Sentences with phrase «numerical ranking»

In the world of mortgage, credit scores are numerical rankings which tell a lender whether you're likely to pay them back.
And probably sensible, but a lot less fun than a straight numerical ranking.
While the state is developing a system that will incorporate some of the new data CORE now includes, such as graduation rates and English learner performance, it has not committed to a single numerical ranking system like CORE provides and may instead use more of a «dashboard» approach that would give a school several different scores.
This year, the researchers did not assign the accelerators numerical rankings, as they have in the past.
Even within GE, there's still a sense of conflict, which might help explain why the company seems hesitant to fully commit to removing numerical rankings.
Secretary of Education Thomas K. Gilhool, who had placed on public - library shelves several reports analyzing results from the Test for Essential Learning and Literacy Skills, withdrew a report ranking districts from 1 to 500 after superintendents who previewed it convinced him that a «gross numerical ranking was simply not significant statistically,» said Timothy Potts, a spokesman for the Secretary.
Banks and lenders also use your credit score — which is numerical ranking of your credit worthiness — as a quick snapshot that they use to evaluate how risky it may be to make a loan to you.
CCSA prefers CORE's numerical ranking system, which gives schools a score of 1 to 100.
For some employees, in smaller experimental groups, there won't be any numerical rankings whatsoever.
However, it is desirable in schools to shift the weight strongly in the direction of individual discursive qualitative judgments and to reserve the numerical ranking solely for situations where competitive ratings are of the essence, as in scholarship allocation, honors citations, and certain job placement recommendations.
After undergoing a skin biopsy, the patients were asked to complete a numerical ranking scale to quantify the intensity of itch and pain associated with their skin lesion.
First up is the charge that the NRC relied too heavily on research reputation, one of many categories of data but the sole source for the numerical rankings of programs.
The glycemic index or GI is a numerical ranking that provides a good indication of how fast the body is going to digest, absorb, and metabolise carb foods that have been tested following the international standard.
At what point in the numerical rankings of Indie - published authors would you consider them to be A-list earners versus Mid-list (or some other status you consider relevant)?
Then, we assign each of them a numerical ranking on seven specific criteria based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and FBI Uniform Crime Reports.
An insurance score is a numerical ranking that takes into consideration a customer's credit score, credit history and other metrics.
Your credit score is a numerical ranking and it's in constant flux.
All a credit score really amounts to is a quick set of digits that translates your credit history into a numerical ranking of the likelihood that you'll be able to repay the money you borrow from a bank, credit union or credit card issuer.
Within each letter grade, Lending Club also assigns a numerical rank of between 1 and 5 (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5).
The two publications announced that after compiling its data, they concluded that «because firms were often separated by small or insignificant differences in the overall score, the rankings will be published alphabetically within tiers rather than as a numerical ranking
Spotlight A «Spotlight» ranking is given to firms or individuals where the table does not have numerical rankings.
Here are the twelve neighborhoods we surveyed represented by their numerical rank.
There will be a numerical ranking given by insurance companies based on individual's credit history and is called «insurance score».
To see our numerical rankings for Erie's auto insurance service and its competitors, look at the table below.
MTH takes the standard crypto payment system one step further by including a numerical ranking system to allow sellers and purchasers to avoid parties they do not wish to transact with.
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