Sentences with phrase «number of words»

These guides are only rough guides, because they measure lengths of words, number of words in sentences and the length of paragraphs.
We've devoted a lot of time in this post to a small number of words on your resume, but they are critical ones.
Now that you know the average number of words per page in your book, you can calculate the page count with a little arithmetic.
The average number of words for a printed page range from 250 to 300.
User behavior like number of photos posted and number of words used in the personal description is used to predict a user's success on the site.
Then ask them to contribute a certain number of words to the list.
This goal could be a predetermined number of words read correctly or a predetermined number of times the child has to beat their previous score.
She needed to get the total number of words down to 97.
The best way to deal with a defiant toddler is to take swift, immediate action that involves the smallest number of words possible.
«It was a massive rule that covered power plants all over the country... the court only gave a limited number of words to those challenges,» he said.
Studies have shown that children need to be familiar with a large number of words to be successful readers, and action words can be particularly difficult for children to learn.
In the same number of words, this avoids needless jargon and includes important additional information.
Having written a couple of essays, try to write a predetermined number of words within a stated time, an hour for example.
Even though they're told the required number of words, they write twice that number.
Flash fiction is always good practice in order to determine the absolute minimum number of words to tell the story, interest the reader and move the story forward.
Students improved in the primary target behaviors of planning time and holistic (quality) score but showed inconsistent results for other target behaviors such as number of words and mechanics.
A progress report keeps parents updated on total time spent reading, number of words looked up, badges earned, and books read.
Build the maximum number of words with the same combination of letters.
Choose a set number of words — 3 or 4 — for special treatment.
I don't have a specific number of words I write a day... I go with the flow.
Other special features include a higher number of words per page, which might not be a discount or a bonus prize, but you still get more content for the same price.
In many local rules, courts permit briefs with either a specified number of pages or a specified number of words.
By 18 months, many children are able to say a fair number of words, but it's not unusual for those words to be difficult for strangers to understand.
Keep the information brief and use bullet points to put across different points in the cover letter, as this covers more points in lesser number of words.
Some dogs learn to understand an impressive number of words, as well.
This is equal reading time but certainly not an equal number of words read.
One aspect of the 140 characters is that it teaches you to be selective in your words — to say the most in the least number of words.
You simply don't have enough time to write the requisite number of words at your typical writing pace.
Q: Is there a recommended number of words one should use in a cover letter?
Using a bullet format and limiting the list to eight examples, the writer creates the picture of an applicant who is professional and responsible without using an excessive number of words.
The total number of words must be posted at the bottom of the story.
It is the same subject, the same number of words, and the same value as entertainment or education.
The idea being that students can learn and retain a small number of words / meanings or data at any one time.
A progress report keeps parents updated on total time spent reading, number of words looked up, badges earned and books finished.
Perhaps a general range of number of words?
«Specifically, after we equate for socioeconomic status, we find that the sheer number of words spoken by an adult was not related to children's neural processing of language, but that the number of conversational turns was,» says Romeo.
The jury charge's sufficiency is not about number of words dedicated to a given issue.
The work by HGSE researchers suggests that, for these low - income families, what matters most is the diversity of words that mothers use, not just the sheer number of words used.
So I kind of like the idea of having access to all existing and new published works for a modest monthly subscription fee (and, if the subscription fee was split among the content providers in rough accordance with number of words read each month, it could be quite a good deal for them, too; of course that monopoly in the middle wants to avoid that if at all possible), but I don't expect I'll ever have that option available to me.
(2) Have a specific goal for number of words written daily.
Simplifying biz - blab to the fewest number of words doesn't just make your writing crisper, it also habituates your mind to seek the simple essence of needlessly complex concepts.
The software can determine whether the people are actually at their desks as well as very nuanced metrics of their computer usage, from number of words typed per minute and mouse clicks to where their eyes go on the screen.

Phrases with «number of words»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z