Sentences with phrase «nursing their children for»

A mother can either nurse her child for (let's say) 20 min OR she can buy an expensive pump, pump for 20 min to bring milk to church, put it in a bottle and then have to pump again for another 20 min so she can relieve the pressure from a nursing session that she missed so that YOU»RE comfortable in Church.
I have literally been nursing a child for almost 4 years!!!
If you've often nursed your child for comfort, find other ways to make him feel better.
Nursing, Terrific for Baby and Mom, Can Pose Problems for Dads by Armin Brott Before their babies are born, just about any expectant father knows breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby and that his partner should nurse their child for as long as possible.
Perhaps as the benefits to mom and baby become more widely understood, more mothers will choose to nurse their children for at least one year, as recommended by the World Health Organization.
Then I met someone who was breastfeeding a toddler, and talked to someone else who had tandem nursed her children for quite some time, and I started to think maybe I should adjust my goal.
Even for me, a kid who was nursed for at least three years, the idea of nursing a child for four years seems long to me.
You should them wrap a warm blanket around the two of you and nurse the child for as long as possible.
Nursing a child for a longer period definitely has benefits in terms of health and even in terms of intelligence.
Nursing a child for longer than infancy won't spoil a child.
Our bodies were meant to nurse our children for as long as they deem necessary.
None of this language really describes what it's like to nurse your child for a longish time.
The provision requires employers to provide «reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express the milk.»
«The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111 - 148, known as the «Affordable Care Act») amended section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act («FLSA») to require employers to provide «reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express the milk.»
The law requires employers to provide uncompensated breaks for women to express milk or nurse their children for up to a period of three years.
Reasonable break time for an employee to express breastmilk for her nursing child for 1 year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express milk.
The combination, and letting go of the all - or - nothing thing is part of what I credit with having nursed my children for as long as I did.
Among many provisions, Section 4207 of the law amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 (29 U.S. Code 207) to require an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express milk.
As I nursed each child for 2.5 years, I found my regular clothes were just fine.
I was told that I was booby - trapped and that it was all in my head (the fact that I had experience nursing another child for 22 months was ignored).
In 2005 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 73 percent of mothers of children ages 19 to 35 months had nursed their children for some amount of time — up from 65 percent just four years earlier.
I too, nursed my children for a long time.
For example, employers are required to accommodate breastfeeding employees by giving them reasonable unpaid break time or by letting them use paid breaks or mealtimes to pump or express breast milk for a nursing child for up to three years after delivery.

Not exact matches

This account can be used for day care, after - school care, baby - sitting, or camp expenses for children under 13; it can also cover the costs of nursing or other care for employees» dependent parents.
Benefits include 16 - week paid maternity leave, $ 1,000 «Baby Bucks» to all new parents, designated nursing rooms with fully equipped hospital grade pumps and fridges in all our offices, free overnight breast milk shipping for nursing mothers on business trips, free backup child care and on - the - job educational opportunities to advance employees» skill sets and career opportunities.
We have frozen post-secondary tuition for two years, funded teachers and nurses that the PCs were going to cut, and created the Alberta Child Benefit Plan for low - income families, which is a $ 340 - million investment in new direct help to families who need it most.
In the Orlando area alone, teams volunteered at: Orlando Union Rescue Mission, The Mustard Seed of Central Florida, Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, Grandma's House at Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center, Give Kids the World, Westminster Care of Orlando Nursing Home, Ronald McDonald House, Girl Scouts of Citrus and The American Cancer Society, among others.
'» While the feminine participle «omeneth refers to a woman who nurses a child (2 Sam 4:4; Ruth 4:16) the masculine participle «omen can simply designate a male «guardian,» «attendant,» or «foster father» of children (i.e., someone who cares for all their needs), as the very example cited by the rabbi from Isa 49:23 indicates (so also 2 Kings 10:1, 5).
I have worn out my copies of The Birth Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying Birth (Sears Parenting Library) and The Breastfeeding Book: Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Your Child from Birth Through Weaning, but this one was my Bible for my first baby.
She will not be executed until her daughter is two years old, allowing time for her to nurse her child.
I shouldn't have been so surprised to recognize God when I gloated over sleeping children or nursed through cluster feeds or washed soiled sheets in the middle of the night or clapped until my fingers tingled over Christmas carols in school gyms or read aloud childish stories printed on construction paper or welcomed friends for sleepovers.
In the UK we think of hospitals as government business, as exemplified by the wonderful National Health Service that ensures each sick child is tucked into bed by an angelic nurse, as the opening ceremony for the London Olympics had it.
Fear, on the other hand, is a dry nurse for the child: it has no milk; a bloodless corrector for the youth: it has no beckoning encouragement; a niggardly disease for the adult: it has no blessing; a horror for the aged: when fear has to admit that the long painful time of schooling did not bring Eternal Blessedness.
The sister, seeing it all from a distance, dares to suggest the perfect arrangement: a Hebrew nurse for the baby boy, in reality the child's own mother.
That meant no one was used to it anymore when we discovered that nursing is typically better for the child than formula and women started nursing again.
Because of that week, not only was my own life changed profoundly through friendships and awakenings, but I'm proud to say that we — and I mean all of us because you have all walked this road with our family — we have partnered with incredible leaders to build a school for kids in earthquake ground zero Port - au - Prince (staffed and run by Haitians), supported a home - based village for trafficked children near the border, built a preschool for early support for these children, supported schooling and food programs in neglected villages decimated by the cholera outbreak, supported pregnant and nursing women with a fantastic maternity centre, and so much more.
Elevation, which is one of the fastest growing churches in the US, also told WSOC - TV that it offers child care during services and it has several designated areas for nursing mums if they opt to use them.
Working to normalize attachment and nursing with our mothers, Heartline is committed to ensuring a mother's connection to their child, empowering them to believe that they are the best mother for their child.
I tried to tell her that the nurses were looking out for her, that her children were looking out for her and God was looking out for her.
Consider a date where you each buy toys for underprivileged children to donate, serve food together at a homeless shelter or if you want a real laugh, go caroling together at a nursing home.
These stories deal with the problems of living with Alzheimer's Disease or stroke damage, the abuse of the elderly by their children, nursing home horror stories, the cost of long - term care, and the problems of those who must work, care for their children, and also care for elderly relatives.
«On the contrary, we became gentle in your midst, as when a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children
These nutrients are essential for optimal brain development for the unborn child as well as a nursing infant.
Young children and pregnant and nursing women are the most vulnerable to vitamin A deficiency because of their increased need for micronutrients — it causes children to get sick, go blind, and even die.
In fact, ABA member companies voluntarily display total caffeine content — from all sources — on their packages along with advisory statements indicating that the product is not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women and persons sensitive to caffeine.
Research supports the safe consumption of coconut flour for nursing mothers because of the added benefit of providing a nursing child with protection from different pathogenic bacteria.
It's safe for children, pets, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Each 1.2 oz bar contains 50 mg of caffeine and carries the warning that they are not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women, or people sensitive to caffeine.
In a society where people are reported to Child Services for sleeping with their children or nursing them past age 2, it seems laughable to say that no one bashes non-CIO parents.
So I just don't get the «too much pressure to breastfeed» when all around me are images of bottles, ads for formula telling me a happy feeding makes a happy mom, bottlefeeding moms, moms and doctors and nurses telling new moms that formula is «just as good» and «not to feel guilty», women getting «the look» for nursing in public, or feeling weird about doing it (I sure did)-- to me, any pressure out there is NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime...)
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