Sentences with phrase «numerous caveats»

I said you place numerous caveats and say there is zilch cooling.
For instance, if a contract calls for arbitration, but is hedged with numerous caveats and contingencies, does that make the agreement over arbitration narrow?
As regards positional maps, they are put together by a player's touches of the ball — hence why i always have numerous caveats when i use them.
Although the author lists numerous caveats, his broad conclusions do not heed these cautions.
You will have seen me consistently asking Mosh for clarification of this and he places numerous caveats and says there is zilch cooling.
The 4 % rule is prone to failure, numerous caveats that don't fit into 140 - characters or fewer (or even 280), and it's barely applicable outside the US.
Nevertheless, there are numerous caveats.
That's because the numbers are kind of useless without providing context and enumerating the numerous caveats, such as:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z