Sentences with phrase «number two killer»

Dirty water is the number two killer of children, after pneumonia and flu, yet hardly anybody knows that.

Not exact matches

There are plenty of big killers under non atheist regimes, it just so happens that two of the three biggest states in world history have been atheist so if you pick absolute numbers rather than percents of course that's what you'll see.
Gordon Brown and David Cameron sparred over a number of issues without landing a «killer blow», while Nick Clegg stepped up to portray himself as an alternative to the two main parties.
Despite the progress against cancer, however, it is still the number - two killer in the U.S. after heart disease.
Dr. Carloyn Dean, Medical Advisor of the Nutritional Magnesium Association, concluded, ``... heart disease is still the number one killer in America, in spite of over two decades of statin use.
The tumors in the active mice contained more of two types of cancer - killing cells, explains Quartz, «double the number of T - cells and five times the number of natural killer cells.»
Though the Weinsteins didn't discover Todd Haynes — that was Christine Vachon of Killer Films, who produced his first two films, Poison and Safe — Haynes has worked a number of times with Miramax and The Weinstein Company.
But early on, when information about the intended targets and even the number of killers was unclear (as they appeared and reappeared in different locations and shed the trench coats they had worn for their initial shootings), there emerged a widely accepted story line: Two marginalized students had been subjected to sneers and social rejection and in revenge were shooting athletes and Christians.
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