Sentences with phrase «numbers on the albedo»

Not exact matches Climate Dynamics Volume 37, Numbers 5 - 6 (2011), 915 - 931, DOI: 10.1007 / s00382 -010-0868-1 Albedo enhancement of marine clouds to counteract global warming: impacts on the hydrological cycle G. Bala, Ken Caldeira, Rama Nemani, Long Cao, George Ban - Weiss and Ho - Jeong Shin
But whether someone chooses to use the term Albedo or Bond albedo it doesn't appear as though anyone has actually got right the values for the Bond albedo on any planetary body or any object in space - and as result still getting a ballpark nAlbedo or Bond albedo it doesn't appear as though anyone has actually got right the values for the Bond albedo on any planetary body or any object in space - and as result still getting a ballpark nalbedo it doesn't appear as though anyone has actually got right the values for the Bond albedo on any planetary body or any object in space - and as result still getting a ballpark nalbedo on any planetary body or any object in space - and as result still getting a ballpark number.
Apparently distinct from previous years in number and intensity of low albedo (evidence of melt) episodes, the 2012 melt season is characterized by 4 anomalous lows, centered on: 2 June (71.4 %); 27 June (67.4 %); 16 July (64.0 %); and 1 August (65.2 %).
The problem with sensitivity estimates based on ancient data is the great uncertainty of the input data (solar activity, land albedo, etc), which creates very fuzzy numbers.
We have the CO2 estimates but climate science refuses to put the Albedo numbers on paper in a transparent way.
The number usually calculated in modern textbooks for the temperature without an atmosphere, -18 °C, is based on our planet's present «albedo,» that is, the amount of sunlight it reflects.
Just go back to your hole until you and your hippie friends crank out the numbers on particulate albedo warming; ^) I want my free ice cream and I want it now.
PS - by the way, there have been a number of studies that have attributed a lot of the Arctic and Greenland ice melting to the albedo effect of coal combustion particulate matter from China deposited on the ice.
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