Sentences with phrase «nursing in public so»

It makes nursing in public so much easier than with a regular t - shirt.
In fact, because she's older now, I don't have to nurse her in public so much anymore.

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I easily nursed in public all over the Lower Mainland and beyond — malls, restaurants, church and so on.
So, Reader, you're telling me that in 2 years of breastfeeding a child you NEVER nursed in public?
So I just don't get the «too much pressure to breastfeed» when all around me are images of bottles, ads for formula telling me a happy feeding makes a happy mom, bottlefeeding moms, moms and doctors and nurses telling new moms that formula is «just as good» and «not to feel guilty», women getting «the look» for nursing in public, or feeling weird about doing it (I sure did)-- to me, any pressure out there is NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime...)
My life (and my daughters) is so much better now, even though I still feel embarrassed that I'm not comfortable nursing in public.
I was uncomfortable nursing out in public spaces, too, so I tried her on her first bottle of formula.
I'm still breastfeeding for my girls and as far as nursing in public is concerned I mean I had my babies like boom boom boom right, so there wasn't a lot of getting out of the house.
What we should do when we see another mom nursing their kid in public, so have you had bad experiences, do you feel like something went wrong, something went crazy for me, like I would be nursing a baby and I get my Starbucks spilled on me or something and I have to take off my shirt to nurse my kid but that would be something that would just happen to me.
We need a secret handshake or something, so let's talk a little bit about our experiences and some of the experiences we've heard about for moms that have been nursing in public.
My breastfeeding journey has so far included nursing in public from one side of the world to the other and back.
I won't be so paranoid about nursing in public.
I do think that if it becomes more common and more accepted for women to nurse in public, then perhaps more women will feel comfortable doing so.
I'm all for foregrounding it through public nurse - ins and children's television and books because we need that to, but I'd so love to see society progress to the point where that kind of deliberate representation is redundant.
Created by two moms on a mission to bring beauty to motherhood, Milkmaid Goods offers amazing Nursing Ponchos so moms can breastfeed in style and with confidence in public without the worry of being exposed.
Some mothers make decorative cloth pouches to contain the unit so that nursing in public is even more discreet.
So, if busybodies pop up with ridiculous questions like, «Well, if women can just nurse in public, what's next?
They are so great for nursing in public too.
Robin Kaplan: So today on The Boob Group, we are discussing ways to combat nursing in public harassment.
While most mothers think that nursing a baby in public is their right (and rightly so), their opponents are equally adamant about opposing it all costs.
I spent a lot of time nursing in my van or in a dressing room, not because I'm against breastfeeding in public, but because it was so awkward and revealing to get ourselves set up.
So I'm super grateful to have you on our show Michelle, just to share your insight into the ways to combat nursing in public harassment and also just to bring light into the fact that this is really significant.
[Music] Robin Kaplan: So we're back with Michelle Hickman, who is the Director of Activism for Best for Babes, and we are talking about ways to combat nursing in public harassment.
I think women are becoming more comfortable in telling others that they are still nursing older babies so hopefully there will be a shift in attitudes but I have recently «lost» a few facebook followers after posting a status regarding full - term breastfeeding (I think they were most likely from a giveaway I did ages ago and not on the same page re: bf etc) Apart from that, I love telling Mums on the ward (I'm a bf peer supporter) I'm still feeding as it opens their mind to that possibility and I think I look pretty normal so it mostly doesn't freak them out My son is far too busy to nurse out and about and prefers juice so we've not nursed in public (apart from support group) since he was 18 mths and that was as I had a blocked duct!
Finding a nursing cover that makes you feel comfortable nursing in public is so important I can't stress that enough.
I don't nurse her in public because I feel uncomfortable to do so... it's more because its such a relaxing and special time for us it's best done cuddled up on the couch!
Miffed by a societal norm that perpetuates the idea that women who nurse their babies should do so in hiding, I've thought of a few things you actually don't have to do when breastfeeding in public.
If lack of societal support for breastfeeding is your issue, then stop making nursing in public look so, well, crazy.
So if my being there, nursing my almost 2 - year - old in public after all the struggle, is an encouragement to others, then what better way to spend a lovely summer morning?
In May, Lily's second birthday passed, and again, no signs of weaning We have some boundaries set around night nursing (so mama can get some sleep) and around nursing in public, but for the most part, she has full access to the breast and still nurses 4 - 6 times per day, more when she's teething, overstimulated, sick, growing.In May, Lily's second birthday passed, and again, no signs of weaning We have some boundaries set around night nursing (so mama can get some sleep) and around nursing in public, but for the most part, she has full access to the breast and still nurses 4 - 6 times per day, more when she's teething, overstimulated, sick, public, but for the most part, she has full access to the breast and still nurses 4 - 6 times per day, more when she's teething, overstimulated, sick, growing...
Since he nursed so often, I believe that I have literally nursed in public just about anywhere that it can possibly be done!
That one little comment gave me the confidence I needed to keep nursing her in public and I have been doing so ever since.»
Just a fun fact, from a former Cast Member — Disney Cast Members are instructed specifically in training about the importance of nursing in public and that it is 100 % legal and acceptable for women to do so anywhere in the parks or property.
Tal Eisenberg was so upset by her experience that she decided not to nurse again in public.
So there was no way to work around that without nursing in public.
No wonder public nurse - ins are so popular in the US.
To start, you'll need a supportive pillow so that the baby is right at breast height for nursings and if you're modest about nursing in public, you may want to purchase a cover - up — there are quite few available on the market.
If we never feed in public or if we only feed under a nursing cover so that it is not obvious what we are doing, how will we ever normalize it as the normal way to feed babies?
So, nursing in public too was extremely difficult because I'm not just there yet as far as being able to go without a covering.
It's not directly related to nursing in public, although mothers afraid to do so might choose to leave their babies at home when they go out..
Many of her other expenses probably seem a little more reasonable though, including «nursing bras and tops that flip down or pull aside for easier access; a nursing smock for modesty in public; reusable and disposable pads to keep milk from leaking at inopportune times; hands - free bras so I could work while pumping milk.»
We know it's not going to help towards larger world issues in life but we do hope that through the power of photography and social sharing, this campaign can make a positive change on the perspective on breastfeeding, quell negativity but most importantly, boost body confidence & empower more mums to breastfeed in public with ease & nurse in style whilst feeling great doing so!
If you're a new mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about doing so in public.
Most moms who choose to use a cover while breastfeeding in public do so because they prefer to be a little more discreet, but have you seen some of the ultra-bright, swirly - designed, in - your - face nursing covers out there?
Plus, whether you nurse in front of your own kids or not shapes what they think about seeing women breastfeed in public, so I'd say the problems start at home on this one.
Though I've breastfed two children into toddlerhood, I've never owned a single piece of nursing clothing, so instead, I shared with her this article I wrote back in January 2009 on how I managed the logistics of nursing in public:
So did you find, that you were nursing in public sooner with your second, maybe than your first, because I definitely found we were doing that.
My first kind of experience of nursing in public and feeling kind of confident was when I had gone out with all the other mamas from my birthing class and we went to bubble park and you know we were there for the whole day so all of us just you know and every time a baby sees another baby eating is like they want to eat to so.
Even though every U.S. state has laws protecting a woman's right to nurse anywhere she is legally permitted to be (every state except Idaho so, you know, get your shit together, Idaho), countless women have stories about being shamed for feeding their baby in public.
And so, they set up this hotline where moms who have been victimized through nursing in public incident can call and report the issue to «Best for Babes» and they are hoping that this will you know, if you can record all of them and keep records of them that they can then share these with the law making and people who will hopefully start putting this into practice into their laws.
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