Sentences with phrase «numerical goals targeted»

Such inducements may or may not, under the given circumstances, be successful in changing national fertility patterns, or in bringing birth trends more nearly into consonance with the numerical goals targeted by government planners.

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«But numerical targets present some inherent challenges: what is the goal, if there even is one?
Taking the time to align your company's incentives with numerical targets can pay dividends not only for its long - term business goals, but also for each career that you shape.
These systems outline firm, test - based numerical targets and emphasize clear punishments when the goals aren't met, such as school closings, conversion to charter schools or private management.
And so a position that a nation takes on atmospheric ghg atmospheric targets is necessarily an ethical issue because nations and people have an ethical duty to not harm others and the numerical ghg atmospheric goal will determine how much harm polluting nations will impose on the most vulnerable.
By adjusting the values of those parameters found to be influential through numerical experiments and simulations, short - term and long - term policy recommendations that can keep the system within optimum levels or sustainable development targets (e.g., Millennium Development Goals or the Post-2015 Development Agenda) can be designed and tested.
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