Sentences with phrase «numerical values in»

Include numerical values in this section.

Not exact matches

The use of numbers in ancient religious texts was usually numerological rather than numerical; that is, their symbolic value was more important than their secular value as counters.
I shall assume that the aim of an explication of «valid induction» is to find a numerical or comparative function c (h, e)-- the «confirmation of hypothesis h given evidence e» — which is a syntactic function of the statements h and e, and which has a high or comparatively high value in those cases where normally accepted or intuitive inductive methods would direct us to accept hypothesis h on evidence e, at least in comparison with other hypotheses having lower c - value.
This produces a «map» and the exact numerical value of the pressure in each area of the foot in function at the time.
Nice answer, but I would like to add that any such rating is based on giving numerical values to very complex realities, and such evaluations are always opinable and may be very sensible to observator bias («If in my country we do things this way then any country that does it differently is less democratic»).
For instance, if you write a query in the SQL database language that asks for the average numerical value of a bunch of text fields, the database server will tell you that it can't process your request.
In cases where numerical values are provided, English units are primary with metric units shown in parentheseIn cases where numerical values are provided, English units are primary with metric units shown in parenthesein parentheses.
If the new interpretation is right, P322 would not only contain the earliest evidence of trigonometry, but it would also represent an exact form of the mathematical discipline, rather than the approximations that estimated numerical values for sines and cosines provide, notes Mathieu Ossendrijver, a historian of ancient science at Humboldt University in Berlin.
Experts in numerical methods and image - processing liaised with medical pathologists, who were able to offer expert insight and could tell us precisely what information was of value to them.
Although Brown values the use of quantitative data in neural engineering research, he believes that the impact of DBS systems on users can not be fully captured by a machine's output or numerical score.
The usage on the label of three sweeteners that all taste like sugar to disguise the amount in the recipe seems like a dirty trick that has been made easier by the up to now absence of a numerical value for added sugar.
Is there any study that «quantifies» the numerical value of glycemic index reduction in conjunction with combined foods such as vinegar and potatoes or butter and rice?
In Low Rank, these don't offer much deviation aside from the number and variety of monsters to face, whether they need to be captured or slain, and certain numerical values such as time allowed or number of times the player can faint.
It's one of the hazards of writing starred reviews that one often has to assign a numerical value to a film before it has completely settled in one's mind.
Introduction to Simultaneous Equations Key Stage: 3 ★ Each shape in the grid has a numerical value, and the totals of the rows and columns are shown.
In this video, I give an intro to Venn Diagrams by labeling a Venn Diagram with numerical values using a concrete example.
Find the reciprocal of a number given as a fraction or decimal · Use index laws to calculate with squares and cubes · Use index laws to simplify and calculate the value of numerical expressions involving multiplication and division of integer powers, and powers of a power · Find the prime factor decomposition of positive integers and write in index form · Know the effects that a change of place value has on a calculation · Multiply and divide by any number between 0 and 1 · Multiply and divide decimal numbers by whole numbers and decimal numbers (up to 2 d.p.), eg 266.22 ¸ 0.34 · Use brackets and the hierarchy of operations (BIDMAS) · Use index notation for integer powers of 10 · Add, subtract any numbers including negative decimals · Check answers by inverse calculation · Find the common factors and common multiples of two small numbers
Assign numerical value to standards included in the teacher summary rating form: Not Demonstrated - 0; Developing - 1; Proficient - 2; Accomplished - 3; Distinguished - 4 for past two years (2011 - 12 & 2012 - 13); divide total by number of ratings; sort highest to lowest.»
The «value added» — what instructors contribute to student growth on tests — is a more meaningful indicator of progress than the absolute numerical targets in the federal No Child Left Behind law, advocates say.
I fully support the use of rubrics in lesson and teacher evaluations, but to assign a «foilable» numerical value can potentially destroy years and even decades of developed professionalism and good will amongst faculty and supervisors.
