Sentences with phrase «numbers of educators across»

Language can be a major challenge when you are supporting large numbers of educators across multiple communities.

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New York has nearly 8,600 fewer active educators than it did five years ago, and the number of SUNY students majoring in education has dropped 50 percent since 2007, fueling fears of a looming teacher shortage across the state.
Free CPD programme The show also welcomed a number of education visionaries to speak across the four different theatres, with visitors gaining insight into some of the most challenging topics currently facing educators.
In the theatres This year's show welcomes a number of education visionaries who will be speaking across four different theatres about some of the most challenging topics educators are currently facing.
A number of more combative leaders have recently ascended across the nation, motivated by what they see as timid union reaction to educator - hostile policies and contracts and energized by Chicago's strike (which humbled an imperious mayor).
THINK Literacy has been enthusiastically received by a number of leading educators from across the country who previewed the curriculum:
She felt daunted, however, by the challenge of providing high - quality professional development to large numbers of educators spread across the farthest reaches of the 1,946 square - mile county.
For all but the lowest - performing 1 percent of schools (which struggle across the board), a single number will inevitably produce arbitrary judgments about which schools are «better» and «worse,» concealing the specific strengths and weaknesses of specific schools and depriving educators of the information that they need to improve.
Thousands of charter families and educators from across New York State took part in a record number of legislative visits — more than 90!
Across the country, the number of community schools continues to grow, as local educators, community leaders, and others look for equitable, efficient, and effective ways to provide the broad range of supports and services that allow young people to become truly well - prepared to enter college or a career.
Red State Or Blue State, Parents Want Good Education Options November 23, 2015 by Brett Kittredge Last week, hundreds of parents, educators, and students in Massachusetts marched across the Boston Commons and rallied near the State House as part of an effort to increase the number of charter schools available in the state.
Jones added, «Over the last several years we have seen a sharp decline in the number of Black and Latino / a educators in New York City, Chicago, and across the country.
While the traditional teacher certification route - enrolling in and completing a four - year teacher preparation program - is common across the states, there are a number of different routes an educator can take to become certified and enter the classroom.
Last week, hundreds of parents, educators, and students in Massachusetts marched across the Boston Commons and rallied near the State House as part of an effort to increase the number of charter schools available in the state.
Troy has delivered his Number Drummer program to thousands of students and educators across the U.S., and he has been recognized and awarded by Yale University for his innovative teaching approach.
Regardless of the qualifications one might add to this number, this represents the continuation of an increasing trend in graduation rates over the past 20 years of standards and accountability based reform in Texas public education, and we should applaud educators across the state for this achievement.
You also have the opportunity to take a number of courses with educators across the disciplines.
At this meeting of education and legislative leaders, King shared a number of encouraging thoughts on a topic that is certainly on the minds of district leaders and educators across the U.S: the recently enacted Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
With these leadership structures in place, educators and partners can increase the number and effectiveness of community schools across a school district.
A number of organizations across the state have been involved in the work to develop culturally competent educators, including the Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Leadership Network, Oregon University System, Teacher Standards and Practices Commission and Eugene School District through its Leadership for Educational Achievement in Districts Project.
To politicians like de Blasio, I — an educator of poor and minority children — am public enemy number one, but to thousands of families across New York, Success Academy schools are proof of what children can achieve and they have raised their voices to demand educational opportunity for more students.
Innovations that receive a lot of attention, such as Harvard's introduction of intensive skills training for first - year law students, or Northwestern's introduction of a two - year J.D. program, had in fact already been introduced in a number of other law schools.33 Social science studies of innovation in legal education would permit legal educators to focus more substantively on innovative changes regardless of the ranking of the school that is introducing them — and would thus permit educators across the country to learn from one another.34
A number of educators from participating KidsMatter services across Victoria are excited to sharetheir ideas and strategies for assisting new educators and families in becoming familiar with the KidsMatter Framework.
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