to in the game.
The «number of weapons released» in US air strikes in Afghanistan in 2017 was 4,361, according to US Air Force data, compared with 1,337 the previous year.
(Not all aircraft active over Iraq and Syria are under US control, so the total number of weapons used is likely higher.)
: Garrett Epps breaks down the text of the Second Amendment and concludes that it doesn't guarantee «an unlimited individual right to bear any kind and number of weapons by anyone.»
She bases this assessment on the fact that these countries produced or planned to produce a rather small number of weapons.
Candidates for cut off points might be: Numbers of weapons mated to delivery systems at any one time, numbers of warheads bigger than the minimum that allows economical maintenance (what would that number be?
You can only kill so many faceless baddies before things become dull, and the game's limited number of weapons do little to mix up the monotony.
Sanctum shipped with only three maps and a similarly restricted number of weapons.
The massive number of weapons and armors that you can craft in the game require a huge amount of materials that you must get after hunting monsters, which translates in an almost endless loop that might seem boring at first glance, but it's actually quite addictive.
Each area theme (ranging from slippery ice plateaus to scrapyards and bejewelled cave systems) spans a fixed number of levels, boss encounters crop up at the same point in the sequence every time, and each layout is home to a certain number of weapon and ammo crates.
That means they never did Hestu's sidequest, and still have the minimum number of weapon slots.
Instead, it was about making a large number of weapons feel satisfying, which is where a lot of Motion Twin's effort was devoted.
Combat has been improved dramatically as well, as it is easier to control weapons, but you can no longer carry an unlimited number of weapons.
While we already listed down the vehicles and Heroes available in Star Wars Battlefront, we still don't know the exact number of weapons, Star Cards and other stuff that's going to be present in the base game — at least until now.
There are a fair number of weapons, which are unlocked for purchase through levelling up, and you are able to test each weapon out as well as its sub weapons to help you decide which are the ones for you before you actually buy them.
HYPERGUN is a roguelite shooter that features procedurally drawn levels, a staggering number of weapon combinations, and crazy neon soaked locations to explore.
The gameplay allows for a decent number of weapons that become more diverse with the multiple weapon stances that will alter the combos performed.
You only obtain a reasonable number of weapons and abilities, so you never feel overwhelmed by indecision.
Your character, Aiden Pearce, could carry a laughable number of weapons and perform barely interesting hacks.
Such challenges might include surviving twenty Horde rounds on a certain difficulty or scoring a set number of weapon kills.
The sheer number of weapons in this game, such shotguns, laser rifles and hand - cannons, is amazing and every new area I went into offered up a new weapon to try out keeping me pushing forward to find that next even more powerful killing tool.
Other shooters, from Gears of War to Halo are all about aim shoot, repeat, throw grenade, cover - so I find it odd to accuse the game of this, after all, the huge number of weapons and upgrades are an excellent feature.
On the civilian side, enough plutonium has been separated to make a similarly large number of weapons.
As you make your way through the many sparsely lit corridors and into the those areas where all the bad guys are waiting to pump hot lead into your ass, you can fight fire with fire with your hand gun or pick up the varied number of weapons that said enemies will drop as you send them on to their next life.
In fact, SW2 has gone full Borderlands on us as far as having a ridiculous number of weapons, across all types melee, ranged, explosive, sci - fi, you name it.
In fact, war in the Congo has directly resulted in crisis level food insecurity (= increased demand for meat from killing forest animals including bonobos), countless numbers of displaced people who pose added burdens on demand for food, rife levels of corruption and mismanagement, immeasurable but vast numbers of weapons and munitions distributed across the country, large - scale break down of traditional taboos that may have locally protected some populations of bonobos, and much, much more.
«We have refined our targeting process and become more efficient in layering our ISR to uncover targets that have made themselves available to us, which also has facilitated the number of weapons we've been able to deliver,» Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian, commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, told reporters last week.
The FBI admitted on Friday it had failed to follow up on that tip, and another in January that went into even greater detail about his threats and the possibility that he had acquired a number of weapons.
In contrast the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia all reported the number of weapons released.
Just how many weapons one needs for that depends on their survivability, the presumed accuracy of the first strike, and the number of weapons it takes to inflict unacceptable damage on the adversary.
He postulates that two factors may influence the outcome of a mass shooting event: training officers to recognize which mass shooters are most likely to commit suicide by their own hand or attempt «suicide by cop»; and providing officers with detailed information about the attack (such as the offender's number of weapons, number of victims killed, and decision to attack at an open commercial site, factory, or warehouse).
That responsiveness allows you to trade off numbers of weapons
Though having a small number squad members, but large number of weapons, This game has everything than mass effect 2.
Finally, the update introduces a number of weapon balance changes, including an increase in great sword damage, an increase in the stun values of the hammer, an attack power increase for the hunting horn, and a reduction in the difficulty of using the lance.
You've got a number of weapons to lethally take down aggressive guards, but they all feel puny and ineffectual, taking four or five shots to down a single guard on the Normal difficulty setting.
The gameplay is top - notch, the number of weapons in the game is absolutely expansive, and the art style is incredibly charming.
The latest update, issued by Konami's Japanese Twitter account, puts the number of weapons down slightly as of Sept. 1 at 9,864.
The second — because of the large number of weapons that we'd have — is to have a scenario in future where players can switch weapons, and whichever weapon you're using change how the game plays.
The rest of the trailer features zombie carnage with a number of weapons from an automatic rifle to a massive spiked bat.
Outside of a fairly entertaining car chase early on that utilizes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles» dumpster truck (with a number of weapon attachments unique to the personality of each individual turtle), there isn't much going on of interest during any of their battle sequences.
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