(c) As a laboratory, you must report invalid results in accordance with the invalid test result criteria as required by the HHS Guidelines and provide the numerical value that support the invalid result.
It is also worth noting that while acceleration times aren't the number one factor in assessing a «Driver's Car», testing the cars under the sameconditions gives the judging team a numerical value of what they're feeling on the road.
For example, in the BMW Concept X5 eDrive, the electric range available is shown as a numerical value.
The work of the Quantitative Analysts is to represent a given reality in terms of its numerical value.
For the numerical values, choose to display in Table format.
value shown in my comparison table for each fund is a numerical approximation of the average credit quality rating provided by Morningstar (M *), but with some adjustments applied.
Arithmetic mean is the average of a set of numerical values, calculated by adding together and dividing by the number of terms in the set (Source: Wikipedia).
As the balance in your home decreases and also the numerical value home increases, it will usually be possible to remove your PMI by refinancing your mortgage.
In the end, these are both numerical values that gauge a consumer's creditworthiness, weighing debt repayment history, credit mix, utilization ratio, and more.
Unless the face value is in the order of hundreds of thousands, the numerical difference is not worth bothering about.
Community wealth is not just the numerical value held but also it's quality of soul, diversity and skills which exist in the people of that community.
Successful video game reviews are not mere personal or commercial value judgments of video games — we are not interested in a numerical, Metacritic - style review.
To depict only by using numerical values that appear in a calculation process.
Most notably, in a global study Wahl et al (2017) considered both extreme value analysis and numerical models that were used to simulate storm surges at coastline stretches where no observations exist to quantify ESL and their uncertainties.
The number of events that are available for validation is 15 less the number used in model building tasks such as assignment of numerical values to parameters.
Under Cardano's theory of fair gambling devices, equal numerical values are assigned to the probabilities of the ways in which an outcome can occur in a game of chance.
In fact, most of us have a pretty consistent intuition about how the language of uncertainty relates to numerical values.
Initial letters indicate the question, values can be numerical (indicated by NUM) or on a scale of -2 to +2 from strong disapprove / believe to strong approve / believe (indicated by D / A), as appropriate and indicated in the question.
In view of its latter feature, that the ECS has this or that numerical value will forever remain a matter of conjecture.
Pace the phrase «any air pollutant,» everything in § 115 points to it being meant to apply only to NAAQS pollutants, i.e., those for which EPA has established a «National Ambient Air Quality Standard»: a numerical value representing the appropriate atmospheric concentration of ozone, particulate matter, etc..
Entropy maximization can be used in the assignment of numerical values to probabilities.
The flat prior PDF is an example of a non-informative prior; it is non-informative about the numerical value of the equilibrium climate sensitivity within the range of equilibrium climate sensitivities in which the probability density is constant and not nil.
sauerj @ 20, your OWSALT would closely approximate to the «average temperature increase in the oceans» which deniers love to quote because its low numerical value is wonderfully deceptive.
(Note what I did not do in those comments: I did not estimate any numerical values for an emissions tax.
I think the numerical value arrived at in this study can't really teach us much about the energy advantages of renewables.
The numerical value of the adiabatic lapse rate is not dependent of GHGs, but the appearance of a lapse rate near to the adiabatic in the atmosphere is dependent on GHGs.
«x» is the numerical value, rounded off to 3 decimal places, of the possibility that I'm not one of the «academic» spillers of ink to whom the SCC referred in Resurfice Corp. v. Hanke, 2007 SCC 7 at para. 20, [2007] 1 S.C.R. 333:» Much judicial and academic ink has been spilled over the proper test for causation in cases of negligence.
Once they're old enough to count, your kids may become exposed to coins and dollars in preschool or kindergarten, learning that each one holds a numerical value.
Four is the only number that, in English, has the number of letters equivalent to its numerical value.
By utilizing Power BI's data visualization capabilities, Cortana can provide you with answers ranging from simple numerical values («revenue for the last quarter»), charts («number of opportunities by team»), maps («average customer spending in California by city»), or even complete reports from Power BI.
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