Sentences with phrase «numbers over a given period of time»

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CAC: Here you take the sum of all your sales and marketing expenses over a given period of time (Salaries, tools, spend) and divide by the number of new customers acquired in that same time period.
One way to check whether this explanation makes any sense would be to compare the total number of cases over a period of time (rather than open cases at any given time).
A «job» in this context is a request to process a certain amount of data — turning the information produced by the detector in a given time period into the images, say, or scanning over some large number of these images for analysis.
As long - term iPSC expansion can give rise to huge amounts of NK cells which are not HLA - restricted, they can serve as an allogenic treatment, this option may allow the treatment of large numbers of patients over a prolonged period of time of required.
(1) Never list home addresses, phone numbers, work addresses or work numbers and don't give them out until you have met the person several times in public places and have gotten to know them over a period of time.
Two types of moving averages the simple moving average which refers to average over a given number of time periods coupled with the exponential moving average which reflects the most recent time periods more significantly are used to shape forex strategies.
Forbearance can give you a reprieve from paying on your student loans until you are better off to do so financially; however, forbearance will only be granted for a short period of time and a limited number of times over the life of your accumulated loans.
The two basic and commonly used moving averages are the simple moving average (SMA), which is the simple average of a security over a defined number of time periods, and the exponential moving average (EMA), which gives greater weight to more recent prices.
Here are the last couple of numbers to give some food for thought: at the time of writing this blog post, 5 days after the reveal, the Nintendo Switch reveal video on Youtube had 17m views; the Battlefield 1 reveal trailer had 22m views over the same time period.
Conversion rate can be measured by counting the total number of new clients acquired in a given time period and dividing it by the total number of new prospective clients who contacted you over that same time period.
(Which implies that there is a limit to the number of billable hours one can do over a given period of time).
The historic pipeline report Track the number of candidates who have moved through pipeline over a given time period.
«Home characteristics, such as square footage, location or the number of bathrooms, are given different weights according to their influence on home sale prices in each specific geography over a specific period of time,» Zillow says.
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