Sentences with phrase «numerous conversations»

State Specific Based on numerous conversations with inspectors about claims over the years, as well as the many cases I've handled personally, I have learned some universal truths.
And there were numerous conversations about how the clients wanted to proceed in winding up the firm and how the funds were to be directed.
After numerous conversations with trusted girlfriends and a couple of close male friends, I finally let it go.
There were numerous conversations going on simultaneously throughout the house.
Eight years of yoga practice and numerous conversations later, this statement seems more questionable to me than ever.
The following lessons were informed by numerous conversations, school visits, and my own experience teaching and designing mindfulness programming.
I have had numerous conversations with traders and investors all seem to asking the same question, how to make a smart investment?
My daughter and I had numerous conversations about nursing plus had done extensive reading on current thoughts.
He has visited nearly three dozen New York counties and engaged in numerous conversations with Republican leaders.
The narrative has been culled together from numerous conversations with individuals close to both men, casual observers and other sources with firsthand knowledge of what has come to be known in New York simply as «The Feud.»
«As a result of numerous conversations with constituents and municipal officials, we have achieved a result which will work to the benefit of everyone, with the notable exception of the rats,» Legislator Hardwick said.
Another person familiar with discussions about the memo said Wray didn't threaten to quit when he met with Kelly earlier this week and in numerous conversations since, but White House chief of staff John Kelly believes that is a real possibility and has been working on a way to avoid another departure from an already turbulent Trump administration.
Based on numerous conversations around the Capitol the last few days, here is part of the problem: Some of the rank and file members of the Democratic Assembly wanted to hold up the budget in exchange for a better deal on Raise the Age — an issue that is deeply important to them.
The FBI listened in on and recorded numerous conversations with Seminerio that were later used in court.
Numerous conversations between the boys range from abstract plot musings to idle banter, further pushing the idea that this is less of a plot - driven machine and more of a, well, Stand By Me exploration of friendship.
«We have had numerous conversations over the years, and so the exhibition is the fruition of a lengthy relationship.
The Station to Station book features more than 200 full - color images and numerous conversations documenting the train's journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Walking around Chelsea during the opening weeks of the season, it was hard to turn the other cheek to numerous conversations regarding Colen's show.
In the online discussions and face - to - face meetings, the members of the learning community, the teachers and the university educators, engaged in numerous conversations about how to overcome these barriers (e.g., lack of access to technology).
The information in Stalin's Children comes from numerous conversations with Matthews» surviving Russian relatives, an enormous amount of research, and the letters written between his mother and father during their six - year separation.
At the very least, you and your tween should have numerous conversations about risk and safety.
After numerous conversations with New York families, local elected officials, business owners and other hardworking taxpayers, I've decided that I will vote against the Tax Cuts and Jobs -LSB-...]
The Times reported that U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan urged California's entry into the second phase of the race in numerous conversations with Schwarzenegger and other administration officials - but no promises were made.
Well, I have had numerous conversations with Calvinists that are exactly like this.
I've had numerous conversations with people who ask me about my faith and its role in regards to how I cope with anxiety.
I can't possibly begin to tell you about the countless emails I've received this year, as well as the numerous conversations I've had with people who are going through some really hard times.
My husband and I have had numerous conversations about our future steps.
This is why evangelism often takes place over the course of months and years, through relationship building and numerous conversations.
In my journey to Calvinism (which was not at all easy) and in numerous conversations with those struggling with the Bible's teaching on divine election and absolute sovereignty, it doesn't take long to encounter two fundamental questions: (1) If this is true, then how is God just?
From the numerous conversations (both on the telephone and via email) that MomsTEAM's Senior Health and Safety Editor, Lindsey Barton Straus, and I have had over the years with our friends at US Lacrosse, especially CEO, Steve Stenersen (who I started talking to way back in 1999 - 2000), director of health and sport safety, Bruce Griffin -LRB-
After numerous conversations with New York families, local elected officials, business owners and other hardworking taxpayers, I've decided that I will vote against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act when it comes up for a vote in the House today.
And a fifth GOP lawmaker said the western New York Republican had mentioned Innate in «numerous conversations,» including during an official meeting in the Capitol about finding a cure for cancer.
«There have been numerous conversations; numerous people made numerous phone calls, OK?»
«We have had numerous conversations
«In numerous conversations with my colleagues, they have raised many legitimate questions regarding siting, speeds, resiliency, and many other issues of concern.
During the pre-stated meeting, Mark - Viverito said that through her years as a member and as speaker, the Council has had numerous conversations with the NYPD, the de Blasio administration and the community in their efforts to reform public safety.
«To learn about the working environment of the lab that I'd be joining, I had numerous conversations with my prospective mentor, with other researchers who'd had previous interactions with him, and with current and former graduate students and postdocs who were working or had worked in his lab,» AAAS science policy fellow Graber remembers.
Node also has a firm belief that the next era of naturopathic medicine will see a resurgence of in - patient facilities which use fasting, earthing, hydrotherapy and homeopathy to bring people back from chronic diseases of modern living; he is involved in numerous conversations and projects to bring about this vision.
Allow me to join in and summarize my own observations based on my personal experience and my numerous conversations with Russian women and their foreign spouses.
Or, not robots, as there are numerous conversations on the origin and meaning of the word, but rather replacements made from original DNA.
Based on my experience and numerous conversations with educators around the country, I've added a few options of my own.
In my work with the Government of Ecuador's National Education University (helping to conceptualize and design its online and blended programs), I have had numerous conversations with various representatives from universities, governments, and online learning programs — in Europe and North and South America — about online learning.
«We've had numerous conversations about low - performing schools, but we haven't acted as a system yet,» she said.
«We've had numerous conversations with numerous schools about this program,» he said.
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