Sentences with phrase «number two priority»

He says the group's number two priority is extending a state tax on millionaires, which expires at the end of the year.
Our Number Two priority is to stay in Oklahoma.»
«That is my number one and number two priority,» Mr Clarke said.
Preaching was His God given purpose, and since God was His number one priority, doing God's will was His number two priority.

Not exact matches

The two common characteristics of these dioceses is that they are led by bishops that are committed to a bold and courageous defense of orthodox Catholicism, and they are making vocations a number one priority within their dioceses through building strong vocation teams that are actively recruiting new priests.
There are two completely divergent directions we can go in this country... making sure that Barack Obama goes back to the White House is our number one priority
I want to be a priority in someone's life, not number two.
The two top priorities are drawing together staff from both sectors to deal with Common Core challenges and boosting the number of special education students taken by charters.
Number two, this bill achieves those savings in a way that is consistent with my policy priorities, namely sheltering those with the smallest pensions and those who are most reliant on their pensions, as well as those who have served the longest.
At - large candidate Jacqui Shumway did so — but listed nine items as her top priority, five as number 2 and two as third.
Two London local authorities have amended the sibling priority rule from 2016, taking away the automatic entitlement to school places for a number of families.
You can't ignore the fact the number of kids attending priority schools in Nashville doubled within the last two years from 3,000 to 6,000.
The cable - operated manual gearbox may be a smooth and effortless two - finger job, but the throws are rather long, precision was not the number one priority, and the top two ratios sacrifice pep on the CO2 altar.
Amazon and Good e-Reader are two that tend to keep their app numbers low, but put a priority on discovery and ROI.
This should be savings priority number two for any recent grads.
«With international visitation being the country's number two export supporting 15 million American jobs, we're struggling to understand how cutting Brand USA squares with this administration's stated priorities
«Being close to bug - free should be the number one priority, and I would like to see Unity spend a whole release cycle (or two) on stability and unit testing.
But on a list of top ten priorities its maybe number two or three or maybe even lower.
If censorship resistance is covered we can work on priority Number Two: process all the world's morning coffees and more.»
Of a number of published evidence reviews on strategies for preventing childhood obesity, 8 — 15 only one published in 2007 has focused on environmental influences of obesity - related dietary behaviours in children and young people (aged 3 — 18 years).15 It found consistent associations between parental influences (parental food intake and education) and obesity in this age group.15 The early years are a priority population for intervention strategies for two reasons.
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